View Full Version : reporting scammers

10-15-2012, 01:03 AM
I saw too many people reporting sellers as scammers only because they were selling their items at prices that the reporters didn't like.
Do u know what the scammer word means?!
Stop reporting people this way, rather report the ones that say their trade window doesn't work or that cheat while trading removing the money or the item from the trade window at the last moment!
Happy gaming to all.

10-15-2012, 01:09 AM
Another thing: when u report someone, I suggest u to don't say it to him/her or he/she will report u bk in revenge.

10-15-2012, 02:28 AM
I got reported for that same reason. I told the guy to learn the meaning of scamming.

10-15-2012, 04:59 AM
I dislike this whole thread. I'm gonna report you now!

10-15-2012, 05:02 AM
Btw I saw a rich scammer. I'm not sure of he was a rich player scamming other player or if he got rich because of his scams. But he had everything. Albino bats, dark manic, gamer set, elder blood tear gem. Keep telling his trade window is auto leaving, but the giving option works lmao

10-15-2012, 07:37 AM
Yeah I think I know who u are talking about...
Some get rich also scamming people... I would never buy from such persons!

PS: all the ones that try trading with me n say the trade window doesn't work or keep closing it are automatically reported by me!

10-15-2012, 07:48 AM
When someone says "reported" its fake 99/100 times unless its either a reputable player or there is a legitimate scam going on.

10-15-2012, 05:03 PM
I dunno if that percentage is correct or not but I'm sure many don't know what a scamming report is.

10-15-2012, 06:09 PM
a friend of mine was reported for being a scammer because he invited some people on an execution but before the 2nd person could come the first one killed it. People are stoop these days. ^ tell me anyone....does that even make sense?

10-16-2012, 01:45 AM
People is crazy!

10-16-2012, 02:52 AM
Reporting is only taken serious when a clear and concise description of what has happened has been included. So I wouldn't worry if someone has reported you for something that doesn't qualify as a "scam", as without that description, nothing will come of it!

Also, that goes the other way, if you know a scammer is scamming for real, ensure you include the full and concise description of events!

Much love!

10-16-2012, 06:30 AM
Tell me more about this reach scammer :D

10-16-2012, 09:42 AM
Tell me more about this reach scammer :D

Nobody likes you

10-16-2012, 10:47 AM
they get on my nerves i have people coming to me and asking for help. I don't know what to do for them but to tell them to report them. So for now on i just tell people on chat to watch out for the person. Also i like your post because the people should be watching there trade screen. If there not that's there fault.

10-16-2012, 06:55 PM
Well, about the trade window. When your accepting the trade the 1st time then you will be notified if the other player is going to change something. Like removing an item or gold.

Oh and blueeyer,

I couldn't tell you anything about the "reach scammer" which you don't know already

10-17-2012, 02:38 AM
Oh and blueeyer,

I couldn't tell you anything about the "reach scammer" which you don't know already

Ahahahahahah Kuero XD
Be happy, he has been banned forever.
Yesterday I saw one of his alts though... I hope he learnt the lesson n will stop scamming people with his other chars.

Oh, I was going to forget to add a new kind of scammer which I happened to meet:
the one that goes around saying to sell a rare item (which actually he doesn't have) but that he can't trade it for some obscure reason... if u will say him u think he can be a scammer, he will say that actually he already sold that item rt a min ago but that since he is the vanity/pink drop king he will soon get another one to sell to u...but to do it he will need an incentive...guess what...yeah money...he will ask u to prepay him (the half price of the real value of the goods)...to prepay him for air as he doesn't have anything! N I bet he will never contact u again to give the item to u supposing he really happens to drop it!
Being really desperate to get the money, he will even lower the price till about 50k, asking u to give him a chance to prove his honesty: trading his super legendary weapon in return of the 50k -.-
That trade should be considered as booking the goods...
I'm really surprised by the crap these persons can shoot just to scam another player...

People, beware of the wolves!

10-17-2012, 02:41 AM
a friend of mine was reported for being a scammer because he invited some people on an execution but before the 2nd person could come the first one killed it. People are stoop these days. ^ tell me anyone....does that even make sense?

No. None of your post made sense to me.

10-17-2012, 06:54 AM
Ahahahahahah Kuero XD
Be happy, he has been banned forever.

Well, of 1 good news is following also 1 bad. With his ban there's also going an Elder Blood tear gem going to be banned forever. That could raise the price of the other 4!!!!!!

10-17-2012, 07:12 AM
Guess he has all stolen vanity on Pompushka and he still plays

10-17-2012, 10:51 AM
As Bastilia said the Elder Blood Tear Gem is safe. N if it's true what I heard he already sold it to someone.

10-17-2012, 10:56 AM
I saw too many people reporting sellers as scammers only because they were selling their items at prices that the reporters didn't like.
Do u know what the scammer word means?!
Stop reporting people this way, rather report the ones that say their trade window doesn't work or that cheat while trading removing the money or the item from the trade window at the last moment!
Happy gaming to all.

It kinda is since they are ripping people off, shouldn't the seller know the cs price before they sell it at a reasonable price? So it's a scam, selling much higher than cs and trying to rip people off

10-17-2012, 01:04 PM
It kinda is since they are ripping people off, shouldn't the seller know the cs price before they sell it at a reasonable price? So it's a scam, selling much higher than cs and trying to rip people off

That is not a scam. Come on now. Not even under any interpretation.

If I have a piece of equipment I want to sell, its not my job to tell people what its selling for in AH. That's THEIR job. I'm telling you what I want to sell it for. If you don't want it, don't buy it.

No scam there.

10-17-2012, 02:26 PM
I do agree with Aedenos.
Players make the prices anyway, so why should it be considered rt only the price of an item sold in the AH while the one of an item sold out of it a scamming attempt?!

10-17-2012, 04:50 PM
I got scam, was so piss off, :(
I hate them for it
but then I thought about it .
who's fault is it, its my own dam fault to fall for it, and was running around crying about it.
so now I just buy my items and vanitys at AH.
If its to good to be ture, don't do it

10-18-2012, 12:41 AM
Sometimes I think to myself: "Can people really be so mindless?"

10-18-2012, 09:25 AM
Some are just gullible...

10-18-2012, 02:17 PM
iReport uReport wiiReport

jeezus! there is NO way you can get scammed unless you're gullible enough to believe someone asking for a valuable possession.

10-18-2012, 03:26 PM
It kinda is since they are ripping people off, shouldn't the seller know the cs price before they sell it at a reasonable price? So it's a scam, selling much higher than cs and trying to rip people off

This is not scamming. But to report it is spamming. Please don't waste Support's time with frivolous complaints.

sun light
10-19-2012, 05:41 AM
It kinda is since they are ripping people off, shouldn't the seller know the cs price before they sell it at a reasonable price? So it's a scam, selling much higher than cs and trying to rip people off

This is not scamming. But to report it is spamming. Please don't waste Support's time with frivolous complaints.
exactly, its like wall street,
one day the price is x and the next day the price is x+100k
u cant be sure, .

Penny Hartley
03-11-2013, 05:35 PM
There is a girl Named of Bellino who stole Queenchante bandana sorry if miss spelled that Anyways her Guild is Overlordz They where in trade window and the girl scammed her I thought i would let someone no

03-18-2013, 08:39 AM
I thought scamming was taking away something from someone in real life, not a game, ppl take things to serious -__-

03-26-2013, 02:50 AM
All scammers are stupid and should be reported. Nowdays they act as account sellers like: Selling my account with batman vanity for 2mil etc... When i do my scammer check for this guys like: Ok log in and show me this char, they usually say something like: Im not going to do it before u will tranfer me money! Then i press REPORT button (Bye bye scammer)

Also other types of scammers are pretty stupid. Once i wanted to trade 2mil + white biker for albino and one guy lvl 6 said me like: Ok i have one!
Then we enter trade window and he said: Show me money and vanity!
I did. He said: Ok! I dont have albino on this account accept deal and i will log on another one and will give you it!
He press accept i press reject. After this i receve message like: OMG u lied me! (what a piece of scam)
And then he was reported as scammer and i hope he will be banned for this try.

P/S I dont know if scam things work on elder ppl. On kids only maybe. But not to be scammed dont trust ppl u dont know and always check deals that been made))))

03-26-2013, 03:08 AM
It kinda is since they are ripping people off, shouldn't the seller know the cs price before they sell it at a reasonable price? So it's a scam, selling much higher than cs and trying to rip people off

Lol! If im a seller i decide what prices i set, not buyer or auction. If im a buyer i decide what price is better for me. Its a simple formula so u can follow it to avoid buying something for higher price. So why its a scam? U always have a choise to look for price in auction and have a bargain with seller for making price that approach you)

03-27-2013, 09:03 PM
I thought scamming was taking away something from someone in real life, not a game, ppl take things to serious -__-

To a degree, true. However, it is taking time away from them. Either time spent farming item x, time spent trading for item x, etc. Some of us take our time seriously.

04-03-2013, 02:19 AM
So i randomly got a message from from this guy today, calling me a scammer saying i.borrowed 1.1 mill off of him like two months ago, 990k is the highest ive ever had that was mine, so how could i.have.borrowed 1.1, he said this when i said in.public chat that i was selling gamer leggings, trying to scam me of my leggs

04-03-2013, 06:28 AM
So i randomly got a message from from this guy today, calling me a scammer saying i.borrowed 1.1 mill off of him like two months ago, 990k is the highest ive ever had that was mine, so how could i.have.borrowed 1.1, he said this when i said in.public chat that i was selling gamer leggings, trying to scam me of my leggs

Lol they are getting more carefull))))))

Jaymer Larracas
09-09-2013, 07:34 PM
I saw too many people reporting sellers as scammers only because they were selling their items at prices that the reporters didn't like.
Do u know what the scammer word means?!
Stop reporting people this way, rather report the ones that say their trade window doesn't work or that cheat while trading removing the money or the item from the trade window at the last moment!
Happy gaming to all.

>>>> that is exactly what happen to me.removing the money from the trade window at the last moment!..i reported it to space time..but nothing happen..my mythic sword is gone.. 'sigh' i gave all the details but nothing happen.

Jaymer Larracas
09-09-2013, 07:44 PM
I saw too many people reporting sellers as scammers only because they were selling their items at prices that the reporters didn't like.
Do u know what the scammer word means?!
Stop reporting people this way, rather report the ones that say their trade window doesn't work or that cheat while trading removing the money or the item from the trade window at the last moment!
Happy gaming to all.

>>>> that is exactly what happen to me.removing the money from the trade window at the last moment!..i reported it to space time..but nothing happen..my mythic sword is gone.. 'sigh' i gave all the details but nothing happen.