View Full Version : Bad WiFi with Smartphone?

10-11-2012, 03:38 AM
Heya, I hope this is the right section for it.
I don't know why, but i guess there is something wrong either with my WiFi settings or with my smartphone.
When I am at home and play SL via WiFi, my ping goes up and down like a jumprope. Ping ~ 300, I shoot, all freeze, my ping goes +1000, wait, wait, wait, ping again ~300 I shoot, freeze, ping +1000, wait, wait, wait, ping ~300, action, etc...
But when I play with my tablet, everything is fine. Constant ping, no laggs, the world is ok (when I turn off the wifi setting on my phone, I can also play without laggs, but why shall I play via 3G when I got wifi at home? :/ ).

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Is something not right with the wifi settings of my phone or my router?
I am thankful for any help.
greetings 2L8

10-11-2012, 05:54 AM
All I can guess is that your smartphone receives a smaller signal and speed from the wifi, so try to disconnect your other devices or computers that are connected to it when you want to use your smartphone. The speed depends on your router, not from the phone. Anyways, I don't really know what you can do, instead of my advice above or just buy a new and faster router. Or what you can do, is buy a wifi hotspot repeater, to make your wifi signal length better, So you can connect easily even if your far from your main router. Hope this helps, it's all I know.

10-11-2012, 05:59 AM
A huge reason why I had to quit, we have atleast 7 devices on one router. Not enough bandwidth to go around. It was simply un-playable. Everytime I'd use two skills it'd all freeze and I'd be dead. It wasn't fun.
It's not anything you can fix unless you can disconnect some other devices.

10-11-2012, 09:33 AM
Well, actually there are no other devices connected to my router, just my PC via lan and my smartphone (actually via wifi). I turned my phone and router on and off, several times, but I still got that problem.
I may have an old hotspot-device wich I can give it a shot (hope i can find the driver online).
It is just a bit strange that my „good“ smartphone got problems with it, while my „cheap“ tablet can play SL without ping-problems. And I even don‘t move far away, just next room.
(dunno if it is important when I say that I am using a iPhone 4s and Win 7 OS ).

10-13-2012, 02:52 AM
A huge reason why I had to quit, we have atleast 7 devices on one router. Not enough bandwidth to go around. It was simply un-playable. Everytime I'd use two skills it'd all freeze and I'd be dead. It wasn't fun.
It's not anything you can fix unless you can disconnect some other devices.

Yeah I agree. It won't work unless you disconnect other devices. Maybe we can find something that can hold to many devices and can still work fine?