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View Full Version : switching back to pure

09-05-2010, 12:25 PM
i really want to make my dexmage into a pure mage so as to give those items to my new Avian. I want to got farming for wands and bracers, but where? or do you have a better idea, such as some staff? (no i will not buy from anybody, don't try)

would like more thoth...

09-05-2010, 12:30 PM
The Djinn Wands drop in AO2, map 2. The drop rate is brutal, but the map is pretty easy to farm. For a staff, I'd get an easy to find option like a staff of Ra (AOE damage) of Thoth, or Desert Shadow (dark weapon) staff of Thoth to start (avoid the underpowered Set staffs). Then try to upgrade to a much harder to get Dark Matter staff (the best are Galzyx and Thoth), which only drop from the righthand boss on AO2, map 5 (the other boss drops dex stuff like blasters).

09-05-2010, 01:27 PM
The Djinn Wands drop in AO2, map 2. The drop rate is brutal, but the map is pretty easy to farm. For a staff, I'd get an easy to find option like a staff of Ra (AOE damage) of Thoth, or Desert Shadow (dark weapon) staff of Thoth to start (avoid the underpowered Set staffs). Then try to upgrade to a much harder to get Dark Matter staff (the best are Galzyx and Thoth), which only drop from the righthand boss on AO2, map 5 (the other boss drops dex stuff like blasters).

I have a hard time staying upright against the boss in ao2 map 2. That aoe eats right through my shield even with full mana. I'm int/dex specced right now but my survivability is pretty bad against that boss? Do you have any suggestions?

09-05-2010, 01:37 PM
Bring a tank

09-05-2010, 01:37 PM
I have a hard time staying upright against the boss in ao2 map 2. That aoe eats right through my shield even with full mana. I'm int/dex specced right now but my survivability is pretty bad against that boss? Do you have any suggestions?

Farm with a tank, or respec to pally ;)
Seriously though, Int mages are a poor solo farming class, even on easier maps. Your mana shield should help, particularly if it's being replenished with Thoth regen, but for farming solo, you might consider wearing Isis gear if you have it, for the dodge and armor. Also make sure you have 5 points in BOV. That armor buff can be just as effective protection as the mana shield. Finally, when all else fails, chug those health pots. Of course, using proper strategy against the boss, like separating him from his mobs (or picking them off first), etc. is also important.

09-05-2010, 02:05 PM
gotcha. but what about bracer? after getting a staff (i like aoe Ra...) i'll just farm wand and bracer or that dark matter thing.

edit: does the stupid steal life get any better with more int too?

09-05-2010, 02:11 PM
gotcha. but what about bracer? after getting a staff (i like aoe Ra...) i'll just farm wand and bracer or that dark matter thing.
Get an Imhotep eye of Thoth. They are pretty easy to come by. Buy one cheap or farm plasma for it. I prefer the wand and bracer combo, but the dark matter staff can be pretty devastating. It's a real hassle to farm though, so it's up to you whether it's worth the effort.

edit: does the stupid steal life get any better with more int too?

Drain life, along with all your other damage/healing skills does increase in power with Int, but not by a ton. It is the highest single target damage skill you have, but honestly mostly useful in PvP. In PvE, it's decent, but not nearly as useful as your AOE skills, buffs, debuffs, etc.

09-05-2010, 09:03 PM
turns out i had something tucked away in stash, and can switch without any trading for items yay! officially a mage.

but i traded something for a set lightning staff of thoth, being told it was aoe. I trust the trader but maybe he was just wrong... i can't notice it. If it's not aoe i think i can ask for a semi-trade back. should have gone with that desert shadow lol.

09-05-2010, 10:34 PM
but i traded something for a set lightning staff of thoth, being told it was aoe. I trust the trader but maybe he was just wrong... i can't notice it..

The trader was mistaken. Set do not do AOE damage (neither does desert shadow but it's still better than Set due to it's proc).

09-05-2010, 10:42 PM
if you are looking for aoe damage, the staff of ra is right for you.

09-05-2010, 10:47 PM
Farm with a tank, or respec to pally ;)
Seriously though, Int mages are a poor solo farming class, even on easier maps. Your mana shield should help, particularly if it's being replenished with Thoth regen, but for farming solo, you might consider wearing Isis gear if you have it, for the dodge and armor. Also make sure you have 5 points in BOV. That armor buff can be just as effective protection as the mana shield. Finally, when all else fails, chug those health pots. Of course, using proper strategy against the boss, like separating him from his mobs (or picking them off first), etc. is also important.

Yeah I figured that my lack of armor or hp's were not optimal for solo farming lol. Is it much easier to farm with a STR or DEX based enchantress? I have no problem kiting the djinns or clearing the map except for the boss. When she does that AOE attack, it completely drains all my mana with mana shield up and drains almost all of my health. If I'm quick about it, then I can quickly heal and survive but during the course of the fight, that burst of damage will kill me at some point. I'm fully buffed with BOV and MS up and I debuff her with Weakness almost immediately. Am I the only INT based enchantress with this problem? I am currently wearing Khafra Thoth for head and chest and I have a Thoth staff equipped as weapon. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

09-05-2010, 10:53 PM
rah does AOE

09-05-2010, 10:59 PM
usually mages, whether dex, str or int aren't good farming characters. bear is the best character to farm, imo because they have high armour and a large amount of health.
however, if you really want to use a mage, a pally probably gives you the highest chance of survivability as it can equip the best armour items.

09-06-2010, 12:02 AM
Yeah I figured that my lack of armor or hp's were not optimal for solo farming lol. Is it much easier to farm with a STR or DEX based enchantress? I have no problem kiting the djinns or clearing the map except for the boss. When she does that AOE attack, it completely drains all my mana with mana shield up and drains almost all of my health. If I'm quick about it, then I can quickly heal and survive but during the course of the fight, that burst of damage will kill me at some point. I'm fully buffed with BOV and MS up and I debuff her with Weakness almost immediately. Am I the only INT based enchantress with this problem? I am currently wearing Khafra Thoth for head and chest and I have a Thoth staff equipped as weapon. Thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it.

Int based characters are just not made for solo farming. It's not a matter of skill, the fact is you will just take crits from time to time that will kill you before you even have a chance to mash pots. Str and Dex characters are definitely much better for doing anything solo (and yes, bears are generally the best farmers, but other Str and Dex characters can do very well also). Str characters because they wear high armor gear, and Dex characters because they have additional dodge and generally kill faster. If you want to farm with an Int mage, it's best to just find a good warrior or paladin to farm with (paladins don't tank very well, but they can absorb some damage, and you can heal and rez each other if necessary). I'd also recommend going to a wand and bracer if you are soloing or even traveling in a small group without a real tank. Obviously you don't have a good level 45 wand yet, but you'd get much better survivability with a level 35 Dark/Mojo wand and level 45 bracer. Your damage will plummet, but you'd get the dark proc and kill with your skills ;)

09-06-2010, 03:48 PM
well all's fixed due to getting djin wand of thoth first try. I also like my Isis Bracer (second try). Helped a friend get dark matter of thoth too (first try with me on)
time to aim for the Stars... as in that Galaxy thingy. i think my luck will have lasted.
(ps if i DO get it today, i swear to give away all my pinks not in use. If it's thoth i will devote myself to lvl 1-10's. lend me your karma!!!)

edit-- luck didnt work, T.T misosad