View Full Version : Red Dragon Boss losing Targeting?

10-18-2012, 10:57 PM
Hiya There,
Not sure if this is intentional or not, but I've noticed that that the last boss could be killed quicker if the targeting remained focused on him.
Does the Targeting change on purpose or is this a bug?

Thx in Advance :)

10-19-2012, 01:29 AM
Making you manually target that boss seemed intentional to me. I could be wrong here though.

10-19-2012, 07:57 PM
It loses target when in the air. It would be a bit hard to reach with a sword or any weapon, therefore loses target. lol Its a good idea.

10-19-2012, 10:09 PM
Okay, the reason why you lose target is because of the mobs surrounding the red dragon, so when you use an AoE(Area of effect) skill like Lightning, you hit the mobs other then the red dragon itself, leading to a change of target.
Also there is only one red dragon so when the red dragon isn't hitting you, you may be spamming all skills and hitting other mobs again, which lead to other mobs hitting you, when they do that, the target is changed again, to that of the monster hitting you.

This is my theory it may be wrong or right. So just keep it in mind and test it out yourself:)

10-20-2012, 02:15 AM
Thought you lose the target while he uses fire

10-20-2012, 12:50 PM
You lose target when the dragon becomes unavailable to be hit. This is when it flies up in the air (off the screen) and also could be when it's breathing fire as well (not as sure on that one). Anyway, the bottom line is that any time you can't hurt the dragon your target drops. If you attack at that time via attack button or skill, you'll end up targeting one of the others around instead.

It all makes sense, but it makes for an awkward battle. You have piles of other mobs around who you don't want to hit, but then you're at the mercy of the PL targeting system to get back focus on the boss. I don't know about everyone else, but I really have trouble setting target by clicking. It just seems to be hard to hit and usually takes me 5 or 6 clicks to get back on the monster I want. In this battle, wasting that much time usually leaves you dead.

So I don't think it's really a bug, but an artifact of the way the dragon moves around during the battle. However, it does have the effect of making the battle really clunky because you end up fighting with the targeting system (i.e. the interface) not the monster itself. If PL had a better way to switch targets, this wouldn't be a problem....but with the current system it ends up making the battle really frustrating.

10-22-2012, 12:00 PM
i think youre supposed to attack the mob when they all appear and its just saving you the trouble of deselcting dragon