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View Full Version : Time to start Givin'

09-05-2010, 07:29 PM
The original \/

I want to spend some time towards farming/running various boss dungeons just to gather purps/pinks and give them away. I've started on skeller returns, but can see myself trying out other places too.

If anyone finds this a awesome idea (as opposed to gathering every last drop of gold) add my mage 'Arterra'. I will mostly use her to do this with, and will invite over any online friends to help.

If no-one bothers answering/ adding me, poor noobs will die because of you :( I will do so anyway, but just so u know: look for me.

*look towards edit*


Spread the love of randomly gifting!


The Enlightened (lool)...

also this doesn't necessarily have to be a group thing. This thread is as much of a "spread the news of being nice" and "go ahead and help a newb".
the more lvl45's in a group, the less newbs can enter ;) always invite lower level friends first into helper runs/info-sessions. contrary to arrogant belief, they CAN do damage and CAN help.

09-05-2010, 07:38 PM
Add me!!!!!!

09-05-2010, 07:38 PM
Hmm, I'm happy to see charity, but I think rather than feeding the greed, we should be coaching the community.

Doing stuff like encouraging people to play in dungeons close to their level range, teaching them skills, tactics, combos and tricks to maximise efficiency, while also helping them to find equipment at the same time. If you start at the root, you can nip noobish behaviour in the bud, and let people know that the game they're playing is more than just an app.

09-05-2010, 07:48 PM
good point... here i am just hoping a random show of gifting will sooner or later make them do so too. you know, spread it around.
maybe im just bored... well out of boredom comes inspiration lol

as for the problem itself, im just gonna join random games and give out info on the map, drops, and life (psst, 42!!) im not going to let them run it though, i wont use too many aoe's but i will help.
telling mages about reving properly... when to knockback... inter-class combo lesson... this should be a guild lol, it's a big job

this is like a stimulus package :)

09-05-2010, 08:57 PM
sorry for double post, but important revelation
let a lvl 19 mage into my swamps game, but made it clear he would not get reved. i took some aggro so he could see it was a cool place, but suddenly stopped. he died. second time he died was when he went wrong way. then he quit. best way to "live and learn" and may be best way to let off those moochers without the emotionless ban.
+1 to teaching people!

09-05-2010, 09:00 PM
hey my player name is zachjack i want some FREE things, money, or potions

09-05-2010, 09:07 PM
Way to introduce yourself to the community.

09-05-2010, 09:12 PM
haha is wont you dont want free things?

09-05-2010, 09:16 PM
Haha, I missed that, well Zachjack, I 'wont' give you free things, don't worry, but I'm happy to coach you and do some dungeon runs.

09-05-2010, 09:36 PM
hey my player name is zachjack i wont some FREE things

Lmfaoirl! thats the funniest **** ever... Excuse my stars... doesnt count as cussing... :D

09-05-2010, 11:48 PM
Hmm, I'm happy to see charity, but I think rather than feeding the greed, we should be coaching the community.

Doing stuff like encouraging people to play in dungeons close to their level range, teaching them skills, tactics, combos and tricks to maximise efficiency, while also helping them to find equipment at the same time. If you start at the root, you can nip noobish behaviour in the bud, and let people know that the game they're playing is more than just an app.

You are so right, bmc... I was just doing the Forest Haven quests with my Mage (who was created back when we still got 250 inventory slots with each character but she's been at level 22 for ages). A lvl 7 archer came running with zombies on his heels, cutely yelling, "Medic." I healed him. Took two heals to put him back together. He didn't thank me. Normally I don't expect thanks- I consider it something mages should do... I heal the group i'm with constantly without ever being asked. But he asked me to fix him up plus kill his zombie entourage. No thanks from him after. A short time later, he died. Immediately he's messaging Revive Revive. I said, "No way. The last time you asked me to help, you didn't thank me afterward." He respawned. Came back and apologized. Played with me. Eventually, there was a full group, and I was able to teach them to stay together as a team, to help each other, to be calculated about entering a room so the mob doesn't kill you (they were all level 6 to lvl 9 and one lvl 14), etc... I blasted some dude who came in trying to sell greens for 500... I explained why there is no xp for a lvl 14 in Forest Haven... Afterwards, I had the little archer and the lvl 14 as new friends... I'll help them through til they reach 45... It's really rewarding... And you're so right that it really does stop a lot of the noobish behavior... Plus, they'll pay it forward...

I NEVER have more than $200K because it costs me so much to take a whole group through and really take care of them... Lol. But, it's totally worth it!

Add me... I'll be happy to help...

09-05-2010, 11:52 PM
Can you level my str bird from level 41 to 45?

Its hard leveling him ~_~

Or, my low level Mage or tank would be nice

Str bird: Ultratanklol
Mage: Lightninmage
Tank: Lightnintank

09-05-2010, 11:53 PM
Can you level my str bird from level 41 to 45?

Its hard leveling him ~_~

Or, my low level Mage or tank would be nice

Str bird: Ultratanklol
Mage: Lightninmage
Tank: Lightnintank

I'm happy to help... Just add me...
If you were talking to me...

09-06-2010, 12:01 AM
That's a really nice story Furrawn, it's lovely to meet people like that, for him to turn around and apologise was pretty cool, but I wouldn't expect that most of the time.

Not to put a downer on the situation, you gotta take the rough with the smooth.

09-06-2010, 12:11 AM
That's a really nice story Furrawn, it's lovely to meet people like that, for him to turn around and apologise was pretty cool, but I wouldn't expect that most of the time.

Not to put a downer on the situation, you gotta take the rough with the smooth.

I always stand by being nice and expecting that in return. I just figured that he'd learn to be nice to the next Mage he demanded to Rez him, etc.. I totally didn't expect him to respawn and apologize. I was shocked. Sometimes, game karma is a beautiful thing:D

09-06-2010, 12:12 AM
Tht reminds me f my entourage when I wS lvl 40 I had all these lvl 1s and they didn't know how to play I leveled em showed em the ropes told them wat to And not to do and they followed me around lol last time I saw one of em they got to lvl 17

09-06-2010, 07:23 AM
Awesome angle to shape the thread towards... time to start going into dark forest. Gotta find out where the key items for certain classes are dropped (at low levels) and look for someone who learns well, help him thru. I'll add you later today, wont be on for a while.

09-06-2010, 01:37 PM
guys it was just a freakin spelling error

09-06-2010, 02:17 PM
I'll be willing to help ^^
I also PM'd you [Arterra] just to let you know :)
Looking forward to this!

See you later <[ *____* ]>

09-06-2010, 03:39 PM
updated the mission statement lol. officially official.