View Full Version : List of suggestions!

10-08-2012, 01:46 PM
Some ideas:

(credits to whoever said them)

PVP - 5 person free for all, first person to 20 kills wins.
PVE - Survival mode. Sort of like zombie apocolypse. There are waves of enemies. If you kill x amount, you get a prize.
Maps that elevate- you know how all maps are flat and you just run around? Would if the land elevated and you could use stairs or hills?
Attacking pets- 'Nuff said
Pet quests for all levels- 'Nuff said
Vanity rewards for all chapters- 'Nuff said


10-08-2012, 01:56 PM
I love the Survival Mode concept!

Not so sure about Vanity rewards becoming such a focal point, lest PL turns into DL where the entire game is about vanities (and you can kill things once in a while).

10-09-2012, 05:56 PM
Some ideas:

(credits to whoever said them)

PVP - 5 person free for all, first person to 20 kills wins.
PVE - Survival mode. Sort of like zombie apocolypse. There are waves of enemies. If you kill x amount, you get a prize.
Maps that elevate- you know how all maps are flat and you just run around? Would if the land elevated and you could use stairs or hills?
Attacking pets- 'Nuff said
Pet quests for all levels- 'Nuff said
Vanity rewards for all chapters- 'Nuff said


I love the idea of the Survival mode and the attacking pets. Maybe they could also have a stock match mode. Ten people could play at once in a free for all battle and each person has 3 free revives. After your revives are gone, you are unable to rejoin the game until everybody is eliminated. Last person standing wins a set gold amount. The revives would automatically be used after 15 seconds so nobody could wait until the very end, then jump in.

10-09-2012, 06:00 PM
I would love this...

Might have been mentioned, but this game mode:

A flag in the middle. Circular arena. 3 or 4 man team variations. The team that holds the flag earns points. (1 point every....10 seconds)? You would play to a certain amount of points...let's just say 150.

I know there's a name for it xD But I can't think of it. King of the Hill?

Forgot to mention, but this is pretty obvious...

If the flag carrier is killed, the flag is dropped on the ground like in CTF. Anyone can grab it...obviously.

10-11-2012, 08:38 AM
On Quitting Players: Once a player posts a quit thread, all their accounts related to STS are automatically obliterated...:D (That should prevent or at least trim down the number of people posting dramatic quitting-but-not-really-quitting-threads :D). What do you think?

10-11-2012, 08:42 AM
On Quitting Players: Once a player posts a quit thread, all their accounts related to STS are automatically obliterated...:D (That should prevent or at least trim down the number of people posting dramatic quitting-but-not-really-quitting-threads :D). What do you think?

10-14-2012, 04:20 PM
On Quitting Players: Once a player posts a quit thread, all their accounts related to STS are automatically obliterated...:D (That should prevent or at least trim down the number of people posting dramatic quitting-but-not-really-quitting-threads :D). What do you think?

In all honesty, I did quit (should this have been directed toward me).
The game atleast. If you see me in game, it's my friend.

I said I'd hang around on forums.

10-14-2012, 06:49 PM
I <3 all of them! :)

10-14-2012, 07:02 PM
On Quitting Players: Once a player posts a quit thread, all their accounts related to STS are automatically obliterated...:D (That should prevent or at least trim down the number of people posting dramatic quitting-but-not-really-quitting-threads :D). What do you think?

In all honesty, I did quit (should this have been directed toward me).
The game atleast. If you see me in game, it's my friend.

I said I'd hang around on forums.
So wait you were "hacked" by giving out your info for free plat...got the account back and now admit on the forum you are sharing the account? Perhaps Darwin was wrong...

10-14-2012, 10:26 PM
Actually giving

10-14-2012, 10:37 PM
Ye i havent seen anything in the ToS about giving accounts... One could argue that sharing is giving, so be careful... Dont get the account you gave to your friend banned. Lol.

10-15-2012, 12:04 AM
Actually giving
Just two weeks ago the very same account was "hacked" the op made a half dozen or so threads asking for a dev to get the account. Op then made a I was hacked I quit thread. Now it's a I quit but gave away account information again but here is how to fix the game I'm no longer playing thread.

10-18-2012, 05:53 AM
On Quitting Players: Once a player posts a quit thread, all their accounts related to STS are automatically obliterated...:D (That should prevent or at least trim down the number of people posting dramatic quitting-but-not-really-quitting-threads :D). What do you think?

You really have something with that. Maybe a bad memory? Who knows.

10-18-2012, 04:42 PM
'You may not buy, sell, give or trade any account, nor attempt to buy, sell, give or trade any account.'
from ToS

10-19-2012, 11:04 PM
'You may not buy, sell, give or trade any account, nor attempt to buy, sell, give or trade any account.'
from ToS
Until they start enforcing that portion of the tos people will continue to "get hacked" and post omg threads