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View Full Version : My opinion on Dragon Set drop rates

10-12-2012, 04:21 PM
Increasing these drop rates/ puting in rerolls for vampire feast is something that I am not happy with.
Thank my page if you agree.

10-12-2012, 04:25 PM
Cry moar plz.

10-12-2012, 04:28 PM
If u thought dragon sets would always cost 20 mil+, well, sorry.

10-12-2012, 04:29 PM
Called scam reduction

10-12-2012, 04:36 PM
^^ started by xlimitedx/multibird :/ dont want it to happen to black so just stay away from that guy if u happen to have one LOL!

10-12-2012, 04:37 PM
Its virtual gold.

10-12-2012, 04:42 PM
Its virtual gold.

Pfft ..i paid my rent with 5mil+ a crafted int set.

10-12-2012, 04:46 PM

10-12-2012, 04:51 PM
No one ever pays me in virtual gold:,(

10-12-2012, 04:52 PM
Pfft ..i paid my rent with 5mil+ a crafted int set.

hahahahahhahahah that has to be the funniest thing i seen all day

Mage till the end
10-12-2012, 04:53 PM
Don't think anyone liked your buisness. Going round towns shouting "SELLEING RED DRAGON HELM ONLY 12 MIL"

10-12-2012, 05:07 PM
God forbid only 10 people in game get to enjoy various items. I say we randomly pick 5 players who started the game today, split all the gold and items currently in-game between them, and then see how much you agree with increased drop rates/rerolls.

10-12-2012, 05:17 PM
But I want to get payed by trident layers :(

10-12-2012, 05:23 PM
lol that wasnt me cause i never sold for 12m btw

10-12-2012, 05:24 PM
and how do you make those signitures? i have been searching all over my profile and it has nothing about signatures

10-12-2012, 05:27 PM
and how do you make those signitures? i have been searching all over my profile and it has nothing about signatures

You must first apologize to STS for the wonderful game you are ALLOWED to play. Then, apologize to the forums for your thread of negativity.

Do this and the secret of the signature shall be revealed.

10-12-2012, 05:29 PM
S) gree dragon set. I need a new pair of shoes.

10-12-2012, 05:30 PM
Love that edited post justg

10-12-2012, 05:52 PM
Taking donations on dragon :) lmao

Suentous PO
10-12-2012, 05:59 PM
To quote a wise man/forumer -
"I disagree"

10-12-2012, 05:59 PM
omg omg omg omg hahahahhahhhahaha a dev edited my post lol lol lol

10-12-2012, 06:02 PM
omg omg omg omg hahahahhahhhahaha a dev edited my post lol lol lol

That's not a good thing.

10-12-2012, 06:47 PM
Ty for informing. Me imma farm all four sets after cap raise and wear each one in front of you to make you jealous then sell each or them to a friend for 40mil each. Yeah i so pro.

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

10-12-2012, 07:29 PM
Go cry some moar lolz its a GOOD thing because now its actually POSSIBLE to farm with a comb blessing!

10-12-2012, 08:06 PM
Increasing these drop rates/ puting in rerolls for vampire feast is something that I am not happy with.

Why cause u lost lots of gold? LoL

10-12-2012, 08:41 PM
Since nobody else offered.....

10-12-2012, 09:36 PM
I believe for very rare drop rates there is you're elite pinks to get. I think eventually these increased drops will get nurfed and everything returns to normal, so keep what drops for awhile.

10-12-2012, 10:06 PM
I believe for very rare drop rates there is you're elite pinks to get. I think eventually these increased drops will get nurfed and everything returns to normal, so keep what drops for awhile.

my friend got a green armor and a blue armor drop .....
i doubt they will nerf it, cause no ones complaining about them droppin to much, well except this guy nopperly22

10-13-2012, 08:06 AM
heck yes i am complaining

10-13-2012, 10:18 AM
That's a selfish thing to think, especially when it comes to a game. We actually do have elite drops; esb, marlin, and wave twister and now we have black dragon.

10-13-2012, 10:37 AM
I know I am going to get lots of grief for this post, but yes I too am disappointed. I am not a merch
and I worked hard farming to earn enough gold to get my dragon set. A while ago Sam started a
thread asking how rare was too rare, specifically referring to the dragon items. It seems to me
that most people at the time agreed that they liked having an ultra rare drop rate for a few items.
I worked hard for my dragon and personally liked it as a reflection of my hard work and
dedication. Why are only the old players allowed to get an exclusive elite item such as the COP
with all of us new guys being left out? I personally liked the exclusiveness of the dragon gear as
it was. Sure the dragonet elite x-fire bow is cool, but I am sure I will not be wearing it or using it
when I an lvl 76. Just my two cents. I know a lot of you are going to disagree...

10-13-2012, 10:47 AM
Sets are still goin for a gold cap +, and I'm sure dragon pack sales were stagnate.

To entice people to purchase dragons, dragon vanities drop more frequently, and more people are able to complete sets.

Everyday there's a new kid crying about something he doesn't like on this free to play game. I think the forums need an age requirement, it's getting pathetic.

10-13-2012, 10:51 AM
I know I am going to get lots of grief for this post, but yes I too am disappointed. I am not a merch
and I worked hard farming to earn enough gold to get my dragon set. A while ago Sam started a
thread asking how rare was too rare, specifically referring to the dragon items. It seems to me
that most people at the time agreed that they liked having an ultra rare drop rate for a few items.
I worked hard for my dragon and personally liked it as a reflection of my hard work and
dedication. Why are only the old players allowed to get an exclusive elite item such as the COP
with all of us new guys being left out? I personally liked the exclusiveness of the dragon gear as
it was. Sure the dragonet elite x-fire bow is cool, but I am sure I will not be wearing it or using it
when I an lvl 76. Just my two cents. I know a lot of you are going to disagree...

Wow dude thanks bro, my point exactly, there should
be a few sets in this game where only a few people can
get, where there price sky rockets because everyone
wants them. Now that they changed them, its a sad day....

10-13-2012, 10:52 AM
I don't see how more drops= bad. It's not like it's raining drops AO style

10-13-2012, 10:55 AM
well some people that dont have enought character space to hold all there money, they sometimes
invest in a really high prices object, just so that they can hold more money. Every now and then the
price of those items go higher and you get richer, but kinda like shared stocks, they can drop and
you can almost go bank rupt cause of it. This is super similar to shared stocks.

10-13-2012, 11:01 AM
Totally agree with drgrimmy! Took me months to make my dragon set, now because people cry because they won't take the time to farm constantly in order to get one. They were for the leet group of true farmers. Should a doctor make the same amount of money as a gas station worker? This sounds like communist pocket legends now. We will all be the same no one should have something special no matter how hard they worked for it.

10-13-2012, 11:05 AM
Than you should recall that shared stocks are a form of theoretical wealth, not actual wealth. If you want to hold money in rares do it in discontinued ones, not ones subject to massive price fluctuations. And if you thought that the prices would never change you should maybe consider a career as a janitor instead of a stock broker.

10-13-2012, 11:05 AM
Totally agree with drgrimmy! Took me months to make my dragon set, now because people cry because they won't take the time to farm constantly in order to get one. They were for the leet group of true farmers. Should a doctor make the same amount of money as a gas station worker? This sounds like communist pocket legends now. We will all be the same no one should have something special no matter how hard they worked for it.

Wow nice look on things. I Hope a dev will look at these posts and fix the rerolls on all fang lvls

10-13-2012, 11:19 AM
Totally agree with drgrimmy! Took me months to make my dragon set, now because people cry because they won't take the time to farm constantly in order to get one. They were for the leet group of true farmers. Should a doctor make the same amount of money as a gas station worker? This sounds like communist pocket legends now. We will all be the same no one should have something special no matter how hard they worked for it.

Wow nice look on things. I Hope a dev will look at these posts and fix the rerolls on all fang lvls doubt that. They didn't change nuri drops, so why change dragon?

10-13-2012, 11:26 AM
omg omg omzzzz fh drops 2 many trash drops pzl sts nerf ty !!!

10-13-2012, 11:39 AM
omg omg omzzzz fh drops 2 many trash drops pzl sts nerf ty !!!

ikr. Darn STS for making legendary items legendary to get.

10-13-2012, 11:46 AM
Than you should recall that shared stocks are a form of theoretical wealth, not actual wealth. If you want to hold money in rares do it in discontinued ones, not ones subject to massive price fluctuations. And if you thought that the prices would never change you should maybe consider a career as a janitor instead of a stock broker.

i new they would change but this is a thing that sts did, they brought down our "stock price" on purpose,

10-13-2012, 11:57 AM
Taking donations on dragon :) lmao

Same here! We should start the Fastduper Charity!

10-13-2012, 12:11 PM
Here's an idea...

10-13-2012, 12:27 PM
Totally agree with drgrimmy! Took me months to make my dragon set, now because people cry because they won't take the time to farm constantly in order to get one. They were for the leet group of true farmers. Should a doctor make the same amount of money as a gas station worker? This sounds like communist pocket legends now. We will all be the same no one should have something special no matter how hard they worked for it.

Seriously? Most people aren't able to farm constantly because they have to prioritize their lives, and can't spend hours upon hours of time running mt fang. You don't actually expect everyone to be as die hard as yourself, do you?

You're acting like everyone and their mother suddenly has a full dragon set and they are dropping every other run, probably to everyone but you. More people farming = more drops, regardless of the slight drop rate increase. All of the attention this is getting is causing more people to farm and is dropping the prices, but they are still rare, and not many people have them.

Surely there are more important things to worry about.

10-13-2012, 12:42 PM
You're right, someone who plays the game once or twice a week should have all the same stuff that someone who plays hours a day, everyday for years. That makes
a lot of sense.

10-13-2012, 01:41 PM
Than you should recall that shared stocks are a form of theoretical wealth, not actual wealth. If you want to hold money in rares do it in discontinued ones, not ones subject to massive price fluctuations. And if you thought that the prices would never change you should maybe consider a career as a janitor instead of a stock broker.

i new they would change but this is a thing that sts did, they brought down our "stock price" on purpose,

So people would lower prices , to many complaints about over gold cap trade scams an they for sure are not goin to raise gold cap

10-13-2012, 01:49 PM
i also believe that they should raise the cap! lol and what about those people that deserve it more , like those that play 9 hours a day? xD

10-13-2012, 01:56 PM
i also believe that they should raise the cap! lol and what about those people that deserve it more , like those that play 9 hours a day? xD

Those ppl deserve a swift kick in the arse. Go do something productive ffs!! (That means for freaks sake)

10-13-2012, 02:29 PM
Here's my opinion on this.... I absolutely agree that the dragon items should be for elite players. I was never lucky enough to loot a dragon vanity item, but over the course of 2 months of farming humania, I managed to save up 13m which I used to buy my green armor. Then in another 6 weeks since then I started merching more and managed to save up another 13m which I used to buy my helm last week. So I spent 26m total for my green set, and now a few days later I see them selling for 17m. Now I do understand that prices change, and I am not too upset since 17m is still a lot. I also am a tiny bit happy with the price drop since I plan to save up for a blue set too, and now that seems to have dropped to 20m which will be easier for me to handle. But I just hope that prices don't drop to nothing like the 56 glyph stuff. The only thing that keeps me interested in playing this game is the constant quest to get new and better (i.e. more expensive) gear. If I get to a point where I can afford every single item I want, then I will no doubt lose interest and at a minimum, won't play the game so much anymore, or perhaps even quit all together.

That said, I can understand raising drop rates on very rare items to the point where nothing costs more than gold cap. I actually agree that this is a good idea. But there should be some items that do indeed cost gold cap, or at least close to gold cap. If it gets to a point where nothing costs more than like 2m, then this game will become quite boring for me.

10-13-2012, 02:32 PM
Here is another idea, I thought the dragons were a nice gold sink and should have been left alone, it seems everyone has 10+ mil so... Why farm new stuff when most ppl are rich enough to buy them. I'm not complaining. I have more then enough for the next couple of caps. No one is gonna wanna play if everything is handed to them. I know I'm starting to lose interest.

10-13-2012, 02:32 PM
Called scam reduction

^^ started by xlimitedx/multibird :/ dont want it to happen to black so just stay away from that guy if u happen to have one LOL!

Hmm what scam are you talking about?
Idk what your talking about Miracle...
All I know or I'm saying that since nuris drop rate increased everything is getting cheaper; such as 56 sets are going cheap.
About Dragons, the only thing i said was the truth. I said since mystery mash and the elite dungeons quests will be discontinued. Therefore back dragons sets and the elite weapons will rise. They might even go for 20 mil, you don't know. But i did say that all the dragons farmed in fang will drop and as you can see they are dropping in price. Why? People are looting them more and more everyday and check cs price is dropping. This morning a golden helmet or armor was listed up for 4.7 mil, green dropped to 8.5 mil. In future it will do the same...

10-13-2012, 02:37 PM
Hmm what scam are you talking about?
Idk what your talking about Miracle...
All I know or I'm saying that since nuris drop rate increased everything is getting cheaper; such as 56 sets are going cheap.
About Dragons, the only thing i said was the truth. I said since mystery mash and the elite dungeons quests will be discontinued. Therefore back dragons sets and the elite weapons will rise. They might even go for 20 mil, you don't know. But i did say that all the dragons farmed in fang will drop and as you can see they are dropping in price. Why? People are looting them more and more everyday and check cs price is dropping. This morning a golden helmet or armor was listed up for 4.7 mil, green dropped to 8.5 mil. In future it will do the same...

It's a combination of this and the fact demand is dropping, people are saving their gold for the next cap. I expect prices to drop even lower once people start getting 75 sets and can solo and duo farm fang much faster.

10-13-2012, 02:50 PM
Here's my opinion on this.... I absolutely agree that the dragon items should be for elite players. I was never lucky enough to loot a dragon vanity item, but over the course of 2 months of farming humania, I managed to save up 13m which I used to buy my green armor. Then in another 6 weeks since then I started merching more and managed to save up another 13m which I used to buy my helm last week. So I spent 26m total for my green set, and now a few days later I see them selling for 17m. Now I do understand that prices change, and I am not too upset since 17m is still a lot. I also am a tiny bit happy with the price drop since I plan to save up for a blue set too, and now that seems to have dropped to 20m which will be easier for me to handle. But I just hope that prices don't drop to nothing like the 56 glyph stuff. The only thing that keeps me interested in playing this game is the constant quest to get new and better (i.e. more expensive) gear. If I get to a point where I can afford every single item I want, then I will no doubt lose interest and at a minimum, won't play the game so much anymore, or perhaps even quit all together.

That said, I can understand raising drop rates on very rare items to the point where nothing costs more than gold cap. I actually agree that this is a good idea. But there should be some items that do indeed cost gold cap, or at least close to gold cap. If it gets to a point where nothing costs more than like 2m, then this game will become quite boring for me.

AGain i agree with you bud :D

10-13-2012, 02:51 PM
Here is another idea, I thought the dragons were a nice gold sink and should have been left alone, it seems everyone has 10+ mil so... Why farm new stuff when most ppl are rich enough to buy them. I'm not complaining. I have more then enough for the next couple of caps. No one is gonna wanna play if everything is handed to them. I know I'm starting to lose interest.
So is what your saying that they should make dragon vanitys drop, and then make something new? How about a Lava Golem Vanity :D
Or are you agreeing with me that they should make it more rare again, and also take away rerolls?

10-13-2012, 02:53 PM
Hmm what scam are you talking about?
Idk what your talking about Miracle...
All I know or I'm saying that since nuris drop rate increased everything is getting cheaper; such as 56 sets are going cheap.
About Dragons, the only thing i said was the truth. I said since mystery mash and the elite dungeons quests will be discontinued. Therefore back dragons sets and the elite weapons will rise. They might even go for 20 mil, you don't know. But i did say that all the dragons farmed in fang will drop and as you can see they are dropping in price. Why? People are looting them more and more everyday and check cs price is dropping. This morning a golden helmet or armor was listed up for 4.7 mil, green dropped to 8.5 mil. In future it will do the same...

Eh Think i should buy a dex black dragon set buddy? ITs me husafadar btw

10-13-2012, 02:54 PM
It's a combination of this and the fact demand is dropping, people are saving their gold for the next cap. I expect prices to drop even lower once people start getting 75 sets and can solo and duo farm fang much faster.
Thats why i think that when cap comes out, since we get stronger, they will either make the fang levels harder, discontinue dragon vanitys, (making them ultra rare), Or just turn down drop rates again.

10-13-2012, 03:01 PM
Eh Think i should buy a dex black dragon set buddy? ITs me husafadar btw

you sold me your set LOL, and if i were you buy the set and maybe the elite weps ;)

10-13-2012, 03:16 PM
you sold me your set LOL, and if i were you buy the set and maybe the elite weps ;)

i sold you that stuff before the drop rates of dragon items increased, i only got 8.2m tho

And anybody else think that they should increase the drop rates of black dragon? so we could all get it and then once it goes discontionued, we will all be rich :D

10-13-2012, 03:24 PM
So is what your saying that they should make dragon vanitys drop, and then make something new? How about a Lava Golem Vanity :D
Or are you agreeing with me that they should make it more rare again, and also take away rerolls?

I am agreeing with you, but some of my points are confused, lol. Bit still a noob comes in and gets two drops, they got more gold then they will ever need now. Kinda ruins the playing experience of hard work and dedication. :(

10-13-2012, 03:25 PM
you sold me your set LOL, and if i were you buy the set and maybe the elite weps ;)

i sold you that stuff before the drop rates of dragon items increased, i only got 8.2m tho

And anybody else think that they should increase the drop rates of black dragon? so we could all get it and then once it goes discontionued, we will all be rich :D

Ur obviously thinkin about the money only.

Why increase the black drop rate? We have had a month or so, most people got one to two drops from there will completing inchor quest.
Did u complete it?
You think sts gonna waste time increasing drop rate if its coming out very soon? They gave us plenty of time, u could of merched to buy a set already.

And you say they should increase rate so everyone could get then be come discontinued an then sell so we all be rich.
Well that makes no sense because then we all would have it an no one wanna buy it.


10-13-2012, 03:25 PM
All this talk about worth... can someone please tell me who the authority is on an items "worth"? Some 13 y/o who gets the first drop? Someone with no life who spends 9+ hours in game everyday and values their pixels more than their personal health?

Highest price I've seen STS put on an item is around 300 gold (liquidation pricing). Just because we have a 10 mil (close) gold cap doesn't mean it has to be the price of all new items and rares. Community is really lacking in common sense.

10-13-2012, 03:34 PM
And most people mad about the sets because they spent mils on it and now since better looted an more people farmin, well they lost alot of gold, well we know sts changes things all the time
Thats why they wont give us a even exact date for.holidays or events because things change.
Thats how pl works from what i see.

U guys dont like current drop rates ,wait till BSM comes out and every player is playin BSM and farming for new dragon sets an everyone has a set

10-13-2012, 03:43 PM
I am agreeing with you, but some of my points are confused, lol. Bit still a noob comes in and gets two drops, they got more gold then they will ever need now. Kinda ruins the playing experience of hard work and dedication. :(

OMG EXactly!!!

10-13-2012, 03:46 PM
I am agreeing with you, but some of my points are confused, lol. Bit still a noob comes in and gets two drops, they got more gold then they will ever need now. Kinda ruins the playing experience of hard work and dedication. :(

OMG EXactly!!!
Does gold amount ruin experience or does owning dragon vanity that others have?

10-13-2012, 03:46 PM
And most people mad about the sets because they spent mils on it and now since better looted an more people farmin, well they lost alot of gold, well we know sts changes things all the time
Thats why they wont give us a even exact date for.holidays or events because things change.
Thats how pl works from what i see.

U guys dont like current drop rates ,wait till BSM comes out and every player is playin BSM and farming for new dragon sets an everyone has a set

New Dragon sets? what do you mean? the only new dragon vanity set coming out is the black dragonet ones turning into them

10-13-2012, 03:47 PM
Does gold amount ruin experience or does owning dragon vanity that others have?

why would you want something that everybody has? My point is also that sts is making dragon vanitys less cool cause everyone has and not as many people are like omg i got to have that

10-13-2012, 03:51 PM
And most people mad about the sets because they spent mils on it and now since better looted an more people farmin, well they lost alot of gold, well we know sts changes things all the time
Thats why they wont give us a even exact date for.holidays or events because things change.
Thats how pl works from what i see.

U guys dont like current drop rates ,wait till BSM comes out and every player is playin BSM and farming for new dragon sets an everyone has a set

New Dragon sets? what do you mean? the only new dragon vanity set coming out is the black dragonet ones turning into them

Im assuming be ause they gave us new vanity pets and sts does not make dragon pets for no reason

10-13-2012, 03:58 PM
Im assuming be ause they gave us new vanity pets and sts does not make dragon pets for no reason

Well i just thought they were trying to be nice, unlike this drop rate thing

10-13-2012, 04:06 PM
Called scam reduction

^^ started by xlimitedx/multibird :/ dont want it to happen to black so just stay away from that guy if u happen to have one LOL!

Hmm what scam are you talking about?
Idk what your talking about Miracle...
All I know or I'm saying that since nuris drop rate increased everything is getting cheaper; such as 56 sets are going cheap.
About Dragons, the only thing i said was the truth. I said since mystery mash and the elite dungeons quests will be discontinued. Therefore back dragons sets and the elite weapons will rise. They might even go for 20 mil, you don't know. But i did say that all the dragons farmed in fang will drop and as you can see they are dropping in price. Why? People are looting them more and more everyday and check cs price is dropping. This morning a golden helmet or armor was listed up for 4.7 mil, green dropped to 8.5 mil. In future it will do the same... so ur saying u don't know what im talking about?

Blue dragon set x2
(sold both)

Red dragon set x2
(sold both)

Green dragon set x2
(sold both) u supposedly had 6 dragon sets. Red and blue sold for 50m each? No! So u got 200m?!?! And next thing:

Cool cool i just did all plat offers on my droid and ipad have some plat 245 exact what plat elix to use to conserve and get to 71

how many inchors u have now around 400+? u had
289/500 this many yesterday Fail....

Now u know what I'm talking about or shall I go in-depth?

10-13-2012, 04:07 PM
Im assuming be ause they gave us new vanity pets and sts does not make dragon pets for no reason

Well i just thought they were trying to be nice, unlike this drop rate thing

Maybe being nice giving them for "free" right now, i just think they will cause red blue gold green all have pets an now so does black, an the other drags all match other maps in game like purple with nuri, etc, i guess we just see dont we.

I guess we all just learn from this, next time they come out with new elite gears dont pay over a cap an no one gets hurt

10-13-2012, 04:11 PM
Maybe being nice giving them for "free" right now, i just think they will cause red blue gold green all have pets an now so does black, an the other drags all match other maps in game like purple with nuri, etc, i guess we just see dont we.

I guess we all just learn from this, next time they come out with new elite gears dont pay over a cap an no one gets hurt
Yuupp i getcha dude, but they never gave green gold,blue, or red dragons out for free. If they did i would have blue set right now, i just cant get set bonus cause i cant spend the money.

10-13-2012, 04:13 PM
Sets are still goin for a gold cap +, and I'm sure dragon pack sales were stagnate.

To entice people to purchase dragons, dragon vanities drop more frequently, and more people are able to complete sets.

Everyday there's a new kid crying about something he doesn't like on this free to play game. I think the forums need an age requirement, it's getting pathetic.
Very agree with that.

10-13-2012, 04:30 PM
Lol Age requirement, if they did that where would we get our dragon sets for really low money??
Haha im just trying to say, yeah i used to have alot less money, and once i got my first dragon set
, my money spiked, but whats the point of having this much money when you cant have anything
to spend it on? See when we have sets that are worth that much money, people that are
rich actually have something to be proud of. And then there will be the people that look up to them,
and will always want to be like them; so when more dragons randomly drop alot, it sets off the
balance of the economy :D

10-13-2012, 04:30 PM
Maybe being nice giving them for "free" right now, i just think they will cause red blue gold green all have pets an now so does black, an the other drags all match other maps in game like purple with nuri, etc, i guess we just see dont we.

I guess we all just learn from this, next time they come out with new elite gears dont pay over a cap an no one gets hurt
Yuupp i getcha dude, but they never gave green gold,blue, or red dragons out for free. If they did i would have blue set right now, i just cant get set bonus cause i cant spend the money.
Sorry sts was being nice an we didnt have to pay 200-500plat for pets this time

10-13-2012, 04:37 PM
eh i dont think there r going to be those sets just because we didnt have to pay

10-13-2012, 05:01 PM
Black sets are guna be sets,an we didnt have to pay....

10-13-2012, 05:09 PM
Thats one set bro, there are four where we had to pay

10-13-2012, 05:20 PM
K i giv up ,gl

10-13-2012, 05:23 PM
oh yeah i win :D lol anybody else agree with me?

10-13-2012, 05:27 PM
Maybe devs were sick of one particular person posting and bumping tons of red dragon threads in the traders market on the same day, and this was their way of stopping the absurdity. Lol.

10-13-2012, 05:31 PM
Lol you never drop that, they warned me in a pm about that, and back on topic, anybody else think that devs should make dragons more rare again?

10-13-2012, 05:37 PM
so ur saying u don't know what im talking about? u supposedly had 6 dragon sets. Red and blue sold for 50m each? No! So u got 200m?!?! And next thing:


Now u know what I'm talking about or shall I go in-depth?

Your Point?

And most people mad about the sets because they spent mils on it and now since better looted an more people farmin, well they lost alot of gold, well we know sts changes things all the time
Thats why they wont give us a even exact date for.holidays or events because things change.
Thats how pl works from what i see.

U guys dont like current drop rates ,wait till BSM comes out and every player is playin BSM and farming for new dragon sets an everyone has a set

Things happen unexpectedly, He got lucky by making 200 mil, you have a problem?


^^ started by xlimitedx/multibird :/ dont want it to happen to black so just stay away from that guy if u happen to have one LOL!

10-13-2012, 05:42 PM
multibird is always been trustable lw, multi is a cool dude :D

10-13-2012, 05:44 PM
multibird is always been trustable lw, multi is a cool dude :D


10-13-2012, 05:49 PM
love you buddy :D :banana:

10-13-2012, 06:05 PM
Lol you never drop that, they warned me in a pm about that, and back on topic, anybody else think that devs should make dragons more rare again?

Lol you posted "bump" like FIVE times TODAY for your dragon selling thread.

10-13-2012, 06:06 PM
SO??/ The price is dropping lol, and now why u watching all my threads??

10-13-2012, 07:31 PM
yawn, lost 9.5m from this drop rate change. Thanks sts

10-13-2012, 07:33 PM
yawn, lost 9.5m from this drop rate change. Thanks sts

Dude, stop complaining. Its one thing if you lost 9.5m in real life but its just a game! Calm you horses, i mean all your damn horses and go farm it and make money. Boom solved

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

10-13-2012, 07:48 PM
wo thanks man i didnt realize that i spent hours on hours on hours of farming for the first 9.5mil :D thanks for the reality check immma go and get 33million again

10-13-2012, 07:52 PM
You obviously never got the reality check.

10-13-2012, 08:36 PM
multibird is always been trustable lw, multi is a cool dude :D

When did i say anythin about multibird?

10-13-2012, 09:39 PM
Quote Originally Posted by TheMiraclebird View Post
^^ started by xlimitedx/multibird :/ dont want it to happen to black so just stay away from that guy if u happen to have one LOL!

This was posted by miracle not you sorry lw

10-13-2012, 09:42 PM

10-13-2012, 09:44 PM
It's too late for dragon drops. I saw dragon items and knew they'd be too hard for me too farm. I still think it was meant to be, that someone with enough dedication to farming should have some type of advantage, be it big or small, on those who rush to endgame with elixirs and skip the bosses for the most part.

10-13-2012, 09:50 PM
I'm closing this thread up.