View Full Version : Level up?

07-28-2023, 10:52 AM
How long on average will it take to max level now?

07-28-2023, 12:29 PM

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07-28-2023, 12:39 PM
How long on average will it take to max level now?

I don't play a lot (a few hours a day, three days a week) but I can usually level up one level per day ... so as previous poster said, 3-5 hours... sounds about right.

07-28-2023, 12:42 PM
I'm having a terrible time unless I have help from better players. I don't get XP for running lower levels.... Vardan is where I start to earn XP (I'm level 75) and the first bad guy kills me... I can't play there at all on my own. It's frustrating. I don't expect it to be easy, but I'm constantly upgrading my weapon/gear as money allows and I cannot earn XP unless someone helps me. I'm getting bored running lower level quests for 90 XP each but that's all I can do on my own. I don't earn XP at festerfang anymore and I can't even run that by myself!! :-(

07-28-2023, 08:11 PM

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5 hours level 1 to 81??

07-28-2023, 10:31 PM
A guidie of mine said it took him a day (and a half maybe) to reach level 81 with a bunch of elixirs.. havent really tried leveling up a character after the update so im not sure

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07-29-2023, 06:59 AM
this is cap, because recently (less than a month ago) quests were nerfed and now you will not be able to get as much exp as before.

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This is true before quest nerf I needed 2h to reach 81 without using full xp boost

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07-29-2023, 09:48 AM
bruh i got stuck at level 74 no good XP quest reward, xp rewards i got now was around 1 to 300 exp lmaooo

07-29-2023, 08:45 PM
This is true before quest nerf I needed 2h to reach 81 without using full xp boost

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Nah I dont believe you like all your posts in forums always doesnt make sense.

07-29-2023, 10:02 PM
Nah I dont believe you like all your posts in forums always doesnt make sense.
edited my bad wrong comment

07-29-2023, 10:10 PM
lol why would i lie, try leveling so u can see and my post? lol my post is about selling items not like yours always non sense post i think you're just jealous cuz ur poor get a life bruh XD

Oh woah lets face of in game lets see whos poor. What about show proof you can level up lvl 1 to 81 in 3 hours and bet your life on it.

07-29-2023, 10:14 PM
Oh woah lets face of in game lets see whos poor. What about show proof you can level up lvl 1 to 81 in 3 hours and bet your life on it.my bad i thought u were replying at my post, cuz we have the same "O" on our name hahahahakahagahakagahahagag

07-30-2023, 03:39 AM
This is true before quest nerf I needed 2h to reach 81 without using full xp boost

Gesendet von iPad mit Tapatalk my guild mate did 1-81 in 58 minutes lmao. Big fan Oawa, Sorcerer represent.

07-30-2023, 04:47 AM
it WAS possible to do in 1h before, u just needed to use 1 combo with oils and stacked quests at around lv 40-50 (by getting carried), did it multiple times, but now idk how much it takes, ill try in 2 days on the 2x XP and tell u

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07-30-2023, 05:09 AM
it WAS possible to do in 1h before, u just needed to use 1 combo with oils and stacked quests at around lv 40-50 (by getting carried), did it multiple times, but now idk how much it takes, ill try in 2 days on the 2x XP and tell u

Sent from my SM-G9910 using TapatalkTrue, but now with this nerfed xp rewards I just reached level 81 in 3days but I used 10 octosyn elixirs and a lot of 50/60 XP elixirs plus the help of my friends.
Leveling now is really hard that will cost you a lot of time and golds..

07-30-2023, 05:12 AM
True, but now with this nerfed xp rewards I just reached level 81 in 3days but I used 10 octosyn elixirs and a lot of 50/60 XP elixirs plus the help of my friends.
Leveling now is really hard that will cost you a lot of time and golds..idm using mindwarp elixirs one after another as long as it lvls me up in a few hours like Oawa commented :) we will see

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07-30-2023, 10:21 AM
U need time it. You need to make the jump from after underhul to fester. In fester you get 40k xp without boost. And when you fail to jump the boss kill quests are already accessible as very low level. You can have x5 multiplier without using any oils pets or gear awakes. This means in fester when u farm it u get easily 200k xp from the quests. So definitely use a mindshare after weekly hydra orrixk and those who aren’t needed. So you can time it to hit to zodias. There are like 30k xp in quests if I remember right without any boost and it’s accesable on level 75. there is definitely enough xp story quests on high level. You need to be patient enough to complete them. Also you can easily skip some areas below when you use xp elixirs and so on. If you don’t believe me go count the xp yourself before saying I wouldn’t make sense.

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07-31-2023, 01:11 PM
No, 3-5 hrs per level... at least that's what it is for me. I'm currently level 75... it takes me about 3 hours to get to one higher level.

07-31-2023, 06:07 PM
It took me 5 hours to level up from 1 to 81 (with elixirs and a friend helping out clear maps faster). I am assuming it's slower without any help or elixirs.

07-31-2023, 09:50 PM
I'm having a terrible time unless I have help from better players. I don't get XP for running lower levels.... Vardan is where I start to earn XP (I'm level 75) and the first bad guy kills me... I can't play there at all on my own. It's frustrating. I don't expect it to be easy, but I'm constantly upgrading my weapon/gear as money allows and I cannot earn XP unless someone helps me. I'm getting bored running lower level quests for 90 XP each but that's all I can do on my own. I don't earn XP at festerfang anymore and I can't even run that by myself!! :-(

Use a pet that gives XP/ try to buy or borrow cheap gear with XP awakes/ I havent played in a while but if XP elixers still exist get some/ run daily quests/ dont turn then in until you have done them all/ then equip your XP gear- use elix - make sure you have the xp pet equiped and turn all the quests in. Then run the rest of your XP elix out on a map you can handle that gives you XP. Rinse & Repeat. At least thats the old way of doing things. heck , It been so long since Ive played none of that may not even exist anymore. who knows.

07-31-2023, 11:32 PM
I would like to correct my statement it takes 2.5h from level 1-81

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08-01-2023, 06:46 PM

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What seriously? I've been playing for 2 weeks and am only level 27.

08-01-2023, 06:50 PM
I'm just trying to go through the game and enjoy the content. I do a mix of story,side and daily quests every time I play. It may be a slower process but it gives me plenty to do. I just don't want to Max level right off the bat and not have much to do.

08-01-2023, 07:53 PM
On hardcore you can reach level 71 without plats with someone carrying you in less than 2h. I suppose 81 takes about 3h if the person who carries you can clear zodias.

08-02-2023, 12:29 PM
True, but now with this nerfed xp rewards I just reached level 81 in 3days but I used 10 octosyn elixirs and a lot of 50/60 XP elixirs plus the help of my friends.
Leveling now is really hard that will cost you a lot of time and golds..

No offense but all y'all commenting stuff like "my guildie did it in (x) " time.... Are all entirely missing the point. Actually kinda dumb comments ngL.

So you mean your friend with oodles of playtime, experienc, and prior game knowledge coupled with knowledge of which maps to run, at what min-max pacing and for how long is needed,

Whom is *also* creating an alt and so is already loaded and able to afford not only the obvious elixirs (which new and unknowing players will often spend plat on. 10 for combo + xp.)
but also octosyn is comparable to a new player trying to endure thus experience?

I don't understand the point of these comments. No one cares about merchers having accounts get to Tindirin. In fact, the devs are more likely to nerf xp for reasons of restricting alts, which instead hurts new players... If you can see that this is the point I'm making. No disrespect intended but the two situations aren't comparable

And this game will slowly die with no new players...

08-02-2023, 12:35 PM
I'm just trying to go through the game and enjoy the content. I do a mix of story,side and daily quests every time I play. It may be a slower process but it gives me plenty to do. I just don't want to Max level right off the bat and not have much to do.

Based comment, rare mindset here.

Good luck with that one tho. They nerfed tokens farming haha. Hope you like Zodias.

08-02-2023, 07:16 PM
I returned to game after 2 years like 2 weeks ago .
I was level 76 and able to reach 81 in only two days that too i am lazy .
I only did all daily quests on my first day and the quests given to me by npc .
I used only 2x xp oil(forgot name) and xp lix combo.
I had many elite runner xp kits 60% and 50% from elixer seller .
With heroic tadthap and some xp awakened gears like 5-6% xp per slot .
And it was easy because they lowered the amount you get from old dailies but new one gives alot of xp And story and side quest too .
And they lowered the amount to level to like 20-25 k .
And i am leveling up a rouge which used to be at level 58-59 i leveled it up to 68 in 1 day of daily and story quests.
Though i am stuck at fester and samber for story and daily quests but i think one push from a friend and i will be able to level it up to like 74-75 in one go .
Level up became harder then before but it is doable .
And yes not too friendly for new players
But for old players with knowledge and resources it is still easy even if you are lazy like me .

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