View Full Version : Humania elite map gone along with it's mirror

10-19-2012, 03:14 AM
From what understood, elites would be taken out & map would stay..

I would like to keep the dungeon around, rather than take it away. However, I'd like to reserve these exclusive, and extremely rare, weapon drops to this level cap. You can farm them and get them now, but I will treat them like a collectors item. You might see a cheap plastic replica someday, but it isn't going to proc. a personal tank buff totem, a shark attack, or a cannonball grenade at your enemies feet...

Did you hear that?! I still can't believe this. It's a freaking cannonball grenade proc... Seriously, I LOVE IT!!! :banana:

WOO HOO!! :topsy_turvy: Okay - now go play, and tell us when you beat the boss!! He is SO mean!! I can't wait to hear how you guys beat him... :worked_till_5am::worked_till_5am::worked_till_5am ::worked_till_5am::worked_till_5am:

I only wanted map to stay to get my bear a mustache, but I guess those faces are discontinued. Wow:crushed:
Pretty lame

10-19-2012, 03:27 AM
I got my.bear his 30 minutes before update. dw its just 3 HP and same stats as mech bear face.

Mage till the end
10-19-2012, 03:30 AM
Been booted from more than one run by blowing up peeps with my ship