View Full Version : frozen nightmare suggestions/complaints

09-05-2010, 06:00 PM
i think since we arent able to use potions and since its harder that the should be better drops. its kinda annoying that its so hard to get through the lvl and then you get to the boss and all he drops is greys atleast have him drop greens but that just my opinion.

09-05-2010, 06:18 PM
Extra long game, lots of death (even at level 45, very hard to get a full party, 2/3 players usually), no experience gained, no pinks, no drop level 45 can use, repetitive trash over and over again. Boss drops 2/3 grey items… trash takes longer to kill than the boss…

Seriously why bother?

09-05-2010, 06:27 PM
bcuz i like the difficulty i just wish there was some kind of reward.

09-05-2010, 06:57 PM
I think the issue is the incentive to play, the difficulty seems mostly alright, though bosses should definitely not die faster than trash mobs.

Remember it's not intended for 45's, our elite content is yet to come, and Me, Haikus, Twink and a couple of other's are soon to be running level 30 playtests through, with some solid tactical teamplay to determine difficulty.

Provided the dungeon is actually possible at that level (with tactical play I think it would be) and doesn't take an astronomically long time to complete, we'll suggest to the devs how much XP, gold and loot should be gained in a typical run.

With high difficulty, I would expect XP to be equivalent to how much longer a mob takes to kill, the same goes for gold. As for loot, I would definitely expect grey, white and green items to be removed from main boss loot tables completely, with a guarantee of at least 1-2 pinks per person per run (whole dungeon, not single level). This should also relate to puple and orange drops (which I hope would be better than non-elite content equivalents), perhaps 3-4 purples and 6-10 oranges per run.

09-05-2010, 08:15 PM
I agree I think ppls whole reason for not playing frozen nightmares is that there's no reward.

And ya the boss should def be thougher than the mobs.

09-05-2010, 09:09 PM
with a guarantee of at least 1-2 pinks per person per run (whole dungeon, not single level)

Pinks are legendary! How is something you get 2 of on each map will be considered legendary. No no, don't nerf the drop rate

09-05-2010, 09:21 PM
Think about it, not per map, per entire dungeon run, and I'm not suggesting that will be easy, I ran the dungeon in a group of 45's with 4 Enchantresses pumping out a lot of damage, and it took us close to 2 hours, maybe even longer I wasn't timing it.

What took a group of 45's 2 hours, might take a group of 30's 3-4, so 1-2 pinks every 3-4 hours, yeah, I'd say thats strict enough.

EDIT: Plus I would recommend the highest pink dropchance to be on the last boss, so you had to do the whole run for the best chance of loot.

09-05-2010, 10:14 PM
my biggest problem is that it takes so long to get through and there is literally no chance of reward. I was so happy when i got a GREEN a GREEN it shouldnt be like that. The devs need to raise the drop rate or theres going to be nobody buying and playing frozen nightmare and any "nightmare" map after this. right now with the current drop rate and the uber high difficulty im kinda regretting buying frozen nightmare.

09-05-2010, 11:49 PM
It all comes down to balancing the difficulty and time spent with the rewards gained.

Elite content, as it's that much harder, should reward more XP than the equivalent time spent in non-elite dungeons, the same goes for gold.

With regards to loot it's slightly different, with elite legendary loot being (hopefully) even better than regular legendary loot, it should still be hard to get. I've never really spent that much time farming, but say you can blitz a run for a really rare item (like a Thoth Plasma or a Shock Lance etc.) in 5-10 minutes, how long does it usually take to get a drop? Youd expect elite loot drop chance to be very slightly higher, given that we're aiming for a range of loot here, not just a single piece.

I think top elite content loot should be a new item grade anyway, red 'Elite' items would be sweet 'Frost Reaper' and 'Shiver' (frost shiv!) are a couple of potential examples, they should all be uniquely named and only drop from the last boss, a fitting reward for spending 3 hours in a single hardcore dungeon I think, more rare than elite legendary loot, these should simply be the 'Elite' grade, above 'Legendary'.

And on that note, I'm off to make a new thread :cool:

09-06-2010, 10:19 AM
Hi, frozen nightmare is broken. So fix it. It's so broken, nobody is playing.
Because of Mynas, the baseline is level 45, whether you it or not. Suggestion, a big bad boss on the last map, dropping slightly better than ao2 pink for level 45. Better yet, it's bind to the player and nontransferable!

09-06-2010, 02:07 PM
I like that idea, Xjargon. I was sitting here feeling kinda duped about Frozen Nightmares just now and thinking wow, the drop rates are terrible in here! I understand everyone's perspective here, and am FULLY aware of how hard it is to get in a PuG group for this campaign. That said, something HAS to give, just a little.

09-06-2010, 02:21 PM
There are rewards. This campaigns has pinks you can not get anywhere else. They do drop. I have seen it. I have put up a screen shot. I know people who have these items. If you want them, this is the ONLY way to get them.

And I just want to point out that they are almost entirely ice-based items, related to Lost Expeditions. They are all level 30.

But the current twinking (the biggest incentice to farm low level pinks) is at level 29, and all of those are Skeller-related: bone armor, bone staff, etc.

So the missing incentive is the fact that level 30 ice-based pinks are not currently in demand.

09-06-2010, 02:31 PM
Frozen Nightmares should not be changed to drop any level 45 items, it isn't for level 45's - we'll get elite Alien Oasis campaigns soon enough.