View Full Version : @DEVS, appearance of more than +/- 5 lvls im pvp, glitch explained, pls read and fix

10-14-2012, 11:32 PM
http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?69647-Are-you-seeing-people-more-than-or-5-levels-in-PvP-maps - Samhayne's thread

Let say level x hosted a pvp game, so x+/-5 lvls can join that game, now suppose anyone else lvl x+/-5 hosted another game, which is totally seperate from previous one but same pvp map, now sometime this games are getting merged into one, the consequence is lvl x+5 can join a lvl x-5 hosted game indirectly, similarly a lvl x-5 can join x+5 hosted game, but the point is they can't do it by join game option, actually they doesn't know that they are doing it, but they are getting auto-merged by the system.

Here's an exmple with my lvl 56 twink
I joined a lvl61 game and saw lvl66 players were also there, this is common, after few moments I left that game and hosted my own game lvl56 game, I was waiting SUDDENLY 5 players joined my game at the same time (the point to be noted) more importantly I saw exactly those 5 players, when I joined the lvl61 hosted game. There were obviously few lvl66 too. I left and rejoined my game to confirm it. So the points are
1. They joined all at a time
2. The same team, I noticed in a lvl 61 hosted game
3. They even didn't know that they joined a l56 game. But anyone else joined after the megingg process could tell that its a lvl 56 hosted game.
Thus the conclusion is, they got auto-merged into my game most probably when when the l61 game was finished they tapped reply and this happned. Nothing to explain to devs cause they know it, this is not a glitch rather its a technical mistake. this is not the only case, I have noticed it before and not only me many more players faced the same situation.

The possible solutions may be - Only same lvl games can be auto-merged or just leave it to pvp players cuz they're smart enough to find another game.

10-15-2012, 06:11 AM
Yeah we've had a few threads like this :/ hope they're fixing!

10-15-2012, 08:24 AM
Kinda strange how a host creates then players join immediately.... From a another seperate game

10-15-2012, 08:25 AM
The more threads the faster they fix!!!!

10-15-2012, 01:27 PM
I already explained the reproduction steps for this glitch. But like elyban said, I guess making more threads will get the issue addressed sooner? Dunno.


10-15-2012, 01:33 PM
I generally pretty helpful

10-15-2012, 02:24 PM
wow that happened to me to, i hope they fix it too!
but this does not happen alot to me

10-15-2012, 05:23 PM
Making more threads only makes the issue harder to track and diagnose. If you want to help them fix the issue, how about adding your observations to the thread that the Dev created. He asked for your input and you decide to post another thread that he might not even check. I'm sure he even has a notification system for the thread he created.

TL,DR - More threads about the same subject does NOT help get it solved faster.

This thread should be merged or locked.