View Full Version : The CTF Arena: What You Should Know

10-16-2012, 08:32 AM
DISCLAIMER: I am no CTF-pro. This thread does not contain tips, builds or others. Threads have been made on those. This is purely about the CTF map, terms we use, and the basic things.

This is the first CTF map we've ever had since Dark Legends started. This thread is about the basics of the this CTF map/arena, the things we can use, words we oftenly say. The reason why I am making this thread is because I have experienced saying a CTF term, and yet, my team mates don't understand what I have said, like when I say, "CLOSE Gates" and they will say, "Which gates?". But I cannot really blame them. I, myself, have no idea about those, I just hear others say terms and observe what others will do.

I will be updating this thread about the new CTF maps, hopefully, if new ones will be added in the future and new terms and other basics regarding DL CTF.

CTF Objective: From the meaning of the acronym itself, CAPTURE THE FLAG, mates!

1. The RED Flag: Blue team goes after this. Sheesh. When did Blue Team go after Blue Flag? :) From where you have spawned, travel to the very end of the arena, and go to the middle area, where you can enter a room, that's where your enemies' flag is. But be careful, there may be defenders for the flag right in that room. Suit up! :)

2. The BLUE Flag: Oh well, Red team goes after this.

3. The Speed Boost: Looks like a shoe or a foot with wings to me. Lol. This can be found in the spawn area of both teams, both sides.

4. The Heart: This will replenish players' health. This can be found in the middle part of the arena: middle-left, middle-right and middle-middle.

5. The Prestigious Gate and the SWITCH: This can be found on your base, be it your own base, or your enemies' base.

When the light on the switch is green, the gate is still open like the one in the picture below.

Now, touch that switch, it will turn red, it means, you have closed the gate which leads to your flag.

6.*The Windows- Aside from the gates, these windows can be strategically used to damage enemies. This can be found at the left and right sides of the CTF arena, both top and bottom portions, near the spawn areas. Just please do NOT abuse the windows. Like Christmas lights ticking on and off. Lmao.

Switch is green, windows are still closed.

Touch that switch, it will turn red, and windows will be opened. You can use this to damage enemies passing by those windows. We, vamps, are allergic to sunlight, yes? But be careful, this windows can be used against you. You can be killed instantly just by passing.

7.*Zombies: Zombies spawn in the middle area of the arena, from these gates; one gate depicted below. Focus on the square gate-like area on the wall, close to the lamp. Zombies do not spawn at the very start of the game. It takes time before they actually appear and puke on you all over. Lol. By that observation, I can judge that it is best to go for the flag during the very start of the game and pass by the middle to easily go back to your base. You can also use zombies to lure enemies who have been tracking you or stalking you. Lol.
Terms heard and used:

BASE!: Go to your base immediately. Enemies hava taken your flag. To the rescue! :)

BASE 2 or BASE 3!: The formula for yelling: BASE (the number of enemies invading your very private base. You tried to stop them, but you failed. You say this to indicate or warn about the number of enemies at your base.

THEIR BASE!: Attempts to annihilate enemies at your own base were unsuccessful. Enemies, with your flag have escaped to their base! Oh noooo! Still, to the rescue! :D

MID: Two purposes. Either, your enemies with your team's flag are already in the mid-part of the arena. This is bad. On the bright side, it may also indicate your location when you try to steal the enemies' flag. If you yell MID, congratulations! You are already in the mid-portion of the arena, trying to ask for help from your team mates. And then, HOME RUN! :)

LEFT: If you wanna be specific about your enemies' location, you can use this. But be aware also that this may mean left from their base, or left from your base. Hence, you can say, "left from their base or left from our base".

RIGHT: Same as the one above. Right from our base or right from their base.

CATCH: Unfortunately, after long minutes of fighting, you failed to steal some hearts. You died, broken-hearted. :( That's when you ask your nearest team mate to catch the flag for you when you die. And as you respawn, you hope and pray that it will be a "nice catch".

INCOMING: There are players tryna invade your private base.

INCOMING ETA _ seconds: LOL. Heard this once. There is a specified time of arrival of the enemies at your base. Haha.

BACKUP: Help your mates! Yes, he/she is carrying the flag.

*FLAG OUT!: Enemy has your flag

*CLEAR THE BASE!: (by carrier mostly) It means an enemy or a couple of em are camping your flag room waiting to close the gate on your carrier

*TAKE!: either a gesture of courtesy (heart or speed boost)
or communication between flag runners on who carries the goods.

*SPOT!: When you have no clue where the flag is. Maybe someone would help you locate the goods.


*1. STRATEGICAL: a team/guild who aims to win as many matches as possible. When they stack against you, it's not because they hate you.. okay? alright? good.

*a) Objective driven: Relentlessly goes for the flag
*b) Objective driven-ish - Tries for the flag but is there for the actual Player vs Player

*2. STATISTICAL: Players who try to get all the kills while trying to avoid getting killed at the same time. (If you see them leave a match then join back 3 seconds later.. You know why You're welcome.) Often take runes even if they don't need it (heart, speedboost) AKA Farmers

*3. Category yet to be named: New players figuring out which role to play in CTF. They make 'rookie mistakes' Don't get mad or at least try not to. They'll figure it out.

Be careful when you use these terms. Look after each other. Sacrifice for the flag.
I am no believer of KS (Kill-Steal). This is a team game.

And now, a picture of YOU carrying the flag.

GG buddies! I will be adding some terms soon. :)
Tell me if I forgot something. Or correct me if I am wrong.

*These are all contributed by Vidarr666. Thank you buddy for this! :)

Dates Edited:
10/16/12 Added CTF Terms
10/17/12 Added Vidarr's suggestions, added some more photos
10/20/12 Added a note on Thren's suggestions

1. If you still insist on looking for builds, here is the link to Chilango's very helpful and detailed thread on PVP build in DL:
2. Thren suggested more terms below. Please view her reply. Reply #18 :)

10-16-2012, 08:37 AM
nice :D

10-16-2012, 08:38 AM
Once I captured a flag...

10-16-2012, 03:06 PM
This is very nice! Good Job!

*Windows- there are switches for em as well..

*Zombies- when to avoid and when to utilize..


Flag out! - Enemy has your flag

Clear the base! - (by carrier mostly) It means an enemy or a couple of em are camping your flag room waiting to close the gate on your carrier

Take! - either a gesture of courtesy (heart or speed boost)
or communication between flag runners on who carries the goods.

Spot! - When you have no clue where the flag is. Maybe someone would help you locate the goods.

Types of players in a CTF match:

STRATEGICAL- a team/guild who aims to win as many matches as possible. When they stack against you, it's not because they hate you.. okay? alright? good.

a) Objective driven - Relentlessly goes for the flag

b) Objective driven-ish - Tries for the flag but is there for the actual Player vs Player

STATISTICAL - Players who try to get all the kills while trying to avoid getting killed at the same time. (If you see them leave a match then join back 3 seconds later.. You know why ;) You're welcome.) Often take runes even if they don't need it (heart, speedboost) AKA Farmers

Category yet to be named - New players figuring out which role to play in CTF. They make 'rookie mistakes' Don't get mad or at least try not to. They'll figure it out ;)

just some stuff that might be helpful.

Feel free to quote me. I don't mind.


10-16-2012, 04:16 PM
Thank you Vidar! I surely will include you once I edit! :)

10-16-2012, 11:18 PM
vidarr666 might have said this when he mentioned "windows" but im not sure
if not, i just wanted to add the windows where the light comes through. the switches next to the windows can be turned on and if a player runs through them, they die

sorry if thats what you were saying, i just wasnt sure

10-16-2012, 11:59 PM
vidarr666 might have said this when he mentioned "windows" but im not sure
if not, i just wanted to add the windows where the light comes through. the switches next to the windows can be turned on and if a player runs through them, they die

sorry if thats what you were saying, i just wasnt sure

Sorry if I wasnt clear enough but yeah that's what i meant. the window aura bahaha!

10-17-2012, 12:00 AM
Thank you Vidar! I surely will include you once I edit! :)

No worries! again, this is a nice post. very helpful for sure.


10-17-2012, 08:37 AM
No worries! again, this is a nice post. very helpful for sure.


Thank you very much!

Buddies, I have added new photos, a link; also rearranged the parts of the thread.

10-17-2012, 08:48 AM
Nice :)

10-17-2012, 09:00 AM
Nice :)

Salamat Kuya Pat. :)

10-17-2012, 09:02 AM
vidarr666 might have said this when he mentioned "windows" but im not sure
if not, i just wanted to add the windows where the light comes through. the switches next to the windows can be turned on and if a player runs through them, they die

sorry if thats what you were saying, i just wasnt sure

I noted that. Thank you very much!

10-17-2012, 11:15 AM
I noted that. Thank you very much!

Thread is looking very good and very informative.. Quit thanking me please. I just chucked in a few ideas. This is all you! Mabuhay!


10-17-2012, 02:41 PM
Thank you all so much. I joined CTF for the first time this week, I was SO CLUELESS.... I thought the speed boost was the flag!!! :shame: I warned the person who invited me in advance and he said he didn't care. Wish I had seen this first. I'm sure everyone that was in there with me will cringe if they see me join them again, but now I'll be more prepared. TY TY!!

10-17-2012, 03:41 PM
Thread is looking very good and very informative.. Quit thanking me please. I just chucked in a few ideas. This is all you! Mabuhay!


But those ideas, the window for example, are helpful. I have no idea about the windows. Lol. :p Cheers, mabuhay and see you in-game! :)

Thank you all so much. I joined CTF for the first time this week, I was SO CLUELESS.... I thought the speed boost was the flag!!! :shame: I warned the person who invited me in advance and he said he didn't care. Wish I had seen this first. I'm sure everyone that was in there with me will cringe if they see me join them again, but now I'll be more prepared. TY TY!!

You're welcome Pixer. :) Now, youare ready to go for the flag!

10-17-2012, 06:23 PM
I am loving this thread. Great job Kate. It definitely will help us all. I had never heard some of the terms you mentioned so very well done. :vsmile: Hi-five! 0/\0

10-17-2012, 06:46 PM
Very nice! great guide for the begining pvpr on the rise! good luck and happy hunting to all!

10-18-2012, 02:43 AM
Loving this guide for the newbies luv!

Here are some more terms & clarifications that can be useful for them;

FLAG CARRIER: A player carrying the flag to the goal. The main target for the enemies. Anyone can be the carrier despite the style of pvp you fall on (i.e. defense or offense).

GOALIE: A player that defends their flag by camping out (see below for a definition of the term "camper") at their base and assists Flag Carriers near the base as they approach. They are known to take on anywhere from one to all five enemies at once to protect the flag. They are the ones yelling commands like a captain (lol) to let their team know if they need help at the base, yelling the directions of where the enemy carrier went with their flag, and gives them a heads up on pretty much all the enemies at or near the base.

GUARDS: Players that protect the Flag Carrier at all costs. Even if it means taking their own lives to get the job done or catching the flag and moving forward to reach the goal. These are usually players on Offense.

DEFENDERS: Players that perform mostly guard and goalie duties but also go on Offense when need to. Pretty much do a little of everything.

OFFENSE: As stated above by Vidarr, a player whose sole purpose is to kill farm. However, they can assist the Flag Carriers, Guards & Defenders whenever needed.

STATS: The most important part of PvP is having a stat build that caters to -your- pvp style. Sometimes, what works for one player doesn't work for another. That being said, the stats are highly impirtant and play a key role in PvP. These are your Atack (atk), Defense (def), Health (hp), Damage (dmg), & Damage Per Second (dps).

Here is a brief run down of what the stats do & get some tips on some good builds: Check out Chilango's Assassination Build(s) thread! (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?55356-Chilango-s-Assassination-Build(s))

BUILD(s): A skill build or stat build players use for both PvE and PvP. Some might be the same others will differ. For example;
---Offensive Build aka a Nuke--- High in damage (dmg, atk, & dps) with some defense (def) & low to moderate health (hp).
---Defensive Build aka Tank--- Moderate to high health (hp) with less stats than a Nuke build.
---Balanced Build aka Hybrid--- Having a balanced build with moderate stats, still pretty high but not as high as the Nuke build.

CAMPER: A player that stays in one spot and lets enemies come to them. Hence the term "camping" and "camper". This is a term often used to describe a player that stays in one spot throughout the entire match. There can be campers at spawn locations, waiting for a fallen enemy to respawn so they can kill them again and get the point, campers that remain at heart or speed boost locations. They can even be found in the middle of the map, in a corner by the zombies to spot enemies approaching. Even Goalies are considered campers (see above for reference). This is also a method used in some strategies.

RUNNERS: A player runs away from an enemy (or enemies) in an attempt to save themselves from being killed & try to find a heart immediately. Its a survival method used in varies strategies, such as; hit & runs, nuking, and even flag carriers run for hearts immediately as they are being attacked by the enemy.

HIT & RUNS: A runner that hits an enemy with one or two skills then runs off. Slowly weakening their opponents.

KSers & KSing: When your team mate steals your kill while you are fighting an enemy they are called KSers. Please note that Kill Steals are irrelevant & basicly do not exist in -team- matches. There is no 1vs1 on these games. There is no turn based system on any STS games (only the "go" style in SL due to players there caring too much about KDRs so they do 1v1 matches and no FFA). These players are often called Rushers in SL. *rolls eyes* Pfft, ffa all the way!

KDRs: Kill Death Ratios. The ratio between how many players you kill versus how many death you have. Divide your kills by the number of deaths you have and the result is your KDR.

TRAITORS/SWITCHERS: Players that switch teams in the middle of a match for various reasosn; want to be on a winning team, wants to farm the weaker team for kills, doesn't want to be farmed themselves, etc. Therefore betraying their team mates.

DC(ed): Simply means Disconnect(ed) due to lag during a match.

REIPED (spelled correctly in game but not here): This is a term used to describe an enemy mob that killed a player. It is highly duragatory, disrespectful, and offensive to victims of the -real- meaning of the word (although not everyone takes it so offensively). It is a word that really shouldn't be used (nor allowed to be used) in such a way imo.

STUFF TO LOOK OUT FOR (or have no names yet) DURING A MATCH:

Players that leave the matches while in the middle of a fight. Some actually don't DC, they do it on purpose so they can regen their hp at the fountain & come back to the match. Thus avoiding a death point.


I'll edit this if I can think of any more terms & stuff.... x.x

10-18-2012, 08:59 AM
Thank you BigCheez! Thank you Chil! Ah! The terms! I heard them most often from our guild mates. Guess who? :)

Thank you very much Thren to the additions! :)

10-18-2012, 09:18 AM
Players that leave the matches while in the middle of a fight. Some actually don't DC, they do it on purpose so they can regen their hp at the fountain & come back to the match. Thus avoiding a death point.

It seems if u leave the game that way u will get a death point anyway

10-18-2012, 01:05 PM
Players that leave the matches while in the middle of a fight. Some actually don't DC, they do it on purpose so they can regen their hp at the fountain & come back to the match. Thus avoiding a death point.

It seems if u leave the game that way u will get a death point anyway
Its buggy. Sometimes it does that and sometimes it don't.

10-20-2012, 12:24 AM
Hi Kate, nice post :) I would like to mention something that is important for strategical players when using the terms above: the chat command /team. This command sends a message to all the members of your team in PvP. I personally use this in combination with quick chat, ie. /team assist flag carrier on right...

10-20-2012, 04:46 PM
Hi Kate, nice post :) I would like to mention something that is important for strategical players when using the terms above: the chat command /team. This command sends a message to all the members of your team in PvP. I personally use this in combination with quick chat, ie. /team assist flag carrier on right...
For me, this doesn't work at all. The other team has responded to my posts when I use it. I believe it is bugged.

10-30-2012, 08:53 PM
Hi Kate, nice post :) I would like to mention something that is important for strategical players when using the terms above: the chat command /team. This command sends a message to all the members of your team in PvP. I personally use this in combination with quick chat, ie. /team assist flag carrier on right...

Thank you Kuya. I don't like this team chat function. I am confused. It should have been in a different color. Lol.

12-11-2012, 05:10 PM
Yeah they should really change the color of the /team chat. At least then players will know when its working. Hopefully they fix that bug though. :-(

12-11-2012, 07:41 PM
Great thread! Motivated me enough to register just to say Thanks! :)

12-11-2012, 07:51 PM
TRAITORS/SWITCHERS: Players that switch teams in the middle of a match for various reasosn; want to be on a winning team, wants to farm the weaker team for kills, doesn't want to be farmed themselves, etc. Therefore betraying their team mates.

I am pretty new to CTF, but in Death Match, I switch sides often and my reason is always to join an outnumbered team. Because 3 to 2 games are more fun than 4 to 1. Plus if your 1 enemy gets frustrated and leaves, the fun ends. Granted I find myself on the loosing team more often, but I hope everyone has more fun....so they'll come when I invite them again. :)

12-17-2012, 07:15 PM
Great thread! Motivated me enough to register just to say Thanks! :)

You are welcome. Enjoy PVP. :)

I am pretty new to CTF, but in Death Match, I switch sides often and my reason is always to join an outnumbered team. Because 3 to 2 games are more fun than 4 to 1. Plus if your 1 enemy gets frustrated and leaves, the fun ends. Granted I find myself on the loosing team more often, but I hope everyone has more fun....so they'll come when I invite them again. :)

This is okay, I guess. Though I haven't experienced switching, as far as I can remember. If the othe team has fewer players, I opt to sit or tell my team mates to wait. :) see you ingame! :)

12-19-2012, 09:34 PM
Either way, I've seen players say that to people for various reasons but ultimately it is because they switched to the other team. Doesn't matter why they chose to switch, some players really don't care.

01-26-2013, 05:56 AM
Thank you all so much. I joined CTF for the first time this week, I was SO CLUELESS.... I thought the speed boost was the flag!!! :shame:

Hahaha, me too! :stupid:

Just got out of my first game actually.
Put off playing for a long time because I had no idea what to do, and didn't want to upset anyone on my team who wanted to win. :dread:

Anyway, this guide was extremely helpful, thank you so much! :adoration:

02-07-2014, 12:01 PM
So all this time I never quite understood why people called me a "farmer" and a "runner." Now I understand. Goodness, people, it's called strategy.

08-06-2014, 12:17 AM
cool but u miss another important tool ^^^ anyway, that's for you guys to find out xD

11-27-2014, 08:41 AM
Nice :)
Thx for the thread cus im new in PVP world :)

Brenda Marsh
04-21-2015, 10:35 PM
I would like to know why my team won but it didn't get counted toward my goal for win a PvP death match.

04-22-2015, 04:28 AM
I would like to know why my team won but it didn't get counted toward my goal for win a PvP death match.

Make sure that you were in a DM match only rather than a CTF match.

Brenda Marsh
04-22-2015, 08:45 PM
Thanks it was that I can never get enough people for a DM match

08-24-2015, 07:43 PM
Nice points good help :)

01-11-2016, 11:04 AM
Thx this really is good

07-19-2018, 10:12 AM
I am pretty new to CTF, but in Death Match, I switch sides often and my reason is always to join an outnumbered team. Because 3 to 2 games are more fun than 4 to 1. Plus if your 1 enemy gets frustrated and leaves, the fun ends. Granted I find myself on the loosing team more often, but I hope everyone has more fun....so they'll come when I invite them again. :)

Great thought ,i heard about you by many people.
Thanks for this motivational thought :)
But i gang idiots but not new ppl in pvp e.e

09-25-2018, 06:31 PM
Prooooo tips soon I will be one!!!!

09-16-2024, 01:15 PM
I think you should add a guild vs guild mode, because that way the guild would make more sense, to make it even better I think you should add an amount of gold in this mode deposited by each guild, the guild that gets 25 points first gets the gold paid.