View Full Version : Vending

09-05-2010, 01:54 PM
Hi guys, in my opinion, one of the main concerns for people playing this game is the inefficiency of selling items.

I suggest a vending system in which players can leave their heroes in a town to vend a selected number of items to sell.

This can assist players in the whole trading system rather than spamming the chat box.

In my experience, sometimes there are just too many items to sell by spamming. If a vending system can be included in the game, it will definitely make things easier for many of us. :)


09-05-2010, 01:57 PM
They already have an auction hous planned for an upcoming update. It was supposed to be in the last update, but apparently didn't make it in...

09-05-2010, 02:02 PM
i hope the auction house stops the scamming as well... i wonder what it will do to prices

09-06-2010, 04:18 AM
How does the auction house work?

Will people meet in an area and bid for items or will it be a table so you can search for things you want to buy and then bid for them?

Personally i'd like vending better though. :P I'd like to sell things while i sleep. Just like those MMORPG games on the computers as well.

But i guess i can't do anything about it since they're creating the auction house now.