View Full Version : 56 pvp bird. ( first guide) dont hate(:

10-05-2012, 10:12 PM
I pvp 56 with glyph and gemstone obviously, and i prefer sewer king over raid for my weapon, i try to stay away from forgotten, but i have mim body, and helm. I wanna keep my gemstone armor secret:o. Sk bow is good for damage and regen, but if you want crti, raid is it. ( or custom) but a pink gemstone set IS NOT NECESSARY!!! Here are some combos i use:3

Custom bird combo ( usally vs. other custom.) i always used blind blast. With auto thats a kill. If no dodge. So i did blind blast repulse.

Custom mage combo: kiteing is not good with custom. So you kinda have to rush in. So i always used blast root blind break. With auto and custom crit and damage is really strong. He wont survive that.

Custom combo for bear: go 12m range, use blind repulse. If beckon doesnt hit rush back in and use root. Break blast or cruel blast. Then use both roots again. Blast repulse. Should be dead if roots hit.
(Custom vs. dodge birds will usally lose.)

Glyph xbow set: for birds use blind repulse and kite. Then break blast.

Mage: mages are difficult for me with glyph this might not help me much. My first one is : blast repulse. Wait for blast to get back. Then blind blast.
Combo 2: blast, root, break blind repulse. If you can survove to do this. Mage will be dead. If not youll probaly win.

Bears with glyph: very easy usally; use blind, repulse once in range. Back up, and just auto. When he gets close enough. Root, break blind blast repulse. If beckon hits. Use both roots repulse, avian scream root, second scream then blast for cruel blast. Then repeat kiteing.

Dex bears: a little harder. I usally use war bird for dex bears. But for pure, maybe. Use blind break root, blast repulse. Break blast root. Maybe dead by then? Idk im a war bird:/ sorrrryyyyyy

Well, thats the end of this. Please dont complain.. On mistakes. Help would be nice:3 for my next guide if i make one. Thanks:3

10-10-2012, 09:11 AM
Can. Make build for 56 bigtop mace set bird, I wanna make one with setbird

10-11-2012, 12:06 AM
IMO, warbirds are superior than dex birds vs dexbirds but weaker against anything else.

Birds simply root scream blast break blind repulse.

Str bears you need to kite, root blind break scream blast repulse.

Dexbers are very awkward to fight. Youll need to kite their bows with a mace >.> Root Break Scream Blast Blind Repulse.

Against dex and int mages, a good break scream blast will do. First juke the mage into using manashield and then blast and repulse. Once your skills recharge, break scream blast or if they are outside of 8m break blind blast repulse. Dex mages you might get away with break blast root blind repulse.

Pallies are verrry hard. Their high armor and regeneration vs your 30 extra dodge. Not much expeience here but stay at 9-12m shooting of your arows. Try to time a nuke after they heal. Occaionally pop into 8m to get that cruel blast going.