View Full Version : <wu shang clan>

12-02-2023, 09:49 AM
Well, our guild was made around 1.5 months ago and we are growing quite fast and we are ranked 27th on the lb.
If you don't have a guild you are welcomed here Aps and level don't matter. We welcome anyone and everyone to our guild.
There are no rules. We are both a farming and a merching guild you can sell your items in guild but if someone doesn't know the price of that particular item you can't take advantage of that fact

OFFICER RANKS: 1) krayzdark/hhshdhdu

2) Bkbs

3) swapnilll

4) greatmagics

5) juodukas

6) skippyjussel

7) kabiraa

8) tyfeelsolame

RECRUITERS: almost everyone is a recruiter

Most active ones are : 1) dragonsluery

2) thamthibi

3) arishot

4) bludishandsom

If interested you can either send them house mail if they are off and we have guild challenges and guild event almost all the time! That's it ! Have a great day!!