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10-10-2012, 02:39 PM
L56 Bird Guide



A lot of players were asking me to make good guide about PvPing with 56 bird, so i decided to make one :D
I hope everything i write in my thread will be helpful for y'all. This guide is about Pure Dex birds only. I made guide about pure Dex birds just because i never really PvPed with Str gear at this level.


There are a lot of good gear for birdies, most popular of them:

Customized Recurve/Crossbow sets - Highest crit set
Raid Roach Recurve * /Crossbow sets
Auto-crossbow obedience/mimicry sets
Sewer king scarab set - Regeneration set

These sets in my opinion are most popular, probably 80% of PvPers at this level using one of those sets.

There are also something like set-mixes, like:

Impulsively forgotten bow * /Melodic Crossbow of Obedience/Mimicry+Mimicry/Obedience armor+Melodic cap of Obedience;
Custom Recurve+Mimicry/Obedience armor+Melodic cap of Obedience;
Customized Recurve+Sewer king armor&Helmet.

* Bows like customized and Forgotten have Proc which reduce Hit%. Also, let me notice that forgotten bows are awesome Vs. BT bears, Glyph mages.

In my opinion best set-mix is first one, its almost perfect, if you don't have much gold, this is best variant for you.

Difference between Crossbow and Recurve (Just bow).

The only difference between crossbow and bow is range. Crossbow has 3m ( =>Bows have 10m range) more Auto-attack range (13m).


Glyph Auto-Crossbow set of Obedience/Mimicry:


Customized sets:

http://imageshack.us/scaled/landing/17/customrecurve.jpg _______________http://imageshack.us/scaled/landing/545/customcrossbow.jpg

Raid Roach's sets Aka RR:


Set-mix - Impulsively forgotten bow+Obedience armor+Melodic cap of Obedience:


If you want, you can check out these threads, you can find there pictures of every items and sets+stats of them:
Pinks with Stats and Pictures - Balefort Sewers (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?18619-Pinks-with-Stats-and-Pictures-Balefort-Sewers) (By Yanis)
Pinks with Stats and Pictures - Nuri’s Hallows (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?35495-Pinks-with-Stats-and-Pictures-Nuri%E2%80%99s-Hallows) (By Yanis)


Better to be pure Dex in my opinion, you could also try to use 67 Str build which will allow you to use Level 20 Str rings which can increase your hp and dodge/armor.
If you get strongman set for example I'm pretty sure you will not beat Big top bears or glyph enchantresses.
I myself tried to be a War-Bird, but i disliked it after some fights i had, so pure Dex for Life, its also more fun!

My skill build:


Blast shot, Blinding shot, Thorn Wall & Root, Repulse Shot, Break Armor, Shattering Scream & Both Buffs - 6, Restore - 1.

Alternative build (by Twinklaser):

Blast shot, Blinding Shot, Root, Repulse Shot, Break armor, Shattering Scream & Both Buffs - 6, Thorn wall - 4(Or Thorn wall 1=>Restore 6), Restore - 3.

Range of Skills:

Blast shot, Blinding shot, Repulse Shot, Break armor - 12m range
Thorn Wall [AoE] - 10m area
Thorn root - 10m range
Shattering Scream [AoE] - 8m range

Example of Skill-Mapping:


What face to use?

In my opinion penguin is a best face ;D


I prefer dodge faces, you could also choose Killer Canary face or either Crit face - Up to you ;)

What ring to use?

To be honest, i prefer rings which increase Dodge or Crit. Or either you could try 67 Str rings.

Using myself:

Acrobat's Fine Platinum Band Level 20 - 2% Dodge, 10% Damage.

You can find Ring List, and probably pick-up another ring which will work better for you Click (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?18941-Ring-List) (By physiologic).


Combos&Tactics against bears.

Main advice - start with blinding shot. Why? Just because its reduce Hit% of your opponent so he might just "Miss" his beckon.
Now about the combo, it looks like that:

Blinding shot - Thorn wall - Thorn Root - Shattering Scream - Blast shot - Break Armor - Repulse.

You can also start your fight with Repulse shot - Blinding shot. Every time try to repeat your combo starting with Blinding shot.
Also try to kite more, never come close to bear if you don't want to die super fast.

Dex bears are easier to kill than Str one, but Dex bear also deal much more damage, good combo:

Blinding Shot - Thorn Wall - Thorn Root - Blast Shot ± Repulse

Combos&Tactics against birds.

There a lot pretty much good combos you could use Vs. Birds. For example, you could kill pure Dex bird with just using two skills

Thorn Root - Blast Shot ± Repulse

Also awesome combo:

Blinding shot/Break Armor - Thorn root - Blast Shot ± Repulse

Vs. War-Birds you could try to use same combo which you will use Vs. bears.

Combos&Tactics against mages.

Main problem of almost all birds - Glyph mages. So lets see how to kill them using different sets/items.

Using Impulsively forgotten bow+Obedience armor+Melodic cap of Obedience/L56 Obedience Auto-Crossbow set:

After mage turn on his set you can try this combo:

(Blinding shot) - Blast shot - Break armor - Thorn Root - Blast Shot - Repulse Shot

You can also nuke mage if he's not using shield:

Break armor - Blinding shot - Thorn root - Blast shot ± Repulse

Now lets see how to kill Glyph mages using Customized set. I took information from Zapoke's post (Click (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?69912-lvl-56-pvp-bird-help&p=790611&viewfull=1#post790611)).

(Most) Glyph mages can be nuked if you hit Blinding shot right off (-hit +dodge, works very well). Try to do:

Blinding Shot -Blast Shot - Break Armor - Thorn Root - Thorn Wall - Repulse Shot

If they don't die by the time you get to repulse, though, you probably won't win (due to debuff wearing off+skills cooling down).
Even with all the pre-planning, you still need Lady Luck on your side to win.

Mages using Sewer sets can be killed with same tactics.

Do you have problems with knowing your range?

If so check out this thread Click (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?52159-Guide-Calculate-the-Distance-) (by flinewoo).

NOTE: Range messed up, if you run from your opponent, he can hit you from 14m.

Some interesting guides which you could also read:
The general guide on end game team-mechanics (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?28825-The-general-guide-on-end-game-team-mechanics) (By WhoIsThis)
Comprehensive Archer Skills and Equipment Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?16244-Comprehensive-Archer-Skills-and-Equipment-Guide) (By Physiologic)

Thats all. If you find any mistakes, let me know. I truly hope this guide will help to someone. Thanks for reading :)
Good luck in PvP!

Check out my other guides:
L56 Glyph Mage Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?70544-L56-Glyph-Mage-Guide)
Nuri Mini dungeon/Funhouse Farming (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?70127-GUIDE-Nuri-Mini-Dungeon-Farming)
Pinks with Stats and Pictures - Humania (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?70278-Pinks-with-Stats-and-Pictures-Humania)
Enchantress Class Guide (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?70371-Enchantress-Class-Guide)


10-10-2012, 03:52 PM
More guides from Flacs ._.

10-11-2012, 12:19 AM
You jelly his guides are almost as good as yours?

Anyways some pointers, forgotten bows work wonder on int mages, pllies, and str bears because ofthe stackable blind shot proc.

Pro XBOW Bird> Pro recurve bird.

About same skill damage but as long xbow stays at 11-13m root wont hit and neither will the recurve auto.

Xbow range is 13m while bows are at 10m.

Take off 2 or 5 points from thorn wall and put it into restore. Only like 10 dmage or less increase per point. 4 root helps with keepong bears and warbirds in place.

Overall still good as usual :). Looking towards the bear guide.

Might as well take advantage of the glyph crashand get mim set for <1mil or oby for <4 mil.

10-11-2012, 12:27 AM
Honestly with a pure dex bird restore doesn't help unless your a dodge god, that split second you click that restore is only gonna heal like 40 and a bears auto hits 320s. I just don't see it necessary.

10-11-2012, 02:36 AM
Nice guide bro.

Wartorn - restore is for the 5 regen u can use when possible, helps a lot

Btw that's one ugly map bro ahha

10-11-2012, 06:12 AM
@Noodle Ikr.
@Twinklaser thanks, i've added your build as "alternative build".
@Blind thanks brother, and i can only agree with ya :D

10-11-2012, 06:27 AM
Not jelly or anything lol :P I just feel like he's doing so much so quickly o_O! Though that's good, you should also try to manage your time in real life too :)!

10-11-2012, 06:31 AM
I make one guide per week.. not so fast.

10-11-2012, 06:33 AM
Honestly with a pure dex bird restore doesn't help unless your a dodge god, that split second you click that restore is only gonna heal like 40 and a bears auto hits 320s. I just don't see it necessary.
Sometimes it helps with running (;
But seriously, I used it a lot fighting mages with this strategy: when they shield, blast and repulse (barely within range) real quickly and run back a while and heal. Then just break armor, root thorn, and a cruel blast KO.

10-11-2012, 06:46 AM
I guess the way I play was a nukist bird, I felt it only right when I could do so much damage in such a short time. At one point I was destroying mages before drain even hit then it got way laggy. I never used it but I could be wrong.

10-11-2012, 07:42 AM
I'll thanks when I get on pc ;D.

10-11-2012, 02:52 PM
Nice work.

55/56 birds are really fun and with some skill and quick fingers they can kill any opponent within seconds.

The skillbuild is perfect imo. Thorn wall in a kinda underrated skill that needs to be at 6 for sure! aoe roots, dmg and a quite massive dodge debuff (which isn't mentioned in the skill description). Maybe some would prefer 1 shat (for the combo) and 5 avian to break free off ice, but I would go with the stated build.

Also, xbows are infact 13m range, I'll show ya ingame. ;)

10-11-2012, 03:28 PM
Thanks bro :D

10-24-2012, 10:23 AM
Nice guide bro, only the skill build isn't that good, well I don't prefer it. ^^

10-25-2012, 06:43 AM
Thanks so much! People who tried this skill build were telling it's good ;)

10-25-2012, 07:06 AM
Very excellent guide, Flacs!

10-25-2012, 07:22 AM
Tyvm bro! :)

10-25-2012, 08:57 AM
Gg, one question who's ur L56 bird?

unlike mage guide u didn't reveal the birds name lol, :p

10-25-2012, 12:10 PM
Oh thats because i leveled it to 61, so i don't have 56 bird anymore.

10-25-2012, 01:23 PM
I deleted mine. 56 was ruined with Glyph...

10-25-2012, 01:28 PM
Great job!