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View Full Version : Level 29 twink tournament

09-05-2010, 11:12 AM
The first level 29 pvp tournament! If you do not have a level 29 there is still time to make one.

To enter-
leave you twinks name
the twink must be level 29
pay 10k entrance fee for the prize

all of these games will be non continous.
If you leave a game in the middle of a fight you will lose the point for that particular fight.
If you run you will also lose the point for the fight that you ran.
A small amount of kiting is fine but it is the refs call if you were kiting or running.
Each game to ten

the new spin:)
the winner will be given 100k well you might be thinking that's not such a big prize for 1st place!!! Once you win you will have the option to face my twink, if you beat my twink.... You will get 100k added on to what you already won, for a total of 200k. If I win then you will only be awarded 75k for wining the tournament.

If you fight me and lose: 75k
If you win and decide not to fight me: 100k
if you fight me and win: 200k

we will need 3 refs that can enter a game made by a level 29 in pvp.
10 entrace first to give information get in first.

How the matches will work.
- when you find out who your goin to fight in your next match you should add all their accounts. I will pick refs that are on a lot and they will add you to.
Once all three of you have gotten in the game the ref will direct you what to do.

( you can decide to fight with out a ref but then if there is any conflict with the game you will be asked to redo it with a ref.)

refs- I need 3 that are consistantly on pl refs will have a special job this tourny that I will pm you about.

09-05-2010, 11:19 AM
I'll enter. Just for kicks. Twinks name is magephoenix level 29 Mage.

09-05-2010, 11:41 AM
My Mage is lvl 26 and pure bear is 25

09-05-2010, 11:57 AM
Umm, what's a twink?

09-05-2010, 12:13 PM
Rare you want ref? Ok mystical your

09-05-2010, 12:35 PM
a twink is a level 29 or 19 player that only pvps? did you make a tread on that ?

09-06-2010, 11:53 AM
Snakesbear, level 29 Int Bear. Whoever draws me will be lucky because I don't PvP often. If I make it past the first bracket it will be a miracle.

I haven't got him totally twinked, only one pink (armor) and one purple (bracer) so far.

Someone asked me why 29 instead of 30, and I said because of the uniqueness of the level 29 items. But maybe this could be revisited and changed to 30 for the variety of the level 30 items. Especially since there is no equivalent to Zyla's (re-spawning- pink-dropping boss once every 5 minutes, but that was nerfed, too) for farming level 29 items.

09-06-2010, 12:03 PM
actually quite a few people have these items stashed i have some extra str stuff if anyone needs it, you could loan or buy even

09-07-2010, 07:45 AM
I think there's going to be just about ten players and no more, because there are not that many twinks level 29 yet, well have to see.

09-07-2010, 10:14 AM
I'll ref bro Im lazy too pvp these days

09-07-2010, 12:28 PM
I think we may want to revisit Twink Level Numbers. Perhaps more people will play... Here's what I think the problem is...

It appears that at the start, the devs were incrementing campaigns oddly. Forest Haven ONLY players stopped at 13. Dark Forest says it is for levels 10 to 14. If you only played Dark Forest, and never played the bonus maps, all your BEST items would be level 14, and there is one level 14 pink. Then comes Balefort, where, doing the same, if you only played the basic maps, not the add-ons, your best items would be level 19 and there are pinks for each character type, except for helms. (I can guarantee it because I am farming 1024 tomes; Brom Dandy drops pinks in either level 4 or level 5.)

Then there was some sort of decision to change the method of incrementing, but it may have been somewhat of a fuzzy decision. When you play Fathom's basic maps, again NOT the bonus content, your best items will be BOTH level 24s and level 25s. My theory is that the decision to increment on the 5s came during finaliziation, and the level 24 items were already there, and they just added level 25 items in the mix.

This change is certainly in full swing when Lost Expedition came out, where all the cool (pun intended), frosty items are level 30. They also stopped putting the intended level numbers in the description of the first map. I think it is there for Ftahom, but not for Lost. So that, too, shows that they were changing the item drop level incrementation points.

But there is another wrinkle. One of the bonus content maps in Fathom drops level 25 items, and the other drops items in the upper 20s plus pinks for level 29. AND these pinks for level 29 are also possible to find in bonus maps for Dark and Balefort. The mobs in these three bonus maps are identical, they are Fathom mobs. And now the re-spawning secret passage under the Sarcophagus also drops these level 29 pinks* and has the same mobs. And what's whacked about that, with the Return of Skeller, you can sort of skip both Lost and Swamps if, at level 28 you stop playing Fathom and start playing Skeller, and when you hit level 29, you already have your items. So there seems to be this other path.

Anyway, that is where and how you can make level 19 and level 29 pinks, but the pattern isn't going to continue to 34 or 39, even when we are all level 100, because the devs change the incrementation of the basic item drops in the campaigns from happening on 4s and 9s to happening on 5s and zeros.

So, all I'm saying is, we should probably re-visit it.

Maybe consider that level 29 pinks are all Fathom-ish and there might be level 30 twinks who are all cold-based. At level 35 you will have either a mix of swamp and skeller gear, or maybe some will insist on being purely in swamp pinks, which are still much more rare than skeller pinks.

And also, maybe consider that with the "Disable XP gain" switch now, we can have twinks at any level.

* = or so I've been told. I've never seen it.

09-07-2010, 12:41 PM
p.s. I need to get you 10K

09-07-2010, 03:25 PM
Ok sounds good

09-07-2010, 03:33 PM
Yeah I think that level 19 and 29 will be final maybe not tho

09-07-2010, 03:49 PM
Yeah, 29s and 30s are as different as night and day. I think for PvP twinks, 29 is cool because it's rare. But you can see the low turnout. At least for level 19 we had Zyla's which was easier to farm. I didn't spend the weekend farming pinks for level 29, but I have done it a little and it isn't anywhere near as easy as farming for level 19... which makes them all the better as PvP twinks.

Level 30s who are twinkly would probably be better for teams of Frozen Nightmare level players.

09-07-2010, 03:55 PM
Yeah that's a very good point. I think that 19 was the perfect number. 24 was also suggusted because thts when you have all the skills. I think that there shouldn't be to many kinds of twinks but maybe there could be, it could be cool.
I do understand what your saying about the popularity being low because it is so hard to find the items.

( trade for items if you farm you will never find them!)

09-19-2010, 10:23 AM
Hey staffed, with Rarefew's exit from the game, this just comes down to me v. Mystical, so, being a total PvP noob, I do not believe I have a chance in the world.

I am considering converting my level 29 bear into a level 30 tank for Frozen Nightmares. So, if all I have to do is concede that I have no chance against mystical... Well, there's time still, but it is beginning to seem pointless to have this weird character frozen at 29 and of little use.

I'm grateful that you are driving this twink thing, and you took my suggestion about level 29, but maybe level 30 would go over bigger.

09-20-2010, 09:29 AM
Yikes, you guys are lacking on tourney players here!

09-20-2010, 10:00 AM
Staffed im in on 29 or 30. Making a few twinks atm and hope i get my bear done b4 u start tourny. Name is americancub

09-20-2010, 10:08 AM
Btw i think u should keep it 29 atm. Lvl 30 nightmare items are kinda new and way overpowered but only on one stat per item ive noticed. Anyway ive had my lv29 items forever now and would like to put them to good use :)

09-20-2010, 05:43 PM
Ok im out of town working but i should have my bear ready by friday. Hit me up let me know when the tourny is. Thx!
O btw, any talk on when the next lv19 tourny will happen?