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View Full Version : daily blessing timing solution

09-30-2012, 07:44 PM
Instead of a 24hr timer, make it 23hr so people can get it same time every day or a bit earlier for the hardcores/nolifes jk.

First post 4tw

09-30-2012, 08:10 PM
If it's every 23 hours, it wouldn't be a daily.

09-30-2012, 08:32 PM
I don't think it should have a counter at all. For example if I collected in the 17th anytime after 12:01 on the 18th I should be able to collect

10-02-2012, 02:05 PM
There is a "drift problem" that you will have with the current implementation. That is, it's always 24 hours from when you collect it, which means it inevitably gets a little later each day no matter how careful you are.

Day 1 - collect at 9:00:00 am
Day 2 - collect at 9:00:45 am
Day 3 - collect at 9:02:00 am
Day 4 - collect at 9:04:00 am
Day 5 - collect at 9:04:30 am

...and so on. So even if you're super careful, you're going to miss by a minute or two sometimes, pushing out the window each time. Eventually, it'll move by 30 mins, an hour, whatever. and if you ever have one day that you just can't be right on time, it can move by a lot in one burst, never to move back. It's a ratchet effect that works against you.

One way to fix this would be for the next collect time to be set to the nearest hour*. So if you collect at 9:02:00 am, then your next one comes up at exactly 9am. Or if you're delayed until 9:30, you still can come back at 9 the next day to get back on track. The only way to get back on track now is to skip a day on purpose and come back the next day at the desired time, which is kind of silly.

* If you think an hour is too much leeway, it could be anything: nearest 30 mins, 10 mins, whatever. The point is to have some kind of "grace period" so that the window doesn't always have to slide forward in time every day.

10-05-2012, 04:19 PM
Im thinking it shouldnt have to deal with hours in between. I think it should be that you can accept your blessing any time between the hours of like 4am to 10pm. I have been late for my blessing by a mere few hours because im at work or at school. There is absolutely no way for me to log on at the same time every day but i can log on everyday. Please work with me on this cuz its really making me mad. :/

Magesofwar - level 71
Along with many others :)

10-05-2012, 04:34 PM
It changes to [Receive Blessing] while you watch, if you just open the window and wait. I did it all week on my bus ride, which is the same time every day, and there was very little drift.