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10-12-2012, 07:44 PM
I broke into my middleschool's network (I was in 8th grade) with some retro skid tools and got root access to all of the printers and printed out fliers denouncing the school, pictures of George Bush with 'SATAN,' written under it (I lived in the conservative south at the time, where it is universally accepted that insulting conservatives is a crime LOL) , pictures in the Dean's office saying "Screw you, Dean <name>", pictures in the deans office with text under them calling her tubby, etc. Got caught and suspended because of other people ratting me out but they could never conclusively link any action to me and prove it was me and fine me/take legal action. They had to pull some stupid fine print that says they can suspend for any reason at all.

Fast forwarding back to highschool, I had the entire computer lab on a botnet but they never caught me. The only thing I got in trouble for that year oddly enough was opening Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. The school had it installed but I got banned from computers for 'suspicious activity,' for the rest of my time in high school.

What about you?

10-12-2012, 07:47 PM
I did the whole year's of homework (finished textbook) in the first month. The teacher got angry because she couldn't teach me anything -_-...

10-12-2012, 07:47 PM
Saying ef u in elemantary. Other than that, I'm a good boy. =]

10-12-2012, 07:50 PM
I got told off for singing in a math lesson. Yep, that was it! I am not proud :(

10-12-2012, 07:53 PM
That's incredibly awesome, hah. I wouldn't have the patients to complete that much work within a month.

10-12-2012, 08:13 PM
The most trouble I gotten was detention for getting beat up at elementary
i was like 6

10-12-2012, 08:18 PM

10-12-2012, 08:18 PM
The most trouble I gotten was detention for getting beat up at elementary
i was like 6

You got detention for getting beat up? Where is the justice in that?

10-12-2012, 08:20 PM
You got detention for getting beat up? Where is the justice in that?
I was easy to blame stuff on :/

10-12-2012, 09:29 PM
I threw this kid's track bag in a lake after practice cause he hit my friend after my friend got a better mile time than him. My coach (and my Gym teacher) kicked me off the team. It was the last week too XD.

10-12-2012, 09:36 PM
I brought a sword to class. -.-

10-12-2012, 09:39 PM
I brought a sword to class. -.-


10-12-2012, 09:40 PM
You got detention for getting beat up? Where is the justice in that?
I was easy to blame stuff on :/

I can tell O.o

10-12-2012, 09:42 PM
What's the character limit per post again?

10-13-2012, 12:37 AM

It's only satisfactory for an Asian :)

10-13-2012, 12:57 AM
Leaving a big hole @ a wall :hopelessness:

10-13-2012, 01:24 AM
Most trouble I got in was not doing homework -_- that said last year me and 6 other Kids all found out about a program on our computers that allowed the teachers to see what was on our screen while on the schools Internet (breach of privacy if you ask me XD) we all uninstalled the program and were able to play games :o

Later on me and my friend + 2 others found the program to view and interact with the other students screens I screwed around with one kids screen before finding out that anyone with the program was going to get suspended and the police were going to be called because we were "hacking" only two of us were caught and it wasn't me or my friend XD

10-13-2012, 06:51 AM
Hmm..most trouble i ever got in Sch(Uni) was helping my friends(some like to come for class .late) to tap their campus identity cards(used to record a student's attendance.).
The next Semester everyone was required to register their attendance on an attendance list in front of the Lecturer before the tutorial starts.

10-13-2012, 07:30 AM
caught water snake in a bottle
"released" the snake in a fountain outside the school
watchman was too scared to get it out
they had to call some guy who traps snakes
please don't get ideas

10-13-2012, 07:48 AM
I stole all the tests. Half way they got suspetion. I had to clean the school. Made a game of it and had to ceep doing it. Was funny how red people can get :D.

10-14-2012, 06:48 PM
Got kicked out of a dance in middle school for whipping people. You don't even want to ask why or what... I'll just say that it's not what it sounds like.

10-14-2012, 07:01 PM
Um, elementrary school. Got introuble for threatening to blow some kids hesd off in his sleep with a shotgun... Hardcore then jr high got sent to office and searched because i was with and friends with a friend who had drugs, and i got not suspended though lol but they found a bag that smelled like the substance... Oops xP

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

10-14-2012, 07:10 PM
Got in trouble for singing one of those "I hate you, you hate me, let's all gang up and kill Barney" songs in 3rd grade

10-16-2012, 08:34 PM
Most trouble in school? 8th grade second semester i was in the office almost everyday for : not doing homework, defining school property (with spray paint :devilish:), insubordination, cheating on tests, hacking computers,skipping classes and fighting. So it was rather eventful for a while but i had fun.

10-16-2012, 08:55 PM
Most trouble in school? 8th grade second semester i was in the office almost everyday for : not doing homework, defining school property (with spray paint :devilish:), insubordination, cheating on tests, hacking computers,skipping classes and fighting. So it was rather eventful for a while but i had fun.

By hacking you mean tweaking a few settings and acting like those nerds who don't do unruly things you do :P?

10-16-2012, 09:01 PM
Well in 6th grade i decided to have a moehawk 2 weeks before school was out and my teacher said it was distracting and told the principle, so he called me to the office and told me to cut it off or he'd kick me out. Never cut it ha ;)

In seventh grade i got in a fight because this kid tried to touch my friend in a bad way (she was a girl he tried to touch) so i ripped him a new one broke the kids nose and gave him a black eye (he was in ninth) i dont think i got in trouble for that though they never caught me soo. Ya.

10-17-2012, 02:34 AM
Got kicked out of a dance in middle school for whipping people. You don't even want to ask why or what... I'll just say that it's not what it sounds like.

I got kicked out of a middle school.

10-17-2012, 03:00 AM
I got kicked out of a middle school.

Ouch! How? :(

10-17-2012, 03:11 AM
Ouch! How? :(

You don't wanna know :D

10-17-2012, 03:47 AM
You don't wanna know :D

I do, I do! Pm me? :)

10-17-2012, 03:59 AM
You know that game where you stick a piece of paper to your head with a name on it, and then you have to ask questions to guess who you are? Well, I was playing it in Maths, because Maths was crap (sorry to anybody who likes Maths out there..). So obviously I wasn't looking the right way, and was looking towards my friends. So the teacher shouted for my attention, and I turned around forgetting about the note on my head. Apparently I was chose to be "Gary Glitter", (if you don't know, he was a child molester). So obviously I got in a lot of trouble, sent to the headmasters office. When I turned up at the headmasters office, I told him I was sent there for praise for splitting up a fight, he gave me some free chocolate and I went back to class.

10-17-2012, 04:29 AM
^lol good escape

10-17-2012, 05:23 AM
You know that game where you stick a piece of paper to your head with a name on it, and then you have to ask questions to guess who you are? Well, I was playing it in Maths, because Maths was crap (sorry to anybody who likes Maths out there..). So obviously I wasn't looking the right way, and was looking towards my friends. So the teacher shouted for my attention, and I turned around forgetting about the note on my head. Apparently I was chose to be "Gary Glitter", (if you don't know, he was a child molester). So obviously I got in a lot of trouble, sent to the headmasters office. When I turned up at the headmasters office, I told him I was sent there for praise for splitting up a fight, he gave me some free chocolate and I went back to class.


10-17-2012, 05:24 AM
Most trouble? My sophomore year me and a buddy decided we were gonna leave early. So as we were walking out we totally forgot about the drivers ed lady as we just got off campus, our security guard starts chasing us in the little golf cart. Now I was in 10th grade, I was stupid then. I said "oh s**t" and ran. Luckily for me I was on track that year my mile times were topping 5:35s. So I coulda made it to my house in a heart beat. But my buddy couldn't do it. And I was going to let him take the fall alone, so I stopped and he took us back to school. Because it was both of our first offenses ever in our academic career they let us slide pretty easy. 1 day of suspension. Coulda been way worse.
It ain't much to whine over but its hilarious to look back upon my senior year :)

10-17-2012, 05:33 AM
I'll do another... (I was a bit of a rebel :p)
Me and a few of my friends used to play a little game called "ball sack". The idea of the game was to shout ball sack as loud as you could in the most stupid places. You would start quietly and gradually get louder each time. Whoever got in trouble first would lose. Now everyone knows that when you have a substitute teacher because the teacher isn't in that day, that you be as much of an idiot as you can :p We had a controlled assessment that day, which is where you have to write an essay in exam conditions, so that means we had to be completely silent. That was until one of my mates whispered "ball sack" to me. That was it, I couldn't control myself, and I yelled ball sack in this completely silent classroom. The teacher gave me this most evil glare ever and pointed to the door, as if to tell me to get out. So as I was walking out, one of my mates shouted ball sack louder than mine. Now, I'm no "giver-upper" so I saw it as my duty to beat my mate and yelled it as loud as I could. And as you might have guessed, we were both severely punished hahaha.

10-17-2012, 05:35 AM
I'll do another... (I was a bit of a rebel :p)
Me and a few of my friends used to play a little game called "ball sack". The idea of the game was to shout ball sack as loud as you could in the most stupid places. You would start quietly and gradually get louder each time. Whoever got in trouble first would lose. Now everyone knows that when you have a substitute teacher because the teacher isn't in that day, that you be as much of an idiot as you can :p We had a controlled assessment that day, which is where you have to write an essay in exam conditions, so that means we had to be completely silent. That was until one of my mates whispered "ball sack" to me. That was it, I couldn't control myself, and I yelled ball sack in this completely silent classroom. The teacher gave me this most evil glare ever and pointed to the door, as if to tell me to get out. So as I was walking out, one of my mates shouted ball sack louder than mine. Now, I'm no "giver-upper" so I saw it as my duty to beat my mate and yelled it as loud as I could. And as you might have guessed, we were both severely punished hahaha.

Omg, the trouble I've gotten into with that game...

10-17-2012, 05:37 AM
Omg, the trouble I've gotten into with that game...
What word were you using? Hahaha

10-17-2012, 05:56 AM
I use the 'P' word, phun ;)

10-17-2012, 08:52 AM
I'll do another... (I was a bit of a rebel :p)
Me and a few of my friends used to play a little game called "ball sack". The idea of the game was to shout ball sack as loud as you could in the most stupid places. You would start quietly and gradually get louder each time. Whoever got in trouble first would lose. Now everyone knows that when you have a substitute teacher because the teacher isn't in that day, that you be as much of an idiot as you can :p We had a controlled assessment that day, which is where you have to write an essay in exam conditions, so that means we had to be completely silent. That was until one of my mates whispered "ball sack" to me. That was it, I couldn't control myself, and I yelled ball sack in this completely silent classroom. The teacher gave me this most evil glare ever and pointed to the door, as if to tell me to get out. So as I was walking out, one of my mates shouted ball sack louder than mine. Now, I'm no "giver-upper" so I saw it as my duty to beat my mate and yelled it as loud as I could. And as you might have guessed, we were both severely punished hahaha.

Ahh, yes we do that in the States too.

10-17-2012, 10:13 PM
Ahh, yes we do that in the States too.
Called the P. . . . . Game and its just whoever screams it louder, it doesn't matter if you do or don't get in trouble

10-17-2012, 10:17 PM

Me and some friends got in trouble for sexual harassment (the police got called)

Chewing gum

Writing a fake note for my friend to ride the bus home with me.

10-17-2012, 10:43 PM
Well i got in trouble for skipping school twice :p once in 5th grade they sent a letter for me to go to court but i didnt. Thn in 7th i skipped again n it came bak n bit me in the butt XD. Yea i had to go to juvy court for skipping.... Worst part is, in 7th i didnt skip... I jst forgot to turn in the doctors excuse XD

10-18-2012, 09:53 AM
Called the P. . . . . Game and its just whoever screams it louder, it doesn't matter if you do or don't get in trouble
Yeah, it's what we do too, but if you're in the headmasters office, who's gonna know if you screamed it louder? (which you probably wouldn't risk to be fair haha) we all get really loud to the point where it's just whoevers left in the classroom is the winner

Also, I didn't get into trouble usually anyway, I'm pretty good with excuses. I mean I got in a fight, and didn't even get in trouble, and I won, so it wasn't sympathy :p I hardly ever did homework, didn't pay much attention in class, was always messing around, and somehow still managed to pass all my exams. Hell, once I was told I didn't even deserve GCSEs (which are our exams, don't know if you do them in the US) and told there was no point learning and got sent to go wherever I wanted haha. Came back on the deadline day for coursework with 6 essays, and of course I passed. ;)

10-18-2012, 11:02 AM
I got kicked out of 4 different schools within a year! :D