View Full Version : Server list additions.

09-05-2010, 10:59 PM
Numbered puclic instances (townes, quest zones & public access dungeons).

This would be quite handy, if these games were numbered in the server list, it would be easier to see how many were running, which was the last instance in the list (and therefore the least likely to get more players through auto-join; I like a quiet towne sometimes), and where to join to find a person, for instance I told Vulgar about someone wanting to buy an item earlier, it would have been nice if I could have said "Yeah he's was in Trader's Haven 3" (the instance number would therefore also need to show up on the minimap dungeon name).

Population/progress/dungeon name filters.

I'd like to be able to order the list by progress and population, with some reoganisation on the hud, you could fit 2 more buttons. By removing one of the arrows next to each filter, and replacing it with a single, slimmer arrow which flipped either way, then removing 'Game' from 'Game Name', and possibly shrinking the font a little, you could free up the extra space needed to fit : Name↓Population↕Level↕Progress↕Campaign↕, then pressing the titles instead of the arrows could switch the filter up/down.

If games could be filtered by dungeon name as well, this would help find the individual map that I wanted to play, this could be included in the campaign filter, so that it would recognise a search matching either the campaign name or dungeon name.

It would also be handy if search recognised individual words as well as strings (like most search engines, they recognise each word separately unless you include them in " ", and will also recognise a mixture eg. Alien II "Mynas Tombs"), to filter the list for AO2, you'd have to type 'Part II' or the entire 'Alien Oasis: Part II' as an exact match (Alien II, Oasis II etc. wouldn't work). Later if we have other campaigns in multiple parts, it will list them (Part I and Part II etc.) all together. If search matched single words, I could type 'Alien II' and get a precise match, whereas now that would return nothing.

Any thoughts on the two ideas?

09-05-2010, 11:12 PM
-sparks emitting from head-

I got lost.

09-05-2010, 11:15 PM
lol i'm also lost. >.<

09-05-2010, 11:16 PM
Lol, bmc always types a lot O_o

09-05-2010, 11:47 PM
Good ideas, particularly the second. However the thread title is misleading. If you remember, until recently there was a server list screen every time you logged in, even after there was only 1 server. What you're talking about is commonly referred to as the join screen or games list ;)

09-05-2010, 11:48 PM
Good ideas, particularly the second. However the thread title is misleading. If you remember, until recently there was a server list screen every time you logged in, even after there was only 1 server. What you're talking about is commonly referred to as the join screen or games list ;)

Since royce knows what he's talking about, Care to explain? -puppy eyes-

09-06-2010, 12:25 AM
Since royce knows what he's talking about, Care to explain? -puppy eyes-

For the first part, you know how there can be like 5 different full Forest Haven towns at the same time, and if you leave town and want to return to the same one (with the same people), you have to just keep trying to join nearly full towns til you hit the right one? Well basically bmc is saying the multiple instances of the same town or dungeon should be numbered, so you can tell them apart from one another more easily. I think this would be mostly useful for towns, but I guess I can also see why it could be helpful with games (though they do mostly have unique names already). (Edit: Hey who remembers when you could name your game whatever you wanted? Or when you could host towns? :D )

For the second part, he's suggesting more ways to view the list of games on the join screen. Things like being able to search for games on a particular map, and not just campaign like you can currently search. Also filtering by progress, so you wouldn't have to look through almost complete maps if you want to start from the beginning, etc. And other stuff ;)

09-06-2010, 12:42 AM
All I did was type another massive post, which I then deleted after seeing that in the time it took me to write a wall of text, Royce had already summed it up in a nutshell. I therefore fail :p

(though they do mostly have unique names already)

It wouldn't apply to hosted campaign dungeons, just public instances, it would also help to tell public quest zones apart from hosted games.