View Full Version : I was ripped off!

09-06-2010, 08:17 PM
Hi, I was totally jipped out of a Khopesh of Isis by an individual named "Justsomeguy". Here's what happened, I was my alternate character "Demonspirit"-lvl 45 archer just hanging out in town when Justsomeguy posts, "Free Khopesh of Isis for anyone that helps me with forum". I'm thinkin' it's a scam right out the gate or like there's no way he'd pay that for help (which was true in the end). So I wait for a few a figure he'll get help and figure it out himself or something. He left and came back and a few times and I was like, man, *if he hasn't gotten any help by now he must be hurting and it's gotta be why he's offering a Khopesh. So I offer to help him out. We troubleshoot the issue together for approx. an hour and a half with no such luck. I suggest e-mailing the development team for further support since through process of elimination we determined we couldn't resolve the issue on our end. He has no clue that e-mailing the dev team is even an option. So i provide the e-mail address and he says (which he stated several times throughout the troubleshooting process), "If this works, you get Khopesh." I approached him the following day and ask him how it went. He said it was too easy cause it was in fact an issue on their end. Long story short, He tried to give me other items that were not part of the deal. All I asked him for was payment for my help as promised. His main excuse for not paying me is that he says he promised 10 others the same thing and he doesn't have that many Khopeshes. Which is impossible since the advice I gave him worked, not the advice or help of any others. I feel as though my time invested in this guy is well worth the payment alone but the fact that he offered it as payment for services rendured should be reason enough for him to pay up. I've e-mailed the dev team regarding this issue over three days ago and since they have yet to respond to any of my e-mails (which was unexpected in comparison to their response to Justsomeguy's issue), I will be protesting Pocket Legends until they resolve this issue. I've completely deleted the app from my device so do not expect me to be logged in any time soon, according to the response time. What other options do I have or better yet, what would you do? Here's my proof...

09-06-2010, 08:17 PM
double post gasp

09-06-2010, 08:20 PM
Sorry, I didn't think the first one posted cause tech probs.

09-06-2010, 08:21 PM
If you sent email to support[at]spacetimestudios[dot]com, we'll eventually get to it. Not only are we backlogged from Labor Day weekend, the latest batch with the feedback button generates literally hundreds of emails a day.


09-06-2010, 08:25 PM
aww man i just wrote a whole post out only to have it say none existent thread >>/
Basicaly was just saying that that sucks dude! and that i have seen "justsomeguy" around before.
I mean 1 minute the guy says he has 10 then the next he has none ..?? Eeek yucky situation Hawss! :(

09-06-2010, 08:25 PM
-GASP- this guy is serious...LOOK he only has a mere 20 post so we should be his followers..our leader is the one and only panda bear HAWSS!:p haha i love u man but cmon dude i half read the post cuz it was to long and im on my ipod lol but didnt somewhere in there u say u thought it was a scam?and u did it anyways so u sorta did it from the kindness of ur heart so if u didnt expect anything in return y get so angry over it?:)

09-06-2010, 08:33 PM
Hawss that sucks man, but don't let that guy ruin your whole pocket legends gaming. I haven't seen you on much, but we used to have a lot of fun together, and I would really like to catch up. **** happens, and no one can stop it, but it's our job to get back up after it happens, and learn and move on. I got a lot of stuff scammed from me back in the day before secure trade, but oh well, now those items sell for 3K, 10K tops, before you know it, AO3 will be out, and khopeshes, and Isis will be history. :)

09-06-2010, 08:54 PM
i half read the post cuz it was to long and im on my ipod lol

Please read the entire post.

09-06-2010, 08:56 PM
If you sent email to support[at]spacetimestudios[dot]com, we'll eventually get to it. Not only are we backlogged from Labor Day weekend, the latest batch with the feedback button generates literally hundreds of emails a day.


I'm waiting.

09-06-2010, 09:00 PM
no i mean i read it but i sorta was half paying attention lol:p but ill read it with my full undivided attention this time:D

09-06-2010, 09:23 PM
that's why you say give first before doing something.

09-06-2010, 09:33 PM
dont get angry... get even

09-08-2010, 06:42 AM
Still waiting.

09-08-2010, 08:37 AM
I read your whole post, a little suggestion, next time you write something long try and paragraph it, on an iPhone it just looks like a massive wall of text.

It sounds to me like this guy just didn't want to hand over the goods, only an idiot would promise other people a reward for helping with & not solving their problem, and then continue to petition for help, not having checked if he had a reward to give, or knowing that he didnt in the first place.

It's a shame you've decided to boycott PL itself, while his behaviour wasn't acceptable, it seems a shame to hold the developers responsible; refusing to play their app until they've addressed the issue.

Your email is sure to be given attention in due course, I hardly think it would be ignored, even if the developers planned to take no action; you'd get a reply to explain this. Remember that nobody is given preferential treatment when it comes to contacting the developers, it just seems a shame to sully your enjoyment of the game because you trusted someone and got bitten.

09-08-2010, 09:19 AM
It's a shame you've decided to boycott PL itself, while his behaviour wasn't acceptable, it seems a shame to hold the developers responsible; refusing to play their app until they've addressed the issue.

Your email is sure to be given attention in due course, I hardly think it would be ignored, even if the developers planned to take no action; you'd get a reply to explain this. Remember that nobody is given preferential treatment when it comes to contacting the developers, it just seems a shame to sully your enjoyment of the game because you trusted someone and got bitten.
Thank you very much for your empathy and your remarkable reply. You make a very valid point. I've come to realize that I may have misdirected my anger and perhaps overreacted in fit of impatience. I really respect your opinion and will be re-installing PL after work today as a result of it.
I really miss the community and can't wait to play again.
I will wait patiently for my number to be called and deal with the cards I've been dealt. I can only hope for a positive outcome.
Can't wait to log-in and cya guys soon!!