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View Full Version : Typing actions and another small suggestion.

09-04-2010, 10:14 PM
You might know if you type /tell (name) (message) you can message someone without clicking on them. Or typing /boot (name) you can boot someone not on your team. Or by typing /team (message) in pvp, you can send a message only your team can read. I really would like a /join (name) figure, so you can join someone not in your friends list, also, I would like that if someone hits "add as friend" and you want to accept, the "add as friend" button on the other person turns into an "accept" button. So that if someone adds you, you can click on them to accept without going into pending requests.

Just a small suggestion. I would like them to be implemented.

Any feedback? Thanks!

09-04-2010, 10:39 PM
Yup those would all be welcome additions in my eyes.

Anyone else here think we could do with shortened versions of chat commands? Anything that trims down typing time is good in my eyes.

/tell /t (personally I'd prefer team chat as /group /g or /party /p)
/reply /r (this would save so much time!)

Also, how about a button to cancel chat? The amount of times I've risked typing something during combat, only to not live to regret it.

09-05-2010, 07:35 AM
cancel/panic button would just get you to lagg out and die anyway lol

i like the ideas, especially the /join and the accept friends one. save us so much time...

09-05-2010, 08:56 AM
A cancel chat button would just make you lag out and die anyway? What the hell gives you that idea, I'm sick of having to open my inventory to cancel chat, which is now no longer a single button.

09-05-2010, 11:36 AM
whenever i click to type, or send, lagg causes my guys to stop for a tiny bit. just enough for me to get squished. good idea, i just hope it gets rid of that tiny stop...

09-05-2010, 03:43 PM
I would also like it so that if someone is typing a little speech bubble goes next to their name and has a "..." in it. Just a thought so that people know your typing.

09-05-2010, 03:51 PM
Maybe it shouldn't be "..."

Just the original "Character_name is typing a message" thingy.

09-05-2010, 04:05 PM
That'd be too long, you'd want a symbol next to the name, so you don't have to click on them to see the symbol that indicates they're typing.

09-05-2010, 05:07 PM
whenever i click to type, or send, lagg causes my guys to stop for a tiny bit. just enough for me to get squished. good idea, i just hope it gets rid of that tiny stop...

Either way, it's a quicker & safer alternative to the one we have now, which is either sending the half-finished message or opening your Inventory/Quest/World map screen to clear the keyboard off screen.

That'd be too long, you'd want a symbol next to the name, so you don't have to click on them to see the symbol that indicates they're typing.

I like the idea of just a tiny replica of the current chat button icon to appear by a player's name.

But most of all I'd love /reply /r and /t for tell so that I could have conversations easier and faster through the main screen.