View Full Version : I need help.

10-14-2012, 11:44 PM
I've been with my girlfriend for a few years now. I told her I was going to marry her. To which she was so happy. Now I've been swip swapping what I've wanted to do for years. And recently I've been really focused on the military or a science. We talked about the military and she says she scared. I told her I was too and we'd go through it together. I also told her about my science option.
She has it set in her mind, that she is the one that's making me change my mind. I kept trying to tell her it wasn't I've been thinking about it. Well, she said its best if we not get married and just stop loving each other because she's not going to be the one to change my mind which she hasnt.
Now keep in mind 2 years of dating and falling in love, I don't see myself with another girl.
She told me she had to go and I just broke down. I couldn't handle my self. I'm 17 years old ill be 18 on the 28th and yes I cried. I'll be the first to admit it. I don't know what to do without her, I've given no love but to her for 2 years. I'm crying now writing this Dang post.
I don't know what to do, and I would hope these forums have enough decency to help me out and not "troll" me as yall do so often to everyone else.
I'm in mad love, but I think its all gone. I just need kind words. Someone to boost my morale, I hope she hasn't given up on me completely.

10-14-2012, 11:56 PM
I would be scared if my love were going into the military also. She is probably feeling a lot of emotions right now, just like you. The best thing to do would be to talk it out and just go with what your heart tells you.

10-15-2012, 04:55 AM
You might be right but I can't imagine losing her.

10-15-2012, 05:02 AM
... You should keep personal issues personal, but some advice ..

Have a talk with her , sit down hold her hand and express what you feel and you two will sure work out some things together, love cant be cheated.

10-15-2012, 05:05 AM
Funny thing is I been with this community long enough to call most people my family. Which is why I posted it, don't you think I've got a little more sense than to post my personal stuff to some randoms.
On another note, thanks for the advice.

10-15-2012, 05:34 AM
I think you two should give it a try, don't give up, i've quite experience in distance relations (ur relation with her changes a bit to distance when ur going to military). But still, if she truely loves you (wich i hope for u) she wouldn't make anything touch ur relation with her. But for now the best thing u can do is talk about it and give it some time. I wish you the best.

10-15-2012, 06:04 AM
You're both very young so moving on might be a wise choice. Two years might seem like a long time to get to know someone but believe me when I say; you don't really know someone until their true colors pop up during the hardest times of your lives. The choices we make, dictate the lives we lead. Some time apart from each other is a good thing. Gives you both time to think things through. However, keep in mind; if she really choses not to stand by your decision & be there for you, then she doesn't deserve you.

10-15-2012, 06:17 AM
I Agree with that, Lady_Pebbles.

10-15-2012, 08:07 AM
Just do what your gonna do and then tell her, if she disagrees, maybe separation is for the best as bad as it sounds

Btw which branch of the military you looking in

10-15-2012, 08:33 AM
Have you asked her what she wants?

My girl dumped me when I joined the Navy, many years ago. She said she wasn't going to wait. It upset me incredibly, more than I knew at the time. But I know now that a different man came home from the military than the boy who went, and the life I had before was completely gone when I came home. Everyone had moved out and most had moved away. I had to make new friends and love relationships eventually sprang up, and I eventually married someone from among these different people.

I'm sure my ex-girlfriend found someone with whom she could live the life she wanted to live. Like I say, I was a changed man and it was never going to be me. I was destined for someone else. Hindsight is 20/20. I think my ex-girlfriend was right to leave me, now. She wanted something different. If we had tried to force it, it would probably have made us both miserable. Life gave me a better woman in the long run!

10-15-2012, 08:40 AM
Being as I don't have much expereince here I wont give advice.

However, stay strong and know that your game friends got your back!
Good luck!

10-15-2012, 01:28 PM
Thanks to all you my friends. And Ely thanks to you. You've been there with me a lot as a friend I appreciate it. And I wanted to join the Navy.
@snake You've always been somewhat of that fellow that I tend to listen to the most. Your words mean a lot to me. And being as you've got experience on me, ill take it all in.
@lady Even if we've never talked it seemed as though you've been my friend since day one on this game. Especially from a woman's perspective.
It sucks that I have to lose her like this. She's told me that she supports me 100% but she's always said she'd never marry into the military. I planned on talking to her today so we'll see.
Again, thank you all for being the understanding community I know yall are

Suentous PO
10-15-2012, 09:47 PM
Hey bro
Snake and Pebbles said some good things here, I really sory this hurts now. It won't forever, and you'll grow stronger from some of the worst times. You have to make your choices now FOR YOU and you alone. Take some comfort knowing that you are in controll, taking the steps toward what you want. You have plenty of time even if you make a mistake now, just follow what will be best for you. Things will be ok in the long run.
Trust this oldie, your gonna be ok.

10-15-2012, 10:06 PM
To be honest, I'd just pray to God if I were in this scenario. If you really love her, you want her to be happy right? Ask her what makes her happy!

10-15-2012, 10:10 PM
she feisty.

10-15-2012, 10:22 PM
First off, my heart goes out to ya. I know how painful it is to separate from someone you love. I know how your heart literally burts and you have a thousand thoughts swirling through your head.

A little story for ya:

Many moons ago, I too decided to go into the military after a not-so-great attempt at college. I had met a girl whom I was head-over-hills in love with. We too talk of getting married after I went through my tech school (job training after basic.) Two days before my graduation from basic, she flew to San Antonio to see me and spend the weekend with me. To say I was happy is a huge understatement. The night before my graduation, I was saying goodbye to her as we had to be back in our dorm by a certain time. She proceeds to tell me "It's over." Over a year of pure bliss destroyed in 5 minutes.

I don't tell you this story to "one-up" ya, but to show I can connect. That horrible moment is but a fragment of my life now. I am married to the most wonderful woman who is not only my best friend but the best mother EVER! Also, like Snake, I came out of my 4 years in the Air Force a man. The girl who left me, left a boy and missed out on a man.

As said before, you are young and still have YOUR life before you. Do what is best for you and if she wants to be part of that, great! If not, great! In the end, you will be happier for doing what was best for you and you will find someone who wants to be with you because of that.

God bless ya bud!

10-15-2012, 10:25 PM
I'm really sorry bro :( I guess I could say I can relate, since this has happened to me as well. Eventually we met back up again, and remain just friends.

Do what YOU want to do. Don't let others dictate your future, no matter how much you love them. As said above, it may be for the best that she left, and there's a great future awaiting you.

But, no matter what we say, just go with your heart. You have good judgement :) No matter which decision you make, I'm sure you'll end up the great guy I know you to be.

10-15-2012, 10:34 PM
I'm really sorry bro :( I guess I could say I can relate, since this has happened to me as well. Eventually we met back up again, and remain just friends.

Do what YOU want to do. Don't let others dictate your future, no matter how much you love them. As said above, it may be for the best that she left, and there's a great future awaiting you.

But, no matter what we say, just go with your heart. You have good judgement :) No matter which decision you make, I'm sure you'll end up the great guy I know you to be.

Yup I agree with Moth. Follow your heart. Like they once told me, and I'm so sure you've heard "If you love someone, and you let them go, and somehow they come back to you. Then it was meant to be." Or something around those lines. Haha, I'm not great with being a romantic, I'm kindov a jerk lol

10-15-2012, 10:45 PM
@ Crimson your another one of those people I tend to pay more attention to. It definetly makes me feel better knowing that yall understand. The stories I've heard today. I know what its like now. And it sucks. But like you've said, you've all found someone better.

@Moth Thanks mothy. The thing is. Im really indecisive on what I want to do, she wasn't making me change my mind. But oh well. The military man isn't for every women.

I talked with her today, we decided that we give it a go again. She told me that she'd be in the same spot she dropped me off for deployment when I got back. I started crying. I'm pretty sure its ever sailors dream to see his love out there in the crowd waiting. Thanks to all of you.

10-15-2012, 10:48 PM
@ Crimson your another one of those people I tend to pay more attention to. It definetly makes me feel better knowing that yall understand. The stories I've heard today. I know what its like now. And it sucks. But like you've said, you've all found someone better.

@Moth Thanks mothy. The thing is. Im really indecisive on what I want to do, she wasn't making me change my mind. But oh well. The military man isn't for every women.

I talked with her today, we decided that we give it a go again. She told me that she'd be in the same spot she dropped me off for deployment when I got back. I started crying. I'm pretty sure its ever sailors dream to see his love out there in the crowd waiting. Thanks to all of you.

Im glad it all worked out :) You have a great future awaiting, go conquer it >:]

10-18-2012, 12:53 AM
Ouch, that must suck.:(