View Full Version : 3 mind blowing game updates that will bring sts back in limelight

11-06-2023, 05:07 PM
Sir ,
In recent year I saw sts has been bringing changes which are highly focused on monetization which is an indicator that the studio is struggling

Here are some ideas that I wanted to share :

1: a brand new launch of a Chinese version of arcane legends running on a saperate server for Chinese community (( language Chinese))
(( lots of other games e.g Frostborn , pubg have done this to maximise there profits ))

2: a proper steam version of arcane legends enabling some main stream gamers to find and play a free game bringing game more lime light

3: ((( a bit more labour intensive))) how about outsourcing some programmers to code and make a working version of arcane legends to be playable on PlayStation and xbox controllers . Bringing the studio a lot of new player base from the console player base.

Note: the point 2 and 3 will bring the gamers something very rare and unique to the players ( the ability to play with phone , pc , ps4/5 and xbox together . And believe me if people can play a game with there friends for free that's a huge + for the studio

Yours truly ,

11-06-2023, 10:17 PM
Idk it’s current status, I think it’s gone

2: they have done that, no influencer can fix an old games mechanics

3: Sts is small, & they’re smart enough to know what is worth time/$
Chances are they’ve already done it ( 1 & 2) or know it’s not gonna fly (3)

11-07-2023, 03:24 AM
link seems broken but it linked to a sony experia with PL on it lol

+1 launch on steam, that'd be badass

11-07-2023, 11:45 AM
Sir ,
In recent year I saw sts has been bringing changes which are highly focused on monetization which is an indicator that the studio is struggling

Here are some ideas that I wanted to share :

1: a brand new launch of a Chinese version of arcane legends running on a saperate server for Chinese community (( language Chinese))
(( lots of other games e.g Frostborn , pubg have done this to maximise there profits ))

2: a proper steam version of arcane legends enabling some main stream gamers to find and play a free game bringing game more lime light

3: ((( a bit more labour intensive))) how about outsourcing some programmers to code and make a working version of arcane legends to be playable on PlayStation and xbox controllers . Bringing the studio a lot of new player base from the console player base.

Note: the point 2 and 3 will bring the gamers something very rare and unique to the players ( the ability to play with phone , pc , ps4/5 and xbox together . And believe me if people can play a game with there friends for free that's a huge + for the studio

Yours truly ,

-1 On all three points.

I'm sorry, but there are more things STS needs to prioritize fixing first, such as the vendor shop, broken and annoying game mechanics, outdated pets, outdated skills, dead maps, gambling loot system, p2w aspect, and so on...

In my opinion, adding the three things you suggested won't bring STS back to its glory days until the issues above have been fixed.

Right now, the thing keeping the game alive is veteran support and loyalty. That support and loyalty are slowly decreasing each passing day with the crazy updates and lack of exciting content that STS has been releasing this past few months (I'm not 100% sure on this, just an observation base on how many veteran players on my friend list have decided to take a break or quit the game entirely).

11-07-2023, 06:35 PM
Appreciate the suggestions.

1) Had a Chinese version, didn't work out.

2) Considered Steam support, didn't pan out.

3) Had controller support, didn't work out.


11-08-2023, 07:57 AM
How about a discussion on these lost opportunities once again in an upcoming STS meeting. Maybe some brain storming by the devs might bring about some new ideas to get 1 or 2 of those opportunities to be available. Sir you guys can take it as a challenge and grow from those preciously lost opportunities

E.g : howawai is now running on harmony os with there own app store .
I suggest get on board with hwawwai and pump out Al version in Chinese for the Chinese market . They will prolly welcome the game seeing there situation rn .

11-09-2023, 09:58 AM
How about a discussion on these lost opportunities once again in an upcoming STS meeting. Maybe some brain storming by the devs might bring about some new ideas to get 1 or 2 of those opportunities to be available. Sir you guys can take it as a challenge and grow from those preciously lost opportunities

E.g : howawai is now running on harmony os with there own app store .
I suggest get on board with hwawwai and pump out Al version in Chinese for the Chinese market . They will prolly welcome the game seeing there situation rn .

You're trying to make Fortnite famous game out of AL and developers clearly have no interest in promoting it that heavily, accept it finally.