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View Full Version : Leader Kick ability over level limits please

04-21-2010, 05:53 PM
I dont not feel level requirements are helpful to a game like this, or at least not in a PRIVATE/LOCKED game.
Or maybe Leader can set the limitations they choose that can enter without Password.


But the ability to play with friends is MUST HAVE and just because I am lvl 30 (or max) shouldnt stop me from playing with or helping my friends catch up.

I know this is HUGE problem all the moochers, which I dont understand, they miss all the fun of playing (which I see no reason to play if i am not actully playing) All the EQUIPMENT, EXPERIENCE, AND HAVE NOTHING but a 10 WINS 3 LOSS to show for it.
If there are other players dedicated like me to the character they will farm that ONE item forever even if its just a showoff pretty thing to wear in town.
So to the leechers WE ALL KNOW WHO YOU ARE. And frankly youre sad for wasting so much money and time on a game you dont even really play.
But to the rest please dont ask for level limits, your only cutting yourselves short that way.

And furthormore I'd rather have a lvl 2 enchantress That HEALS then a lvl 30 that doesnt.

04-21-2010, 05:59 PM
I don't think the Devs want to add a game wide level limit because people should be able to play the content they purchased. However, it has been suggested to add the ability for the game creator to create a game with level limits.

If they did this, then if you are a low level, you would join games that did not have this requirement.

Frankly, now that I think about it, I think that if you DO NOT create a came with the level limits, then you should not be able to kick anyone because they were a low level that joined your game. If you wanted that restriction, you should have set it in the new game prefs. And I think kicking by group leader will just be abused anyway, so I am hoping for a vote kick option. Of course, if a level 30 creates the game and 2 level 1s join the game, the 30 can't win the vote to kick, so that is an issue also.

Not sure what the solution is but there hopefully will be a nice compromise.

04-21-2010, 06:05 PM
Yes, I edited suggest leader can choose lvl restriction upon creaton. same time you post lol

And another think Leader Kick doesnt stop them from playing in any area, they can go make thier own game and see who joins!