View Full Version : Change to Pocket Legends Elite Vanity Item Set Bonuses – Introducing Legendary Rings

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Techno Email
10-18-2012, 06:35 PM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"


10-18-2012, 07:26 PM

If it does end up like this I really hate to say it, but I'm probably done playing. I didn't waste my time farming and merching in order to obtain a set that would provide me with a useless ring that I won't equip due to the fact that I have the 2 piece bonus ring already equipped. the meager stats from a dragon ring will pale in comparison to the vanity bonus ring I'm sure.

I'm also about to spend $20 to get my blue dragon pet, now with this I certainly won't be getting any plat until this dilemma is figured out.

Take my pixels that's fine, but messing with my real money, I have a problem with that.

Personally I'm so sick of the crybabies saying oh me oh my your dragon bonus is so OP, its so not fair....get over it already and farm a set if you think its the end of the world.

10-18-2012, 07:45 PM
all in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "i!"

all against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "nay!"


ni ni ni

10-18-2012, 08:46 PM
too little too late

10-18-2012, 09:27 PM
Leave the Dragon Sets alone. With the increased drops, more and more will be made available.

One of the best suggestions I've heard is to just make a Vanity Ring slot. Simple solution to a pseudo-complex issue.

10-18-2012, 09:36 PM
Your assumption would be correct :) however....either way, You cannot stack these bonuses as of now nor should you EVER be able to. TBH that goes against the exact thing that was stated by devs in regards to this update "to give a level playing feild to new players"

Making a level playing field for new players means that a new player can achieve (with hard work) what old players have. It does not mean new players can just have (with no work or effort) what old players have.

Any new player, with hard work, can cap the next 3 levels, get the elite ring, and then either farm a dragon set, or save up enough gold to buy one. There, now you have a level playing field.

10-18-2012, 09:42 PM
The thing is, if everyone is grinding and wearing dragon armor IT AGAIN defeats to point of this change, because everyone will still LOOK THE SAME! :) I hope you understand now, if you need me to explain anything else please just make another uninformed comment and I will do my best to get back to you.

Good point, I think they need to find a way to convert the dragon stats into some kind of wearable bonus that can be worn alongside a ring. Someone mentioned maybe a necklace? Maybe you can have the dragon crafter who you bring your dragon set to, equip it with the matching pet, and then he turns those pink dragon pieces into blue dragon pieces (like non stated vanities, i.e. hooch hat) and in the process gives you the dragon necklace. The blue dragon pieces cannot be used to craft another dragon necklace, but can still be sold or traded, and the dragon necklace can also be sold or traded. There, problem solved!!

10-18-2012, 09:42 PM
What part of not stash-able or trad-able did flacs not explain properly?
Lv 70 rings minimum haven't been mentioned by devs so how would Flacs know?
Lv 20 rings are stashable so it can happen for other rings

10-18-2012, 09:44 PM
Ok this question has probably been asked before but forum is too long for me to read/search. As of now I have two vanities, so I plan to get the ring...but once I reach the 76 cap (hopefully) and have three vanities, will I be allowed to get the other ring?

10-18-2012, 09:51 PM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"


Read my last post Techno. I don't really care what you do with dragon vanities, as long as those who played for 6 months, saved their gold, and spent their entire fortunes on a dragon set, do not lose their shirts in this. If you make dragon stats into a ring, and then make that ring not as good as the elite vanity rings, then it won't be something end gamers will want, and the value of these dragon rings will not be much, so there lies the problem. This is an economic issue more than a stat one. Some of us have invested our entire fortunes in these. I also spent 500 plat on the pet pack just to obtain the pets so that I can get the set bonus.

So the only way I see to preserve the value, is to make the dragon bonus in some form that end-gamers will all want to use. So if it is a ring, then it would need to be better than the elite vanity rings, and if it isn't better, then it would need to be able to be worn alongside the elite vanity rings so that end gamers will still want it.

And most importantly, it will need to be tradeable/sellable so that it retains it's invested value. Otherwise this will have harsh economic effects on the game. The effect of such a change on me would be to no longer buy anything expensive anymore in game for fear it will be nerfed at some point. I also think my interest in the game would decline quite a bit. I'd basically be starting over for the most part, as all my savings and value in game would be gone.

10-18-2012, 09:53 PM
now i have to sacrifice my 2% hit ring to get my elite stats :/

10-18-2012, 10:18 PM
Good point, I think they need to find a way to convert the dragon stats into some kind of wearable bonus that can be worn alongside a ring. Someone mentioned maybe a necklace? Maybe you can have the dragon crafter who you bring your dragon set to, equip it with the matching pet, and then he turns those pink dragon pieces into blue dragon pieces (like non stated vanities, i.e. hooch hat) and in the process gives you the dragon necklace. The blue dragon pieces cannot be used to craft another dragon necklace, but can still be sold or traded, and the dragon necklace can also be sold or traded. There, problem solved!!

This is not a bad idea at all. This should really be considered, and I'd be one to support it. This way the sets still hold some value and you could choose to wear them if you so pleased. I personally love the way the set looks and I'll wear it regardless.

10-18-2012, 10:32 PM
Nay! Leave em!
They can easily be farmed if u put in some work and time! Or even bought if u can merch up some money, the items are under gold cap now so shouldnt be problems!

10-19-2012, 01:22 AM
cool, can finally wear founders helm and have full elite vanitiy bonus :D

10-19-2012, 06:10 AM
cool, can finally wear founders helm and have full elite vanitiy bonus :D

Yes and if dragon set bonus goes away this is the target for the next crying thread....

10-19-2012, 06:29 AM
Yes and if dragon set bonus goes away this is the target for the next crying thread....

Sad, but true. It shall never end.

10-19-2012, 07:29 AM
Turn them into a trinket that can be equipped in a new vanity slot. That way, it can still be equipped while wearing that new cool glory ring. Also, the stacking of stats would remain, so for the stats junkies it will have the same value with the added benefit of being able to equip any other vanity armor and/or helm with it.

Dragon items could then become vanities as mentioned in another thread, that way, for the ones going for looks over stats, its value would remain too.

That would solve the 'everyone will look alike' issue and retain the benefit of stats for those willing to go the extra length to obtain those sets. Those trinkets + dragon vanity items would probably also have a similar market value as compared to the current sets, meaning you're not, as mentioned by several people in various threads, 'ruining the economy' either.

As for the 'leveling of the playing field for new players', maybe new trinkets could also be introduced (preferably by doing cyber like quests that require some serious effort instead of plat). Dragon rings could have slightly better stats as compared to those 'cyber' trinkets, but nothing game changing. This would allow new players to obtain those new trinkets and thus, 'leveling the playing field' or at least narrowing the gap. For those who really want the best, they would need to work for it and try and obtain a dragon ring. Having something to work towards to is never a bad thing IMO.

So yeah, that's my opinion about it. Feel free to disagree :)

10-19-2012, 11:20 AM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"


I like it the way it is.

10-19-2012, 11:39 AM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"


I would say don't mess with the red/blue/green dragon sets. Just don't make future vanities with stats.

But please make the black dragon gear vanity. Otherwise I'll never wear it.

10-19-2012, 11:44 AM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"


Nay..and I dont even play PL. just make dragon sets drop more frequently....its not like a CoP pieces those thingies are special.

But please make the black dragon gear vanity. Otherwise I'll never wear it.

Agree,and I dont even have a set XD

10-19-2012, 11:49 AM
I would say don't mess with the red/blue/green dragon sets. Just don't make future vanities with stats.
But please make the black dragon gear vanity. Otherwise I'll never wear it.
NAY I love it the way it is
I'll say again if it isn't broke don't fix it. What is the problem with the dragon sets anyways? What? Some ppl don't have them? Oh that's terrible. Maybe if the nerf them ill cry about founders helm what's the difference. Sorry I just don't see any problem with what we have right now? Dragon sets give bonus (good thing) and they look sweet (another good thing) plz someone enlighten me on what the problem is.

10-19-2012, 12:21 PM
Neigh Neigh, I am a horse. But honestly, I say Nay. The reason being, as many others have pointed out ahead of me, people have spent ridiculous amounts of cash and gold to get their dragon sets. Taking away the set from the dragon pieces and making it into a ring, defeats the purpose. STS ingenious idea for rolling elite vanities into a ring solved sooooooo many problems concering statted vanities. There is nothing wrong with the stats given off from dragon vanities. That is why they are worth so much. People who can afford them, have been playing long enough and deserve them. So I say dragon vanity set bonuses stay!

10-19-2012, 06:53 PM
Making a level playing field for new players means that a new player can achieve (with hard work) what old players have. It does not mean new players can just have (with no work or effort) what old players have.

Any new player, with hard work, can cap the next 3 levels, get the elite ring, and then either farm a dragon set, or save up enough gold to buy one. There, now you have a level playing field.

Fully agreed. A level playing field is just allowing players the opportunity to get them. Old elite vanity set and founders helm do not have that option, regardless of how much time or money spent, and so they were not "fair".

Dragon vanities can be farmed and the new elite vanity ring can be obtained by leveling to elite cap over the next few caps, thus making them fair.

10-19-2012, 07:02 PM
There is absolutely no point in havin a dragon ring, if its worst stay then a elite ring, maybe would b cool to combine, but i doubt sts would make a whole new section for a couple rings,
Maybe just maybe, u can take your plat pet and your dragon vanities and go craft them into a crazy NEW LOOKING dragon, so if u wear pet u get extra stats, people talk about oh i wish pets can do damage, well then there u go?

qouted myself , i think its a good idea :)

10-19-2012, 07:14 PM
ok howmuch time to get a new vanity shield only a weekend or.....

10-19-2012, 07:21 PM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"


I'm going to go with Nay also, because I don't think its really necessary for all the additional coding for STS. This isn't a big enough issue since everyone can get dragon vanities and they have already come down in value a lot.

10-19-2012, 09:08 PM
ok howmuch time to get a new vanity shield only a weekend or.....

The vanity shield for Level 76 will be available until the update for the next level cap raise. However, the stat'd shield, the egg, will only be available for those who reach 76 by Monday.

10-20-2012, 03:32 PM
Ok so I read thru most of this thread and I don't think this has been answered, is there a reason for me to go for the cap if I already have the cop/soh/mfa on all 3 of my toons? Is there gonna be a 4/5/6+ ring or something in the future?

10-21-2012, 04:36 AM
Ok so I read thru most of this thread and I don't think this has been answered, is there a reason for me to go for the cap if I already have the cop/soh/mfa on all 3 of my toons? Is there gonna be a 4/5/6+ ring or something in the future?

Well...they might give unique opportunities for people who make 76 cap like they did with 71.

10-21-2012, 05:18 AM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"


Change to Pocket Legends Elite Vanity Item Set Bonuses – Introducing Legendary Rings
Two Legendary Rings to Rule Them All!
To address the above two problems, we are making a shift. Instead of having stats tied to vanities (which sort of defeats the point of vanities) we're implementing a system whereby players can obtain an uber, epic legendary ring!

Sorry to say this but it totally defeat the point of change, vanities should stay vanites as implementing to the change, lets really end this issue and move on.

10-21-2012, 06:20 AM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"


You maybe should make a poll about that :).. It would be easier to see if the majority wants dragons vanity to be "ringed" or else :)


About Vanity bonuses, I've 3 ideas :

According to me, Vanity bonuses are really an ENORMOUS advantage in PvP and in CtF. This is why my first suggestion is about disabeling every vanity bonus set in thsoe 2 game mode. It woukd permit to everyone to be fighting equally, witht their player skillls, rather than fightinh with their added stats.


The 2nd suggstion would be to disable Dragon vanity bonus sets in PvP and in CtF to avoid vanity bonus stacking.. Indeed, with CoP bonus ring, + dragon sets, it would make :

Blue dragon set : 5 dodge, 1 critical, 55 HP, 20 armor, 1 Mana regen, 10 Damage

Red dragon set : 5 dodge, 1 critical, 55 HP, 20 armor, 1 Crit, 10 Damage

Green dragon set : 5 dodge, 1 critical, 55 HP, 20 armor, 1 Health Regen, 10 Damage

Golden dragon set : 5 dodge, 1 critical, 55 HP, 20 armor, 1 Crit, 1 Health regen, 1 Mana regen, 8 Damage

Can you notice the ENORMOUS advantage in PvP ctf between a player without any of those, and another with dragon set stacked with 3CoP bonus ring?


My third idea would be to lower those bonuses, which would still permit to vanity bonus user to enoy it, but would permit, at the same time, to the newest players to have a chance to fight and sometimes win fights.


Here are my thoughs about them :banana:!

Cya everyone :)

10-21-2012, 06:51 AM
This is all stupid, should have never had any bonuses in the first place. Now one side or the other is going to be unhappy no matter what outcome.


10-21-2012, 07:04 AM
Just make a ring for dragon users so they don't stack it with Elite rings.

10-21-2012, 01:26 PM
The ring, and ring bonuses represent the money and hard work put in to the game, plus the dedication to Lvling.

The real issue here is PvP, CTF, ffa, if a extra set bonus is give to dragon set above and beyond the set for that , the only reason I play is CTF, if any newbies can lvl, grab a a set craft it, add a dragon set, and the dominate it would b in fair, end game would be a mess like lower levels.

I have bought more that 77 000 plat in a little more then a year, I think that proves my dedication. This should be looked at and solved ASAP.

10-21-2012, 01:27 PM
The ring, and ring bonuses represent the money and hard work put in to the game, plus the dedication to Lvling.

The real issue here is PvP, CTF, ffa, if a extra set bonus is give to dragon set above and beyond the set for that , the only reason I play is CTF, if any newbies can lvl, grab a a set craft it, add a dragon set, and the dominate it would b in fair, end game would be a mess like lower levels.

I have bought more that 77 000 plat in a little more then a year, I think that proves my dedication. This should be looked at and solved ASAP.

with that plat u should have each drag set off rip :)

but solved yes

10-21-2012, 03:42 PM
People who have dragon sets will never lose as much as people who had L15 wf items. Who farmed weeks for the money to buy em F bows you pwn us again

10-21-2012, 03:51 PM

10-21-2012, 04:35 PM
IMO, if you think it's not fair, you can always farm the dragon sets at Mount Fang or buy them in CS. Everyone got the same chance.

10-21-2012, 10:13 PM
This has probably already been mentioned, but just throwing in an idea.

I think these Elite Rings should have a separate vanity slot. For example, I have a mage and I liker rings that provide M/S. In my position, it's a trade off. The new super awesome ring, or a ring that provides the M/S that I need?

10-22-2012, 06:34 AM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"



10-22-2012, 06:39 AM
Thank god that they didn't make it stashable, otherwise low pvp is too op! :applause:

10-22-2012, 06:39 AM
All in favor of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "I!"

All against the idea of replacing the stat's on elite dragon vanities with a ring, say "Nay!"



We all wanna wear our elite vanitiy ring and this dragon vanity should be an ADDITION to them.

10-22-2012, 11:29 AM
Just make a ring for dragon users so they don't stack it with Elite rings.
Do you know how much fallout this would cause?

10-22-2012, 02:13 PM
The ring, and ring bonuses represent the money and hard work put in to the game, plus the dedication to Lvling.

The real issue here is PvP, CTF, ffa, if a extra set bonus is give to dragon set above and beyond the set for that , the only reason I play is CTF, if any newbies can lvl, grab a a set craft it, add a dragon set, and the dominate it would b in fair, end game would be a mess like lower levels.

I have bought more that 77 000 plat in a little more then a year, I think that proves my dedication. This should be looked at and solved ASAP.
I agree i guess all we need to do is just cry about not having somthing that we earned aka crown armor and shield vanity now there worthless just like how oldschool players are now to sts making are max level vanitys that started the whole vanity set bonus worthless they almost kinda tricked us all in to buying plat to level to get these titles and to be able to wear are gear with pride now it doesnt matter any more before i maxed all three classes with in a weekend or few days each level cap now i did it once and kinda disapointed on the egg and its not even vanity pffff i just bought shield now i have egg and think its allmost just as good

10-22-2012, 02:16 PM
Just make a ring for dragon users so they don't stack it with Elite rings.
Do you know how much fallout this would cause?

Um, TE suggested it?

10-22-2012, 02:17 PM
Whos idea was this to leave bonus on dragon set and take a way max level sets bonus bummer plz fix this if u agree say..... "Y"
Ps did they talk it over to do this over a game of paper toss

10-22-2012, 02:25 PM
How about 2 ring slots? One for elite ring, and one for the dragon ring/plat store ring.

10-22-2012, 02:51 PM
This could solve it all give a elite ring level for people who have helm shield armor monarc helm and new shield then down graded for missing helm, then a lower level ring for those who only have armor monarc helm and new shield, then lower level ring for monarc and new shield this would make me happy because how it is set up now having the "bragging helm" and shield doesnt matter

10-22-2012, 03:06 PM
Nay leave them alone! Stop crying about people who have them, go play the game and get one for yourself. Simple

10-22-2012, 03:12 PM
Nay leave them alone! Stop crying about people who have them, go play the game and get one for yourself. Simple

Seems like you'd be crying if they made a ring for it.

10-22-2012, 03:26 PM
well... both of my lvl61 pvp chars had 2 piece vanity set bonus (COP & SoH)... plus both were able to equip an additional ring..

after i hit 76 on my main i switched 3 piece vanity set into this new "elite" ring.
due to the fact there is no vanity ring slot i was kinda disappointed bc i couldnt equip an additional ring anymore.

so i decided to keep my twinks the way they was b4.

but when i grabbed my lil mage first time again i had to notice she wasnt sparkling anymore!?!?

really sts... i needed to switch COP & SoH into this 2 piece vanity set ring thing as well!?!?!

seriously... u took away MY decision!?!

so this IMHO should happen to all dragon sets as well !!!

and.. yes... i DONT have any dragon set...
but i worked hard to get my COPs n SoHs.. and it was MY decision to let them stay at their level for pvping.....
its a major mismatch... elite vanities never been stashable like any dragon set pieces r

10-22-2012, 03:36 PM
Last night while playing I made an effort to look around and see how many players are wearing dragon sets, to see if the "everyone will look the same" argument applies, and no it does not. Very few players wear dragon sets. I went from one Balefort to another, and with 25 players in a room, for most of them I was the only one wearing a dragon set, perhaps sometimes one or two others were, and even then it was usually different colors. I see far more folks wearing the plat store bought gold dragon armor & helm than the actual real dragon sets. So this is actually no problem at all as long as the dragon sets stay somewhat rare and elite items.

As for those complaining about PVP fairness, dragon sets are plenty fair since anyone can get one. You just have to either farm one or save up enough gold. What was previously unfair was the elite vanities because no matter how hard someone worked, they could not get one if they were a new player. But now that too has been fixed with the new rings. Now if you reach cap 3 campaigns in a row, you get the top level elite ring, and if you do it 2 campaigns in a row, you get the lower level elite ring. So the playing field has been leveled. Anyone who complains now about it being unfair simply wants everything handed to them for free and does not want to work for it. There are not any obstacles anymore except laziness.

10-22-2012, 03:43 PM
Cool. Now i can have sparkles because of multiple elite caps AND dragon set at the same time!

sigh... sooooooooooooo i quit/stay at lv71!! :P

10-22-2012, 03:50 PM
Seems like you'd be crying if they made a ring for it.

So you don't have a dragon set and because you are too lazy to farm for one you want people to have them to be punished hmmmm sounds like you just want stuff given to you with out doing the work.

10-22-2012, 03:53 PM
Idk, I think those who've put in the time and effort to earn the vanities deserve the new ring bonuses... in addition, the dragon vanities also proves one's dedication to the game (it's no easy feat getting the dragons to drop) and as such those who earn them ought to be allowed the bonuses. I've always been a fan of this system (even when getting owned by those with the original vanities), if we dumb it down and make all equal for everyone what's the point in doing all the lvling and spending all the plat. History has already shown us how well socialism works out, though it's a great idea in theory.

10-22-2012, 03:58 PM
Make it to where all dragon sets can be crafted into a new inventory item, like charms in Diablo 2. Then make the charm and the used vanities tradeable, but only at levels where said items could be looted.

Sent from my HTCEVODesign4G using Tapatalk 2

10-22-2012, 04:29 PM
One thing is, that THE new rings make me weaker then i was first. Indeed THE ring slot is now taken so THE rings i purchased earlier r now useless...refund?

10-22-2012, 04:57 PM
One thing is, that THE new rings make me weaker then i was first. Indeed THE ring slot is now taken so THE rings i purchased earlier r now useless...refund?

Maybe what should be done is what someone mentioned in an earlier post....one slot for the elite vanity ring (add a ring slot to the vanity section in your inventory) and then keep the regular ring slot for purchased rings.

10-23-2012, 05:36 AM
Seems like you'd be crying if they made a ring for it.

So you don't have a dragon set and because you are too lazy to farm for one you want people to have them to be punished hmmmm sounds like you just want stuff given to you with out doing the work.

Lol, I don't even want a dragon set. Us
100k (x)xp grinders do more work than you farmers. I've grinded over 350k xp.

10-23-2012, 05:47 AM
well... both of my lvl61 pvp chars had 2 piece vanity set bonus (COP & SoH)... plus both were able to equip an additional ring..

after i hit 76 on my main i switched 3 piece vanity set into this new "elite" ring.
due to the fact there is no vanity ring slot i was kinda disappointed bc i couldnt equip an additional ring anymore.

so i decided to keep my twinks the way they was b4.

but when i grabbed my lil mage first time again i had to notice she wasnt sparkling anymore!?!?

really sts... i needed to switch COP & SoH into this 2 piece vanity set ring thing as well!?!?!

seriously... u took away MY decision!?!

so this IMHO should happen to all dragon sets as well !!!

and.. yes... i DONT have any dragon set...
but i worked hard to get my COPs n SoHs.. and it was MY decision to let them stay at their level for pvping.....
its a major mismatch... elite vanities never been stashable like any dragon set pieces r

You have get your rings on your L61 twinks and you can still have the CoP and SoH

10-23-2012, 05:50 AM
Last night while playing I made an effort to look around and see how many players are wearing dragon sets, to see if the "everyone will look the same" argument applies, and no it does not. Very few players wear dragon sets. I went from one Balefort to another, and with 25 players in a room, for most of them I was the only one wearing a dragon set, perhaps sometimes one or two others were, and even then it was usually different colors. I see far more folks wearing the plat store bought gold dragon armor & helm than the actual real dragon sets. So this is actually no problem at all as long as the dragon sets stay somewhat rare and elite items.

As for those complaining about PVP fairness, dragon sets are plenty fair since anyone can get one. You just have to either farm one or save up enough gold. What was previously unfair was the elite vanities because no matter how hard someone worked, they could not get one if they were a new player. But now that too has been fixed with the new rings. Now if you reach cap 3 campaigns in a row, you get the top level elite ring, and if you do it 2 campaigns in a row, you get the lower level elite ring. So the playing field has been leveled. Anyone who complains now about it being unfair simply wants everything handed to them for free and does not want to work for it. There are not any obstacles anymore except laziness.


10-23-2012, 05:52 AM
Idk, I think those who've put in the time and effort to earn the vanities deserve the new ring bonuses... in addition, the dragon vanities also proves one's dedication to the game (it's no easy feat getting the dragons to drop) and as such those who earn them ought to be allowed the bonuses. I've always been a fan of this system (even when getting owned by those with the original vanities), if we dumb it down and make all equal for everyone what's the point in doing all the lvling and spending all the plat. History has already shown us how well socialism works out, though it's a great idea in theory.

i love this→ "History has already shown us how well socialism works out, though it's a great idea in theory."


10-26-2012, 03:36 AM
This is a outrage and should be fixed at once sts has proven to me that they can and will slap ventrn players who helped formed this game and dedicaed there time and efort in to earnin these vanitys to prove they are not only grinders the have love for this game now they are just as worthless as every single vanity ive ever held on too and thinking about erase my acc and say forget it.... Any one feel this way or just me

10-26-2012, 03:42 AM
Any one can get yea if they are really lucky with shamrock thrasher and are really lucky or can just buy one cant why is it that these vanity from mt fang i say again mt fang lv 61 cap from last year gets these bonus not people who been here from the start why not just give max vanity bonus back and leave dragon bouns the same as it is why is this such a problem

10-26-2012, 03:43 AM
Nay leave them alone! Stop crying about people who have them, go play the game and get one for yourself. Simplewe had these before u cry babys got ur dragon sets

10-26-2012, 03:48 AM
What to do about all pf my rings ive bought already over the years that are usless just like my max level vanitys from sewers and so on there now junks

10-26-2012, 03:50 AM
I like the idea of none or back to how it was not strip the vanitys from vet players

10-26-2012, 05:22 AM
Omg I maybe the most professional noob ever, I thought I was responding here, I may have been posting in Facebook >.<

Ok in a nut shell.. I agree there is a problem, not with fairness in changing set bonus to rings.. But instead a need to honor players choices to stop lvling an avatar to pvp at a certain lvl with those skill sets. So I propose, that there be an option for pvp players to in effect turn pro, to become dedicated avatars and enter into specific areanas, where they would lvl up in battle, ie an avatar at lvl 30 joins pvp pro, his skill set does not change, he would retain only those skills, but as his wins increased he would battle for better equipment and higher rank and honors. He would in effect be a class lvl 30 pvp with a ranking system, after so many kills he would move higher in the ranking, of all lvl 30 dedicated pvp players. Winning belts, that would move him into a tougher class of fighters, still lvl 30.
The devs wouldn't even need to make new arenas, just if a player chooses to go pro pvp he would select to enter into pro arena board when making or joining a game. Fighting there would earn him an xp status for kills. This won't change his lvl, just his rank.

In the general game most often drops good and bad are random, the special awards given for hitting lvl caps are denied to pvpers, this is fair it goes with the choice to stop lvling. I think for the dedicated pvp player, not the dablers or farmers, they should be given pvp honors better equipment better stats. Not transferable, or usable in general gaming. But could worn like a vanity, in any other game room.

I like to pvp, I'm horrid at it and I don't think killing me garners any honor, I'm just not a challenge, lol so in fairness I think hardcore pvp players who really want to prove themselves let them do so against their equals.. And award them for it. Give the olympian his gold medal. They could still join open games and pvp areas, just killing noobs like me.. Wouldn't change or add to thier stats. Just like my taking my lvl 66 avatar and fighting in lower dungeons won't give me xp.

Ok maybe that wont fit in a nutshell, but I think it would be honorable, and make the choice to pvp worthy of the endeavor.

10-26-2012, 05:57 AM
Basicly people who had gotten the elite vanit crown and nuris shield fang armor have to buy more plat to be able to farm to maybe get dragon vanitys from fang to get a vanity set bonus if this sounds funny why the elite vanitys for those caps get forgoten is that what the forgotten dugeon was about forget the people who helped pave the way for this game to get the awards it has...... Plz answer this

10-26-2012, 11:32 AM
why isn't there anymore of an 'elite vanity items' for turning L71? kinda feel alil bit left out here as this is my first cap.. :l

10-26-2012, 02:49 PM
It is apparent from your posts, that both of you (the last 2 who posted here before me) obviously do not understand the changes made. I suggest you read the first post in this thread again. Nothing has been taken away from you. All that has been done is to make it possible for those who got later elite vanities starting with the 71 Monarch Helm to be able to enjoy the same bonus that you got for your level 56, 61 & 66 elite vanities. The bonus is not gone, only the way it is given has changed. Now you get a ring instead, so you can even have your bonus when wearing other vanities.

What obviously has been taken away is the ability to wear a plat purchased ring along with the elite vanity. Perhaps STS should fix this issue by allowing a vanity ring slot for the elite vanity ring, and then allow you to use the plat ring in the regular ring slot. I would be in favor of such a change to fix this issue.

But if you're complaining is because they are allowing those with newer elite vanities to get the bonus that you had with your old elite vanities, then I don't share your opinion. Nobody deserves a permanent advantage in this game. Everyone deserves the right to work hard, spend the time needed, and obtain the same stats that you have. If you think otherwise, then that is a shame. Notice that I said "work hard, spend the time needed"...I did not say it would be given for free. Those that work hard and put in the time should be able to achieve the same as you do, even if they started playing the game later than you did.

10-26-2012, 03:11 PM
I hate how people are saying that it doesn't matter... It doesn't matter for you because you're a PVE-er... In PVP, any little bonus will result in a win or lost! We need some balance!

10-27-2012, 07:33 AM
Seems like you'd be crying if they made a ring for it.

So you don't have a dragon set and because you are too lazy to farm for one you want people to have them to be punished hmmmm sounds like you just want stuff given to you with out doing the work.

You complained about us, now we'll complain about you. This goes out to all the people saying to "farm your own dragon set, its easy".

Tell me, why didn't you farm your own dragon set when we had our elite bonuses if it is "so easy"? You're telling us to stop being lazy and put in the work to farm a set. Well actually, we have already put in the work by getting our elite vanities that created our bonuses. It looks like the ones who need to "put in the work" here are you.

Note: This post is based on from what I have read on this thread.

10-27-2012, 11:22 AM
You complained about us, now we'll complain about you. This goes out to all the people saying to "farm your own dragon set, its easy".

Tell me, why didn't you farm your own dragon set when we had our elite bonuses if it is "so easy"? You're telling us to stop being lazy and put in the work to farm a set. Well actually, we have already put in the work by getting our elite vanities that created our bonuses. It looks like the ones who need to "put in the work" here are you.

Note: This post is based on from what I have read on this thread.

Buying elixirs and leveling up in a 25 dungeon isn't putting in much work IMO.

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10-27-2012, 11:24 AM
Buying elixirs and leveling up in a 25 dungeon isn't putting in much work IMO.

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Same amount of work for spending a bunch of money in elixirs and grinding a mount fang map :P

10-27-2012, 11:42 AM
Same amount of work for spending a bunch of money in elixirs and grinding a mount fang map :P

Not really. If it was just as easy then why aren't you running mount fang? You would even have a chance at dragon drops.

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10-27-2012, 11:50 AM
Not really. If it was just as easy then why aren't you running mount fang? You would even have a chance at dragon drops.

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Nou moar plat!

10-27-2012, 12:02 PM
You complained about us, now we'll complain about you. This goes out to all the people saying to "farm your own dragon set, its easy".

Tell me, why didn't you farm your own dragon set when we had our elite bonuses if it is "so easy"? You're telling us to stop being lazy and put in the work to farm a set. Well actually, we have already put in the work by getting our elite vanities that created our bonuses. It looks like the ones who need to "put in the work" here are you.

Note: This post is based on from what I have read on this thread.

Buying elixirs and leveling up in a 25 dungeon isn't putting in much work IMO.

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Leveling from 60-61 in Haunted Symphony using 1.5's is work. Leveling from 65-66 in Mount Fang is work. Leveling from 70-71 in Humania is work. The only time I leveled in Castle was this cap.

10-27-2012, 05:59 PM
Leveling from 60-61 in Haunted Symphony using 1.5's is work. Leveling from 65-66 in Mount Fang is work. Leveling from 70-71 in Humania is work. The only time I leveled in Castle was this cap.


10-27-2012, 06:00 PM
AND all you PVPers without dragons suck it up! I don't have dragon and i can still whoop there Azzzzz!

10-27-2012, 06:38 PM
Leveling from 60-61 in Haunted Symphony using 1.5's is work. Leveling from 65-66 in Mount Fang is work. Leveling from 70-71 in Humania is work. The only time I leveled in Castle was this cap.

But is that really the point? Release a whole new campaign only to have people buy platinum? I can assure you that PL has lost a player due to the recent BM update. Its COMPLETELY platinum based, and I'm tired of it.

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10-27-2012, 07:09 PM
I agree that its become platinum base but hey...there's other games.

10-27-2012, 08:49 PM
I agree that its become platinum base but hey...there's other games.

Thats why I've quit PL for SL and AL.

10-27-2012, 09:16 PM
..... It looks like the ones who need to "put in the work" here are you.

Just tell us what work you want us to put in and while I can't speak for others, I will certainly put in that work. Since I've been playing PL (I started in February of this year) I've done every challenge STS has thrown at me. With lots of hard work, I deserve the chance to be equal to anyone else in this game, even if it takes me a long time to get there. Now with this change, I do have that chance as I can now obtain the top elite vanity bonus when I reach level 81 (So far I have elite vanities from 71 & 76). And yes, I've also put in the time to get a dragon set. No, I did not farm it. I'm not so lucky. Instead I worked really hard and saved up 26m which I paid for my green set, and then traded that set plus 2m more for my blue set. So 28m spent on a dragon set. Yes, I worked plenty hard and don't deserve to have a disadvantage because I started playing pocket legends after you did.

10-29-2012, 08:08 PM
Thank you Sam - imo this is indeed an improvement and an encouragement. It means that I still have a chance to earn some of the elite type of rewards despite not having all the previous level cap rewards. You folks must be doing something right - I'm actually playing PL again :surprise::banana::vshock::vsmile::smiley_simmons: .

11-02-2012, 01:08 PM
Sorry if this is already been said but don't you guys think the angel set (leading legend) vanity item's should count towards the ring's?! i mean cmon...a little TOO favorable to certain people if you ask me! When we hit 76 and get the eye of eternity we should qualify for at least ONE RING if the angel vanities are all we have!!! :vmad:

11-02-2012, 02:57 PM
Sorry if this is already been said but don't you guys think the angel set (leading legend) vanity item's should count towards the ring's?! i mean cmon...a little TOO favorable to certain people if you ask me! When we hit 76 and get the eye of eternity we should qualify for at least ONE RING if the angel vanities are all we have!!! :vmad:

No. Angel has its annoying dodge already. Don't need to boost it up anymore.

11-02-2012, 06:14 PM
Edited out.

11-03-2012, 03:23 AM
i just want the sparkles more than anything...so make a diff ring for it

11-03-2012, 02:17 PM

Make a ring for dragon users, please.. I just came out of a 3v3 CTF in Rockwall. The opposite team had 3 mages, all in Blue Dragon Sets, using Elite rings, (two peice and three peice) and one in a strength set. Do you have any idea how OP and annoying they were? The game BARELY ended with a score of 5-4(our team winning). It took 3 bears to win the game...sad. Now you might say, "Dude, its three mages, constant revive and healing". That's not the point. The point is the dodge that they get from stacking bonuses. Especially the one in the strength set. Very annoying.

Make a ring. And before you people say "Go farm a dragon set", I will.

Blue Dragon set DOES NOT give dodge.....here's the ''OP'' bonus you are all crying about.....1 mana regen, 10 damage, 5 armor. There are regular plat rings with better stats than that.....

11-03-2012, 06:15 PM
I'm going to let this issue rest and see what happens.

11-03-2012, 06:27 PM
Accidental post. <---

11-04-2012, 01:00 AM
I hate myself LOL. Only have CoP.

11-04-2012, 01:35 AM
Idk, I think those who've put in the time and effort to earn the vanities deserve the new ring bonuses... in addition, the dragon vanities also proves one's dedication to the game (it's no easy feat getting the dragons to drop) and as such those who earn them ought to be allowed the bonuses. I've always been a fan of this system (even when getting owned by those with the original vanities), if we dumb it down and make all equal for everyone what's the point in doing all the lvling and spending all the plat. History has already shown us how well socialism works out, though it's a great idea in theory.

11-09-2012, 01:05 PM
I have three vanities and cant get ring of glory. 61 shield, 71 helm & 76 shield. Is this a glitch?

11-09-2012, 02:35 PM
I have three vanities and cant get ring of glory. 61 shield, 71 helm & 76 shield. Is this a glitch?

You need to have them equipped to get the ring. Since you have two shields, i think you may be stuck at 2 since you cant equip two shields at once.

11-11-2012, 06:09 AM
I think its funny how i barely see anyone wearing the cop soh mfa set recently hahaha

11-11-2012, 08:33 AM
I have three vanities and cant get ring of glory. 61 shield, 71 helm & 76 shield. Is this a glitch?

Email support, they should help u, they helped a friend of mine that had 2 helms

11-19-2012, 07:40 AM
I know I am late to give my opinion on this matter... But changing the ability to stack vanity bonuses with platinum ring bonuses is not right.
When dragon vanities were released, I thought it was a nice option for characters who didn't have elite vanities to get a bonus. Especially when the new humania helm did not combine with the old elite vanities. I thought this was wrong, and everyone should be able to build a 3 set bonus. But the fact is you could either use dragon vanities and a ring, or elite vanities and a ring.
I think it was a great decision to have all elite vanities, past and future, count toward an elite ring that gives the same sparkle effect and stats. It is great to not force everyone to look the same. The problem is, now the platinum purchased rings, do not stack with these hard to earn vanity rings.
In my opinion the right thing to do is... Have the normal platinum rings stay the same, and there should have been a vanity ring slot added, where either elite vanity, or dragon vanity rings, can be equiped. You have to choose between them, just like how it was originally.
The dragon ring can give the fire out of the face effect and the elite can give the sparkles. Or you can wear one of the rings for stats, and also wear the other actual vanity pieces to achieve both effects.
I understand this creates a problem with how to make the dragon rings, since they are tradeable and very valuble. I don't have an answer for that, except being able to stack sparkle/fire out of mouth effects. Maybe once u create the dragon ring, those two pieces become untradeable/unstashable. Just like elite vanities.

Techno Email
11-19-2012, 06:05 PM
I know I am late to give my opinion on this matter... But changing the ability to stack vanity bonuses with platinum ring bonuses is not right.
When dragon vanities were released, I thought it was a nice option for characters who didn't have elite vanities to get a bonus. Especially when the new humania helm did not combine with the old elite vanities. I thought this was wrong, and everyone should be able to build a 3 set bonus. But the fact is you could either use dragon vanities and a ring, or elite vanities and a ring.
I think it was a great decision to have all elite vanities, past and future, count toward an elite ring that gives the same sparkle effect and stats. It is great to not force everyone to look the same. The problem is, now the platinum purchased rings, do not stack with these hard to earn vanity rings.
In my opinion the right thing to do is... Have the normal platinum rings stay the same, and there should have been a vanity ring slot added, where either elite vanity, or dragon vanity rings, can be equiped. You have to choose between them, just like how it was originally.
The dragon ring can give the fire out of the face effect and the elite can give the sparkles. Or you can wear one of the rings for stats, and also wear the other actual vanity pieces to achieve both effects.
I understand this creates a problem with how to make the dragon rings, since they are tradeable and very valuble. I don't have an answer for that, except being able to stack sparkle/fire out of mouth effects. Maybe once u create the dragon ring, those two pieces become untradeable/unstashable. Just like elite vanities.

This is a pertinent post. Be looking for an update on Dragon vanity item set bonuses SOON!!!!

11-19-2012, 06:30 PM
I heard the ring for dragon will be stackable with the elite ring. If this is true, really what's the point? If its not, its fine.

11-20-2012, 01:38 PM
this is quite a fail post, lol. bad logic everywhere.

first, if the mages so OP, you should have lost 5-0. not won 5-4 (nice backhand compliment of urself; that comment had no relevance to whatever point u were trying to make).

second, the mage in the str set dodged a lot because the str set has tons of dodge. the same exact set/dodge which you benefit from. what do you expect? lol.

third, the mages received no stacking "dodge" bonus. i thought you kind of knew what was going on in the land of pvp but obviiously not...keep practicing so u can move up the ranks to a second tier beh3.


Make a ring for dragon users, please.. I just came out of a 3v3 CTF in Rockwall. The opposite team had 3 mages, all in Blue Dragon Sets, using Elite rings, (two peice and three peice) and one in a strength set. Do you have any idea how OP and annoying they were? The game BARELY ended with a score of 5-4(our team winning). It took 3 bears to win the game...sad. Now you might say, "Dude, its three mages, constant revive and healing". That's not the point. The point is the dodge that they get from stacking bonuses. Especially the one in the strength set. Very annoying.

Make a ring. And before you people say "Go farm a dragon set", I will.

11-20-2012, 07:28 PM
Good job quoting me on a post that's three weeks old. Contradicted yourself.

First of all, +1 for hiding behind a new account. Second, do some research about me because you obviously don't know me. I am one of the best end-game bears there is, if not one of the last few there are. Anyone who knows me can vouch. Thirdly, you're telling me to move up the ranks? Like I said do your research, lol. Last, I realize its clearly the imbalancement of end-game, I'm over it. Don't come here disrespecting me acting like you know more than me, lmao.

11-21-2012, 05:11 AM
Good jobbb

11-21-2012, 02:27 PM
This is a pertinent post. Be looking for an update on Dragon vanity item set bonuses SOON!!!!

Just disable vanity bonuses in PvP and CtF maps, and all will be fixed ._.

11-22-2012, 07:39 AM
Just disable vanity bonuses in PvP and CtF maps, and all will be fixed ._.

Would be the best solution to be honest

12-13-2012, 07:30 PM
I've capped my warrior maybe 2wks after the competition, so didn't make cut throat,however got my eye, but did not et the ring

I just capped my enchantress, got the eye, but still no ringtone, what am I doing wrong? Sorry if I sound so noob just curious if I'm able to get them :)

Thank you,

MadamNerd <3

For those of you who read the thread What do the items in this picture have in common? (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?71428-What-do-the-items-in-this-picture-have-in-common) and guessed, "elite level cap items" you are correct!

If the below wall of text is a bit intimidating, jump to the end of the post for the quick recap. If you love the details, read on!

In the days of yore, when Balefort Sewers was the level cap, the concept of an "elite" level was introduced. This elite level was 10x the experience cost of the last level and it rewarded players with bragging rights (oh, and there was much bragging!) and the very awesome Crown of Persistence vanity helm.

Level 56 - The Crown of Persistence

When the Nuri's Circus expansion went live, we continued the tradition with a new "elite" level of 61 with a vanity reward: the Shield of Hallows. To make the elite level cap vanity items more desirable, we added a unique set bonus. Those who wore the Crown of Persistence and also wore the Shield of Hallows had a set bonus that would stack on top of the set bonus for wearing the top end armor, helm and weapon.

Level 61 - Nuri's Shield of Hallows

This was indeed very compelling for players to acquire; however, not everything in the land of Alterra was perfect. There were problems, including:

There was no way to go back and acquire the Crown of Persistence. That elite level was long gone. This penalized new players.

Everyone started to look the same, as everyone was wearing their elite level cap vanities. There are thousands of awesome looking items in Pocket Legends and it was a shame that more didn't sport unique looks.

Level 66 - Mount Fang Armor

Elite Level Cap Rewards Evolved
For a while now we have wanted to change how the elite level cap works and find a different, but equally compelling, reward for players achieving the elite level.

In the Humania expansion, we refrained from adding a set bonus to the Monarch Helm vanity reward for making level 71. Instead, we chose to add unique content with end game items that could only be entered if you were at the elite level cap. This change seemed to be pretty well received.

Level 71 - The Monarch Helm of Humania

Yet, the problems persist.

Two Legendary Rings to Rule Them All!
To address the above two problems, we are making a shift. Instead of having stats tied to vanities (which sort of defeats the point of vanities) we're implementing a system whereby players can obtain an uber, epic legendary ring!

With the Blacksmoke Mountain Expansion, when you equip any two or any three Elite Level Cap Vanity Rewards, you will automatically receive a quest to visit the Fallen Prince who will bestow a very precious ring!


2 Elite Vanity Ring Reward

3 Elite Vanity Ring Reward

The stats for the rings are a nice bump up over what you might have obtained by having the previous 2 or 3 piece elite vanity set bonus and any previously available rings.

A New Shield for Level 76
The Elite Vanity Reward for achieving level 76 in Blacksmoke Mountain will be the Vanity Shield: Eye of Eternity. You can match this shield up with any of the previous helm elite vanity rewards and/or the Mount Fang Armor to obtain the 2 set ring or 3 set ring.

Level 76 - Eye of Eternity

Going forward, we plan to continue adding elite level cap vanity rewards. The next one for level 81 (the expansion coming after Blacksmoke Mountain) should be a vanity armor. That way, anyone playing currently can work toward obtaining these legendary rings.


Too Long, Didn't Read
Here is a quick list of bullets that recap the above:

Set bonuses from Elite Level Cap Vanity Rewards are going away.

They are replaced by Legendary Rings

To get the quest for your Legendary Ring, equip any of the Elite Level Cap Vanity Rewards just like you were going to get your set bonus (helm, armor, shield) and you'll automagically get a quest for the appropriate ring.

If you don't have an elite level cap vanity shield, make it to level 76 in Blacksmoke Mountain and you'll get the Eye of Eternity. This vanity shield can be used with prior elite level cap vanity helm and armor to get the 2 or 3 piece ring.

The Elite Vanity Rings are not stashable or tradeable.

Techno Email
12-14-2012, 06:55 PM
You need to wear two or three elite level cap vanities at once to get a valiant ring.

12-16-2012, 10:40 PM
What happens if you have two different elite vanity helms or shield and one armor?

Techno Email
12-17-2012, 05:00 PM
If you can wear 2 elite level cap vanity items, you get the two item bonus. If you can wear 3, you get the 3 item bonus, just like the old vanity bonus.

01-11-2013, 01:34 PM
I don't remember getting a 'vanity' when I made the long haul to cap at 56. What I do remember is going to the fallen prince and paying for the dingy crown of persistance and converting it.

I currently have a Lvl 56 FORTIFIED Crown of Persistance (and two Dingy Crowns because I never got to 56 with my other two characters).

I can't imagine I would have deleted a vanity item but perhaps I did.

I imagine the Fortified Crown of Persistance is not adequate to get the rings???
If so, why not?

From what I understand, a lot of people deleted the Crown of Persistance from their inventory because it wasn't stashable.

01-11-2013, 01:52 PM
You are one lucky guy, you should craft one of the dingys into vanity and keep the others stashable

01-11-2013, 01:58 PM
You are one lucky guy, you should craft one of the dingys into vanity and keep the others stashable


01-11-2013, 01:59 PM
go to fallen prince if mount fang I believe

01-11-2013, 02:08 PM
I don't remember getting a 'vanity' when I made the long haul to cap at 56. What I do remember is going to the fallen prince and paying for the dingy crown of persistance and converting it.

I currently have a Lvl 56 FORTIFIED Crown of Persistance (and two Dingy Crowns because I never got to 56 with my other two characters).

I can't imagine I would have deleted a vanity item but perhaps I did.

I imagine the Fortified Crown of Persistance is not adequate to get the rings???
If so, why not?

From what I understand, a lot of people deleted the Crown of Persistance from their inventory because it wasn't stashable.

Go to Fallen Prince in Nuris towne, he will convert it for you to a vanity, then go to Fallen Prince in BlackSmoke Mt. If you have two or more elites, he will give you an elite ring.

01-11-2013, 02:09 PM
Oh it's nuris? whoops

01-11-2013, 02:23 PM
I think its funny how i barely see anyone wearing the cop soh mfa set recently hahaha

We've had to wear it for three caps, kinda sick of it.

But, it's still the best looking vanities in game, by far.

01-11-2013, 02:46 PM
Unfortunately, Fallen Prince no longer wants anything to do with the Dingy Crowns...

01-11-2013, 03:01 PM
Unfortunately, Fallen Prince no longer wants anything to do with the Dingy Crowns...

Email support asking them to convert it for you.

01-11-2013, 05:17 PM
Support wasn't very helpful thus far. I dont think they speak english. :(

05-13-2013, 06:18 PM
I am lvl 76, I have the crafted gold helm and armor with my Eye of Eternity shield and Best Friend eternally pet. however Fallen prince does not give quest. What am I doing wrong?

05-13-2013, 06:39 PM
I am lvl 76, I have the crafted gold helm and armor with my Eye of Eternity shield and Best Friend eternally pet. however Fallen prince does not give quest. What am I doing wrong?

Nice necro.

05-13-2013, 09:16 PM
Sweet. I'm excited to see the quest and what it entails.

05-13-2013, 09:42 PM
Sweet. I'm excited to see the quest and what it entails.

Dude, this was from 2012. It already occurred.

03-01-2014, 11:55 PM
New players should be able to obtain elite rings too.

03-02-2014, 02:12 AM

03-02-2014, 06:14 AM
Yup, major necro.

03-02-2014, 07:57 AM
I like this thread.

03-02-2014, 10:41 AM
Lol. I thought this thread was recently posted and jumped in my seat, then I realized it was a necro...

03-02-2014, 10:44 AM
Lol. I thought this thread was recently posted and jumped in my seat, then I realized it was a necro...

Lmao! Me too, I thought: Yeah new content! And I got disappointed.

03-02-2014, 01:09 PM
Lmao! Me too, I thought: Yeah new content! And I got disappointed.

Same -.- ...just shows how unfinished pl is

03-02-2014, 01:10 PM
Same -.- ...just shows how unfinished pl is

I know, I wish PL could get the attention that AL is getting.

Forty Nine
03-02-2014, 02:29 PM
Yesssss finally! A new cap heading this way. *Bravo* ;-)

03-03-2014, 10:02 AM
Yesssss finally! A new cap heading this way. *Bravo* ;-)


03-03-2014, 12:47 PM
We need a change to a change of elite rings

03-08-2014, 05:00 PM
We just need to keep climbing. New comers can get their ring and veterans just keep getting stuff too...you know....I see players investing money on 76 toons and get dissapponted at the end because they just barely have a chance against ringed players....Unless they get savage and like 50% of people use it lol, even taking all bonuses off wont be considered. even that EGG thing is stronger than founder+the best ring. And they only did ONE cap to obtain it. The game must recive a cap in order to solve this issue or take all bonus off and remplace for a nice looking sparcle.

03-17-2014, 09:58 PM
We just need to keep climbing. New comers can get their ring and veterans just keep getting stuff too...you know....I see players investing money on 76 toons and get dissapponted at the end because they just barely have a chance against ringed players....Unless they get savage and like 50% of people use it lol, even taking all bonuses off wont be considered. even that EGG thing is stronger than founder+the best ring. And they only did ONE cap to obtain it. The game must recive a cap in order to solve this issue or take all bonus off and remplace for a nice looking sparcle.

I heard the egg isn't even that good? O.o on int only maybe

03-17-2014, 10:44 PM
We just need to keep climbing. New comers can get their ring and veterans just keep getting stuff too...you know....I see players investing money on 76 toons and get dissapponted at the end because they just barely have a chance against ringed players....Unless they get savage and like 50% of people use it lol, even taking all bonuses off wont be considered. even that EGG thing is stronger than founder+the best ring. And they only did ONE cap to obtain it. The game must recive a cap in order to solve this issue or take all bonus off and remplace for a nice looking sparcle.

Honestly, I would agree with this, and I even have a founder + 3pc ring. Why? To keep the game fair, really (and to please the community. I know If I didn't have the helm/ring I'd be a bit disappointed). BUT in return the gear would have to be balanced... I think the only thing keeping me a top-notch INT mage is my founder + 3 pc at times...

That being said, I still don't want the 3pc and founder going to waste. I like the stats now, but I'd be happy with an alternative.

03-19-2014, 08:59 PM
"Going forward, we plan to continue adding elite level cap vanity rewards. The next one for level 81 (the expansion coming after Blacksmoke Mountain) should be a vanity armor. That way, anyone playing currently can work toward obtaining these legendary rings"

What is this means? Is it means that we will have lvl81 cap? But why we stopped in here on lvl 76?
Its been one and half year now.
Do we have new cap or not?
If not, I will give up here then.
I am 2 piece ring now. Sicking and waiting on 3 piece for long time .
PL make us feel disappointment day by day now..

03-19-2014, 10:08 PM
"Going forward, we plan to continue adding elite level cap vanity rewards. The next one for level 81 (the expansion coming after Blacksmoke Mountain) should be a vanity armor. That way, anyone playing currently can work toward obtaining these legendary rings"

What is this means? Is it means that we will have lvl81 cap? But why we stopped in here on lvl 76?
Its been one and half year now.
Do we have new cap or not?
If not, I will give up here then.
I am 2 piece ring now. Sicking and waiting on 3 piece for long time .
PL make us feel disappointment day by day now..

You sir speak for many of us.

03-19-2014, 10:16 PM
"Going forward, we plan to continue adding elite level cap vanity rewards. The next one for level 81 (the expansion coming after Blacksmoke Mountain) should be a vanity armor. That way, anyone playing currently can work toward obtaining these legendary rings"

What is this means? Is it means that we will have lvl81 cap? But why we stopped in here on lvl 76?
Its been one and half year now.
Do we have new cap or not?
If not, I will give up here then.
I am 2 piece ring now. Sicking and waiting on 3 piece for long time .
PL make us feel disappointment day by day now..

English went out the windew. But i hear ya!

05-28-2014, 03:58 AM
I wish I had those :(

07-14-2014, 09:49 PM
I'm going to make this short and simple because if I write too much no one wants to read it all and give up half way.

Ok so I went to camp for 2 weeks at the start of July and I arrived few days ago. And idk if you updated the swear system, but I said "why the hell does onyx take forever to break his ***" and idk why but I remember saying *** lots of times before camp. So I'm assuming *** triggered me to go mute. It's my second mute and I didn't mean for it to happen. The first one was me saying something and goes into a typo.

Please fix this. I don't want further mutes.

And *** wasn't ever on the list so why put it now?

07-14-2014, 09:53 PM
I'm going to make this short and simple because if I write too much no one wants to read it all and give up half way.

Ok so I went to camp for 2 weeks at the start of July and I arrived few days ago. And idk if you updated the swear system, but I said "why the hell does onyx take forever to break his ***" and idk why but I remember saying *** lots of times before camp. So I'm assuming *** triggered me to go mute. It's my second mute and I didn't mean for it to happen. The first one was me saying something and goes into a typo.

Please fix this. I don't want further mutes.

And *** wasn't ever on the list so why put it now?

Wow the necro you just did, why the hell are you posting this here???

Go email support! Support@spacetimestudios.com

Whatever the word you just said, it was all censored just then here. Just DO NOT say it and you won't get muted, pretty damn simple as that. :)

07-14-2014, 11:46 PM
I hate when people necro old announcement threads. You think it's something legit coming...

07-15-2014, 12:06 AM
I hate when people necro old announcement threads. You think it's something legit coming...

Mmmmm... :/

06-21-2017, 05:42 AM
CoP and SoH give bonus hp and armor else?