View Full Version : Disproportionate amount of kraken helmets in locked crates?

10-06-2023, 01:04 AM
Hey I wanted to address something, the new massive lockeds from store seem to be giving out a high percentage of kraken helms, I've gotten nothing but kraken helms before my guaranteed, 3 in total, I hope guaranteed is not the helm as well :P.
Could you guys check into it? Thank you!
Edit : I'm sitting on my 4th kraken helm before guaranteed loot! Please check into it! Thank you <3
Edit 2: I have done 300 pulls, guess what a guaranteed item was? a helmet! So 5 kraken helms in 300 pulls and NOTHING else. Please check into it.

10-06-2023, 01:09 AM
I experienced the same. I'd really like to see the odds for individual kraken items for these lockeds.