View Full Version : Catacombs Tittle

09-24-2023, 02:06 PM
I understand this question has been answered, however considering the efforts each player has given in the last 3 months I'd like to plead our case one more time. We had valid reasons to believe that the Catacomb Tittles were permanent. First one being the announcement, the rewards were "Top Score Seasonal Rewards" so one may think "okay rewards are only seasonal" however at the bottom it states, "These badges are Cyclical and can be worn 'til the next Arcane Catacombs Season begins." It does not mention the tittles being cyclical or seasonal. In addition to this, the description for the tittles also did not mention the tittles being seasonal:


The amount of effort that went into running this leaderboard is unmatched compared any other score leaderboards. Two days of running catacombs then a full day of running gauntlet, rinse and repeat for 3 months. We needed to play every single day to stay competitive. If the dev team could re-consider one more time we would greatly appreciate it. Maybe let us keep this first tittle for the first ever gauntlet LB? Make the badge and tittles or just tittles permanent and re-color the next? Give us banners to keep and compete for every season with a re-coloring just like other LBs? Anything permanent to show 3 months of effort other than "Accolades" would be greatly appreciated.

09-24-2023, 02:38 PM
2 times a year is more of an event than a seasonal lb, no reason there shouldn’t be something permanent to take away. Spending a quarter of a year playing this game 6+ hours should be rewarded in its own right.
I can’t even get through a few thousand points without getting bored and stopping - much less 1m! Giving a neat permanent title (not even the badge) has virtually no negative repercussions and only positive for the future of this event. With the same effort these people would have top 10 lbs across multiple events these last few months, and I’m sure several of them have had to skip events to keep up the catacomb grind along with having a life and sleep! People grinded under the presumption of getting a permanent takeaway - own up to the mistake and just give them a measly title


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09-24-2023, 03:06 PM
You are correct: this has already been discussed at length on the forums (and internally at Spacetime) and the behavior of the Title and Badge are not going to be changed.

Sorry that you are unhappy with the cyclical nature of the Title reward. It was always intended to work this way and is best if the Title continues to stay true to its design.

Best wishes.

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09-24-2023, 05:11 PM
the description for the tittles also did not mention the tittles being seasonal.

The amount of effort that went into running this leaderboard is unmatched compared any other score leaderboards.

the description for the tittles also did not mention the tittles being seasonal.

09-24-2023, 05:41 PM
the description for the tittles also did not mention the tittles being seasonal.

This has been addressed.

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09-25-2023, 12:32 PM
You are correct: this has already been discussed at length on the forums (and internally at Spacetime) and the behavior of the Title and Badge are not going to be changed.

Sorry that you are unhappy with the cyclical nature of the Title reward. It was always intended to work this way and is best if the Title continues to stay true to its design.

Best wishes.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Would you add a banner? Like the other seasonal stuff, season 1 catacombs - I , then next season II then III etc

I think this is fair due to the amount each player put to get in this top 10 OVERALL (not even class level) please consider adding banners, will not cost you anything and will make the players fight for this lb next season too!

Ign ~ Danrog

09-25-2023, 12:53 PM
Would you add a banner? Like the other seasonal stuff, season 1 catacombs - I , then next season II then III etc

I think this is fair due to the amount each player put to get in this top 10 OVERALL (not even class level) please consider adding banners, will not cost you anything and will make the players fight for this lb next season too!

Ign ~ Danrog

Why on earth would they add a reward to a dungeon at the very end of it? Fair? That is a ridiculous request.

09-25-2023, 12:55 PM
There is what a week left and now you want them to add a permanent banner. Cata been here for a few months now lol

09-25-2023, 07:31 PM
What sense does it make that the Temple/Siege events that last for 1 or 2 weeks give out much better permanent rewards and an event that lasts for months gives out seasonal rewards, idk where they get these kind of thoughts and ideas , literally makes no sense .

Something that is harder and takes longer than Temple/Siege events should definitely have better and permanent rewards imo .

09-25-2023, 07:53 PM
What sense does it make that the Temple/Siege events that last for 1 or 2 weeks give out much better permanent rewards and an event that lasts for months gives out seasonal rewards, idk where they get these kind of thoughts and ideas , literally makes no sense .

Something that is harder and takes longer than Temple/Siege events should definitely have better and permanent rewards imo .

Yeah just throw out the dozens of end game arcane items they are looting. Not like a person would count that.

09-25-2023, 11:06 PM
Yeah just throw out the dozens of end game arcane items they are looting. Not like a person would count that.Bruh those aren't even tradable arcane items and most of the lb players wouldn't really care much about them as they are "bound" and for your information temple events also drop arcanes and that too "tradable" ones.

Ik there is that bracelet drop but that is too rare to even consider and even if the player loots 1 or 2 bracelets on his way to lb , still the cost of gears used for running would be higher , let alone the time spent playing .

I personally am not on lb , but it isn't right to "scam" lb players by giving them seasonal rewards for competing in an event that lasted for months !

09-26-2023, 07:00 AM
Bruh those aren't even tradable arcane items and most of the lb players wouldn't really care much about them as they are "bound" and for your information temple events also drop arcanes and that too "tradable" ones.

Ik there is that bracelet drop but that is too rare to even consider and even if the player loots 1 or 2 bracelets on his way to lb , still the cost of gears used for running would be higher , let alone the time spent playing .

I personally am not on lb , but it isn't right to "scam" lb players by giving them seasonal rewards for competing in an event that lasted for months !

Yeah right, its not like we ask for much too, just a simple banner where 10 ppl in the game can show off for the 3 months hard farm (for more than 3 months)

Permanent banner Season 1 Catacombs made like the seasonal banners will be the perfect solution. It might be few days left but they also let players think titles are permanent due to wrong/bad made description for like 2/3 of the season.

Add banners and make them permanent for future seasons so players like me who were already there come back again.

Ign ~ Danrog

09-26-2023, 07:38 AM
I agree on adding additional rewards for the next event but adding it after an event has almost come to an end seems unfair. I might have competed if I saw a banner or anything else as rewards but decided not to play it.

09-26-2023, 08:24 AM
Just waiting for Cinco to come hit this post with some of his humor. I never once assumed or incorrectly inferred that the season LB awards were permanent and your mistake and asking now seems way off. Possibly the original post could have been 100% clear but when it was addressed you could have quit climbing the LB. Your choice to continue while others quit chasing is on you not the devs or game.
Catacombs is profitable and engaging stop always wanting more and just enjoy the game for once.

09-26-2023, 01:00 PM
There is what a week left and now you want them to add a permanent banner. Cata been here for a few months now lol

Just to catch everyone up, we are making this argument because most of us in top 10 were lead to believe the tittle is PERMANENT for reasons stated above. We found out that they weren’t at the end of month 2. Which is why we are asking to keep something permanent. If you ran 3 straight months thinking you were getting something permanent I’m sure your opinion would change.

09-26-2023, 01:26 PM
Appreciate the passion, but our stance on this is clear.