View Full Version : Possible Solution to PvP

10-08-2012, 02:36 AM
Hello, I'd like to help make a suggestion (or a few) to improve PvP in Pocket Legends so that nobody will complain about "rushing."

1. Make it so that the games require more strategy rather than just fighting to the death. Ex. Capturing points to win, siege vehicles

2. Make it so that opposing teams can not communicate with each other so there is no "Go." For people who want to have a fair fight with the "Go" system, there can be special maps where the teams are able to communicate with each other.

3. Nerf the buffs. PvP-wise, this game is extremely dependent on buffs. Make more defensive cooldowns (new abilities :D) that can help mitigate an enemies' burst, such as ability that gives 30% damage reduction for a limited duration when you use it. This gives a chance for people with no buffs to fight against people with them.

4. Balance the classes more. As I said above, all the classes need more defensive cooldowns.

5. Balance low level PvP. This isn't completely necessary, but make it so dungeon gear can ACTUALLY have a chance against twinks.

6. Make mid-game leaving have a consequence. Ex. If someone leaves mid-game, they have to wait 5-10 min before joining another PvP match.

7. I know this part will be hard, but make larger scale PvP matches, such as 8 vs 8, with bigger maps.

8. Make certain brackets that are set. Ex. Make a 10-15 bracket, and nothing lower or higher than 10-15 can join.

9. For winning games, there could be a special PvP currency other than gold to buy some decent PvP gear.

10. Free for All Match/Map (No Teams)


I understand it is extremely hard to balance PvE and PvP. If PvE is balanced, PvP is usually out of whack and vice versa. Fellow players, please give me feedback on these ideas. I hope they will be put into effect.

10-08-2012, 02:37 AM
Bump-bumpy-bump bump.

10-08-2012, 03:02 AM
I'd rather that in a all new game, if you dont have buffs then kite your way out of it, of course its gonna take skill.

10-08-2012, 03:05 AM
I'd rather that in a all new game, if you dont have buffs then kite your way out of it, of course its gonna take skill.

IMHO, I think StS should improve their older games instead of constantly making new ones. Soon enough there will probably be a Fairy Legends or something, and it's kinda sad because it's all about $$$.

Btw: What do you think of my other ideas?

10-08-2012, 03:26 AM
I also hope the Devs see this (and don't ban me for criticism :banana:).

10-08-2012, 10:32 AM
I like the way it is now. Just ignore those who complains, people always complain. Forgotten weapons, getting rushed, etc. A game is for all the players' entertainment, not just one. If you don't like it, quit. No one's forcing you to stay. No offence and feel free to correct me.

10-09-2012, 02:20 AM
I like the way it is now. Just ignore those who complains, people always complain. Forgotten weapons, getting rushed, etc. A game is for all the players' entertainment, not just one. If you don't like it, quit. No one's forcing you to stay. No offence and feel free to correct me.

I never said I didn't like the game, I just wanna say a few things that could make it better. There is more than one person not liking the "go" concept, rushing drama, and unbalance. I think my ideas can support what PvP is now and new concepts: "go system," and "real" PvP.

10-09-2012, 02:23 AM
Thank you Yich for the great idea of a no team map. Great idea! :) Edited.

Btw: I play WoW and there's one map with 40 people on each team :D

"There is no fairness in fighting. One simply cannot just tell someone to stop killing them."


This is why I want no communication between opposing teams unless it is one of the 1v1 games that StS put in :P

10-09-2012, 05:32 AM
Firstly, No communicating seems familiar from a game somewhere. I do not agree with this. That fact that we are not allowed to speak with teammates means, potential chance to get teamed. And unable to socialize. You said speak with each other but did not mention pm'ing.
Some of your ideas are far-fetched.
P.s all games are/is free for all. It's just because of "go".
Atm it is hard to balance all classes. Pallies warbirds all of this are due to stats wise.
+We make twinks for a reason,e.g, using hard-earned gold to purchase better gears not used some pvp currency to get gear.
Anyways good luck.
++I like the idea of no team matches.

10-09-2012, 05:44 AM
I noticed you mentioned forgotten weapons. We all know my views on those so let's just avoid that area here. "A game is for all the players' entertainment, not just one.", I want you to try out low level and tell me where the majority lies for multiple problems listed here. Midfight leaving can be a huge problem, ask Bous for more details on that.

The "go" concept isnt going anywhere, if you rushed me without PMing me "go", id PM your teammates to sit while I teamed and spawn killed you relentlessly. larger PvP maps would be great, and id really love a 6 person, no teams all against all match.

I wasn't trying to flamebait or anything with the ' Forgotten Weapon ' I mentioned in my post. Try out low levels? I did. Many people know me as Zealtwink, Leadus, or Renovate. Regarding the midfight leaving, do you mean that people leave when they're fighting, knowing that they're gonna lose so the opponent wouldn't get a kill? I have nothing against the 'go' concept as it is a way to improve PvP gameplay, but rushing is just part of the culture. You might team a person until he quits, but there will be new players joining PvP all the time. Also, there isn't a lot like you who have tons of friends helping you when you're getting rushed, so all they'll do is complain, complain, and complain. I don't see the point of that.

I never said I didn't like the game, I just wanna say a few things that could make it better. There is more than one person not liking the "go" concept, rushing drama, and unbalance. I think my ideas can support what PvP is now and new concepts: "go system," and "real" PvP.

Please don't feel offended, the 'your's I mentioned in my post weren't meant to be you.

10-09-2012, 05:45 AM
I like your suggestions, not considering suggestion about nerfing buffs.
And also there's already 1 Vs.1 map...

10-09-2012, 08:49 AM
Here lies another excellent thread with amazing ideas that should be implemented in game but will probably be completely ignored by most of the community and the devs as well. I'm not sure this community understands the word "variety." Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems that all of these suggestions wouldn't change anything. They would simply add more versions of pvp. There will still be the current pvp system with "go" and "rush" and whatever else. These ideas suggested would only embellish the game. +1

10-09-2012, 09:04 AM
Solution for pvp= get thicker skin.

10-10-2012, 05:34 AM
Aww.... Worried you're gonna get teamed or that your precious "go" might go away? Well my ideas state that people should actually have a chance if they're getting teamed, and how? This can be done by nerfing buffs/adding defensive CDs. You should be able to speak to your teammates of course but won't be able to speak to the other team. If you're unhappy with the changes if they are implemented, go play in a 1v1 map StS put in. Read the descriptions to the maps in PvP. If you don't want a real PvP war zone, then go play Dora or something where there is peace all the time and conflicts you can choose to resolve.

10-10-2012, 05:40 AM
Firstly, No communicating seems familiar from a game somewhere. I do not agree with this. That fact that we are not allowed to speak with teammates means, potential chance to get teamed. And unable to socialize. You said speak with each other but did not mention pm'ing.
Some of your ideas are far-fetched.
P.s all games are/is free for all. It's just because of "go".
Atm it is hard to balance all classes. Pallies warbirds all of this are due to stats wise.
+We make twinks for a reason,e.g, using hard-earned gold to purchase better gears not used some pvp currency to get gear.
Anyways good luck.
++I like the idea of no team matches.

And what if you like a bracket and you don't have a super rich main? I like the idea of PvP currency because:

1. PvP currency should be earned by winning games. This encourages people to win games instead of dragging them on forever or farm kills. (*cough cough* CTF).

2. Some people aren't that rich or don't have mains and like to PvP.. I know you want to be a special snowflake but you are not.

3. Encourages FFA, teamwork, and strategy to win.

I never said it would be easy... There would be a grind of winning a lot of PvP games.

10-10-2012, 05:43 AM
I like your suggestions, not considering suggestion about nerfing buffs.
And also there's already 1 Vs.1 map...

So you encourage... One shotting people.

"Herp Derp All I need are my buffs and press random buttons to one shot someone!"


10-10-2012, 06:52 AM
So you encourage... One shotting people.

"Herp Derp All I need are my buffs and press random buttons to one shot someone!"


PvP have buffs 2 years already, nobody complain.

Its about your skills and tactics, if you're good player you can kill another player with buffs, i just know from my experience.
If your buffs run out - run, hug trees, and etc., unless your buffs restored. Isn't it simple? Just my opinion.

10-10-2012, 07:10 AM
PvP have buffs 2 years already, nobody complain.

Its about your skills and tactics, if you're good player you can kill another player with buffs, i just know from my experience.
If your buffs run out - run, hug trees, and etc., unless your buffs restored. Isn't it simple? Just my opinion.

So your point is? Running around trees for your buffs: great. I do it too, but that doesn't make you any less dependent on buffs. Without buffs, the chances of you losing a fight is great, even if you are skilled. Ex. Birds without dodge buff - usually screwed.
PvP is too buff dependent and my ideas suggest that they be nerfed and/or defensive cool-downs are added to mitigate burst by an enemies with buffs up. What you're basically saying is that people are forced to run or hide if their buffs run out, with hardly a chance to fight back until buffs are back up. To kill someone in this game without buffs requires to:

1. Outgear them

2. High Level

3. Skill

4. The Opponent Sucks

5. Combination of 3 and 4

10-10-2012, 07:21 AM
So wut? A lot of players run around and kiting if their buffs ran out, its a strategy, even top players do that.

Okay lets imagine, if you fighting a mage for example and have buffs turned on, it takes half time of buffs restore time. You kill your opponent and run around for 10-15 sec, is it so big deal? You the first person who complain about buffs. Theres a lot of ways in situations like that, you can also just rejoin a game.

10-10-2012, 07:36 AM
And what if you're tired of the running? If you somehow stop kiting, you die. Go play WoW. You won't one shot anyone, even if you get someone in a full CC, pop all cooldowns, and try bursting someone down. You can get very close, but it's not LITERALLY globaling someone. If you hate that my changes will prevent someone from getting ROFLSTOMPED in literally one global, then cry moar; your tears will be delicious. Again, my changes suggest adding defensive cool downs. Lemme give you an example of a scenario that my ideas can imply.

You finish killing someone, and you didn't take much damage from the fight. Then someone buffs up and is gonna attack you. Your buffs run out when they buff up. You run a little, so that you can give your buffs a little recharge time. Then instead of running more, you turn around and face them, pop your defensive CDs (Ex. 50% Damage Reduction) and try to stay alive while slowly depleting their health, and then again, they can pop their defensives. 500 damage (One shot) can be reduced to about 200-250 damage. It takes skill knowing when to pop defensive CDs and buffs. I'll edit my first post to include yet another great idea for PvP: CC (Crowd Control)/stuns/fears/disorientation.

I'm sorry if these changes are implemented (which they probably won't, because StS wouldn't do it because it would take time, effort, and money), then you can't one shot someone, you have to actually have to time your CCs, buffs, and defensives.

10-10-2012, 07:38 AM
And another idea: You have to time your BUFFS! Get someone in a CC, then pop your buffs, instead of popping them in the beginning. Then you pop your defensives as soon as they get out of the stun because you'll expect a stun from them. Then they'll buff up and attempt to burst you down, but your defensives will mitigate it. This idea might be a little far fetched though.

10-10-2012, 07:43 AM
I believe you can one-shot someone only in endgame PvP, and only by a Crit. Not 100% that you will get one-shotted every time. Birds and mages while they unbuffed usually get killed by 3-4 skills. About stuns, bears can already stun other ppl, birds too (some weapons have proc to stun for 3-4 seconds.), mage can freeze his opponent(s).

And why people want to make all games looks like WoW?

10-10-2012, 07:59 AM
Bear stuns can practically be healed out of and hardly last any time at all to actually manage to do damage, freezing is a root, smart one ;), and weapon procs aren't abilities. Oh, have you seen low level brackets? 1-2 shotting everywhere.

Why do people want games to look like WoW, you say?

WoW is the role model to all MMOs/MMORPGs. It was revolutionary when it came out. Sure PL is a mobile game, but look at Order and Chaos; It has much more content and an actual world to explore, rather than to teleport. PvP isn't balanced completely well in WoW either, but in Arenas, there requires timing to stuns, CCs, silences, interrupts, and you can use line of sight, and it isn't buff dependent. WoW is an old game. There are games, such as GW2, who has developed from WoW's mistakes and their old mistakes to make a great game as well.

10-10-2012, 08:07 AM
I have to agree with Flacs, and yet at the same time I disagree.

Flacs is right because this is how the game was made. If we changed that, it would change PL too much. Flacs is wrong because most games don't have "buffs" like that. An unbuffed fighter will stand just as well as someone with their small buffs.

That's why I play guild wars 2 now ;)

10-10-2012, 08:12 AM
I have to agree with Flacs, and yet at the same time I disagree.

Flacs is right because this is how the game was made. If we changed that, it would change PL too much. Flacs is wrong because most games don't have "buffs" like that. An unbuffed fighter will stand just as well as someone with their small buffs.

That's why I play guild wars 2 now ;)

Yea I considered starting to play GW2, but I'm just sticking with WoW (My Fav. Game) :D.
I just wanted to give a few ideas for improvement of this game just because I can't stand it when there's room for improvement, but nobody cares. I just play PL sometimes randomly to troll people. (Get in my noob loadout, act like a noob, someone usually rushes me, get into my gear, then own them :p)

Back on topic, though, Why not change the gameplay of PL? Why stick to old ways? Change isn't bad :D

10-10-2012, 08:15 AM
Yea I considered starting to play GW2, but I'm just sticking with WoW (My Fav. Game) :D.
I just wanted to give a few ideas for improvement of this game just because I can't stand it when there's room for improvement, but nobody cares. I just play PL sometimes randomly to troll people. (Get in my noob loadout, act like a noob, someone usually rushes me, get into my gear, then own them :p)

Lol nice! XD I agree, though, that your ideas are amazing! It just seems no one is open minded on PL anymore (not that they necessarily should be). That's why I'm transferring to AL.

10-10-2012, 08:21 AM
Back on topic, though, Why not change the gameplay of PL? Why stick to old ways? Change isn't bad :D

I think because many players got used to this game-play, especially players who playing more than year already.
If you change that I think half players will just quit playing this game.

10-10-2012, 08:26 AM
I think because many players got used to this game-play, especially players who playing more than year already.
If you change that I think half players will just quit playing this game.

This. It's almost like Sts would be better off making a whole new game...oh wait ;)

10-10-2012, 09:25 AM
So it all comes down to StS making money. :(
And I feel sorry for people who can't accept change in A GAME! (Imagine what they would do in life.. Quit on life? O.o)

10-10-2012, 11:09 PM
Wow. Becoming a tense thread.
Your ideas aren't all that perfect but some are nice.
If you think carefully, PVP has been a sustainable game all along. 510 for a drain? U must have 100 armor or something.
Buffs are perfectly used in pvp.
I only think that mages shouldn't give party buffs to member. In low level pvp it is really unfair.
Peoples comment are just comments you don't have to go into a rant just because of it. You make it sound as if all your ideas are right...
I know it is hard to accept facts but like someone said, have an opened mind! Important sorry if i offended u! Meant no harm.

10-10-2012, 11:38 PM
Wow. Becoming a tense thread.
Your ideas aren't all that perfect but some are nice.
If you think carefully, PVP has been a sustainable game all along. 510 for a drain? U must have 100 armor or something.
Buffs are perfectly used in pvp.
I only think that mages shouldn't give party buffs to member. In low level pvp it is really unfair.
Peoples comment are just comments you don't have to go into a rant just because of it. You make it sound as if all your ideas are right...
I know it is hard to accept facts but like someone said, have an opened mind! Important sorry if i offended u! Meant no harm.

I kinda gotta lol at that "510 for a drain? U must have 100 armor." I've got about 165 or something on my bird and I'm getting hit higher than that. Other than that, agreed