View Full Version : Quick Note To The Devs

10-20-2023, 07:15 PM
I just wanted to say as a player who really was annoyed at you guys and took a break on n off for like almost a year.

I am really glad to see that either you guys changed up things in the designing of vanities or hired a completely new artist but the new designs of the "Warrior Star Beast" set and some of the new vanities are phenominal.

This is exactly what we as the community have been asking for this whole time instead of boring brown and yellow vanities.

Huge props to whoever is designing these new vanities.

P.S. I Feel like the new Oni set for Leaderboard would look insance if there was glowing orb eyes which kind of like leave behind a red light as you walk around with is.

Heres an example from the game Valorant: https://imgur.com/a/Xgq9wvF

But yeah again great work whoever is now designing armors and etc!


10-20-2023, 07:45 PM
Star beast gears should if been top 3 lb vanity each week of halloween instead of 3 recolors of the same vanity for top 5.
That would of easily been a 2bil+ vanity.

10-20-2023, 08:23 PM
Nah I like the Oni set, just like I said the glowing eyes would make em sick!