View Full Version : OMG

10-19-2012, 07:53 PM
Hey y'all

My suggestion is to TAKE OFF these skills from the mobs who throws you at 200000 miles from the map and makes you stuck for 5 minutes, because it's really starting to be annoying. Like when I want to solo STS-25 with 80 platinum enhancer, getting stuck for 5 minutes is getting pretty much annoying.
I just hate these mobs, what's the point of them? To annoy us? Grrr..
Especially these ones who keeps pushing you every 3 seconds, they're like spamming, rushing you...
Anyways just an opinion so don't start your "criticism or rude posts" let's just talk about it nice and slow and see your view about these mobs, thanks! Grrr these mobs!

William To
10-19-2012, 08:08 PM
Im all with you, I hate the knockback damage. Ops and coms cant do that

10-19-2012, 11:32 PM
Keep it.

10-20-2012, 12:27 AM
Keep it.

10-20-2012, 12:34 AM
Keep it. Its Fun ;-)

10-20-2012, 12:50 AM
Sounds like a blast may have to pay that forsaken void a visit for this feature

Iron Hand
10-20-2012, 12:57 AM
Lol hit them first is what i do.. i use my commando knockdown n knockback skills and also i get to edge of map so they cant push me hehe..

10-20-2012, 01:10 AM
Engineers can't knockback so it's hell for us. Getting pushed everywhere unable to heal anyone is no picnic.

10-20-2012, 01:28 AM
yeah it's only so bad because there is so many in the groups so you get pushed by one....then another ect xD

10-20-2012, 01:53 AM
But... But... The Game IS Supposed to be a CHALLENGE. Keep it the same :-)

10-20-2012, 02:39 AM
If they keep making maps like this we Engs won't be able to solo anymore. I get knocked back and stunned when I geg to the mobs. Suppression at maxed level doesn't stun the entire mob cuz by the time part of one mob is stunned, Im pushed onto another dam mob & the cycle repeats. This happens even while running with a group!!! Regardless if we attack or not, we are the healing class and are targeted first by the mobs. Especially pushers and snipers.

This is not PvE. This is SL Ping Pong of Doooooooom.
*puts her pinky on her lip like Dr.Evil*

I don't want to be dependant on PUGs w/players that don't follow directions for the type of runs I make when remking; ie. We engs suppress & heal while we all rush to event boss. Kill the mobs & leave the boss for last. Gives higher drop rate of the vans (I got four in a row) & makes the runs go by fast.

I can't even boot players until I get by the boss cuz too many freaking pushers and stunz. I hate the mobs but loving the map. Its really annoying. Hence, why I hardly play.

*woossaaaaaa* (#-.-)
*woooossssaaaaa* (-.-#)
(")^.^(") ROAAAAAR (")^.^(")


10-20-2012, 06:48 AM
If they keep making maps like this we Engs won't be able to solo anymore. I get knocked back and stunned when I geg to the mobs. Suppression at maxed level doesn't stun the entire mob cuz by the time part of one mob is stunned, Im pushed onto another dam mob & the cycle repeats. This happens even while running with a group!!! Regardless if we attack or not, we are the healing class and are targeted first by the mobs. Especially pushers and snipers.

This is not PvE. This is SL Ping Pong of Doooooooom.
*puts her pinky on her lip like Dr.Evil*

I don't want to be dependant on PUGs w/players that don't follow directions for the type of runs I make when remking; ie. We engs suppress & heal while we all rush to event boss. Kill the mobs & leave the boss for last. Gives higher drop rate of the vans (I got four in a row) & makes the runs go by fast.

I can't even boot players until I get by the boss cuz too many freaking pushers and stunz. I hate the mobs but loving the map. Its really annoying. Hence, why I hardly play.

*woossaaaaaa* (#-.-)
*woooossssaaaaa* (-.-#)
(")^.^(") ROAAAAAR (")^.^(")


I can still solo sts Teresa, sure I may need to self revive once or twice but its the willingness to do so that counts. The pride of being one man against an army.

10-20-2012, 07:04 AM
hmm i'd say keep them

Iron Hand
10-20-2012, 07:52 AM
If they keep making maps like this we Engs won't be able to solo anymore. I get knocked back and stunned when I geg to the mobs. Suppression at maxed level doesn't stun the entire mob cuz by the time part of one mob is stunned, Im pushed onto another dam mob & the cycle repeats. This happens even while running with a group!!! Regardless if we attack or not, we are the healing class and are targeted first by the mobs. Especially pushers and snipers.

This is not PvE. This is SL Ping Pong of Doooooooom.
*puts her pinky on her lip like Dr.Evil*

I don't want to be dependant on PUGs w/players that don't follow directions for the type of runs I make when remking; ie. We engs suppress & heal while we all rush to event boss. Kill the mobs & leave the boss for last. Gives higher drop rate of the vans (I got four in a row) & makes the runs go by fast.

I can't even boot players until I get by the boss cuz too many freaking pushers and stunz. I hate the mobs but loving the map. Its really annoying. Hence, why I hardly play.

*woossaaaaaa* (#-.-)
*woooossssaaaaa* (-.-#)
(")^.^(") ROAAAAAR (")^.^(")


I can still solo sts Teresa, sure I may need to self revive once or twice but its the willingness to do so that counts. The pride of being one man against an army.

Lmao... Get to the side of the map so they can't knock you back also make sure as an engi to have napalm since it is an aoe splash weapon. When i had scrapiron i was able to solo colony pretty well had all aoe skills maxed including the bomb. I dropped shield in favor of leach as it helped keep me alive. Also stay to left or right side of map and about middle so the purple scorn face you sideways this way when they knock you back you are against the map edge and they cannot knock you 20 miles down the road. It is though and even as an engi i was still eating stims like popcorn so load up 500+ .. have faith my engi friends it can be done you just have take a little slower and be very active on buttons :)

10-20-2012, 09:11 AM
Iron, by now everyone should know how to run that map: the same way we run SY & Voleria when solo or in a PUG....

I think you two failed to get the point of my lost. XD

10-20-2012, 09:53 AM
i like it and it helps stop bots because the mobs are pretty unpredictable

Iron Hand
10-20-2012, 10:04 AM
Iron, by now everyone should know how to run that map: the same way we run SY & Voleria when solo or in a PUG....

I think you two failed to get the point of my lost. XD

I know your pain lady is why i did not run with pugs much just ran with friends.. an idea is set a party u trust and pw protect map. Otherwise yea it is a pain in the butt.

10-20-2012, 10:31 AM
How is reducing the 20ft+ repulse from the Scorn a super bad thing? We aren't asking for an entire nerf but to make it so we aren't blasted in mobs of enemies while we just sit there stunned and nothing to do but watch as all the scorn play "Ring around the engie" before blasting us further.

10-20-2012, 10:35 AM
Iron, by now everyone should know how to run that map: the same way we run SY & Voleria when solo or in a PUG....

I think you two failed to get the point of my lost. XD

Oh I got the point, but I'm sick of sts nerfing and dumbing down Star Legends!!
They made certain lower levels loose there difficulty and the need for teamwork when y'all complained and I am not going to stand and watch you all do the same again :-/ No offense, but I enjoy this game being a challange and throwing the player off guard.

Star Legends was always about teamwork and to be more hardcore than PL lol even DL for what I played up to you could defeat all the lvls solo until you got to the guardian golum thing, then I focused everything back on SL because my Real Life with my children and work take a lot of my time to play multiple games. So please don't nerf the gameplay of what sts designed Star Legends to be.
A Hardcore Teamwork game.

Yes the knockback can be frustrating at times but that increases the challange and some of us Extreme Infinite U members have turned it into a fun game of how far back we can get knocked back! XD It's hilarious!

Engineers are more than capable at soloing most lvls with the right weapons, armour, skills and strategic thinking.
If you all want a walk in the park stick to just solo hacking and slashing your way though DL lvls. No offense again but please don't ruin other peoples entertainment *sigh*

Peace and love and I do respect all of your feelings and opinions.
Enjoy the game :-) *Gives a hug*

10-20-2012, 10:42 AM
How is reducing the 20ft+ repulse from the Scorn a super bad thing? We aren't asking for an entire nerf but to make it so we aren't blasted in mobs of enemies while we just sit there stunned and nothing to do but watch as all the scorn play "Ring around the engie" before blasting us further.

Good point when you say it like that :-)
But when we usually complain about the smallest thing or change, to my experience the developers go over board and completely wipe all the difficulty. A great example is the lvl cap requirement being 50k+ to a measly 12k and when they took all the challenge out of the juicer and early stages.
I'd rather have everything stay the same. I'm sorry. *hug*

10-20-2012, 11:16 AM
If they keep making maps like this we Engs won't be able to solo anymore. I get knocked back and stunned when I geg to the mobs. Suppression at maxed level doesn't stun the entire mob cuz by the time part of one mob is stunned, Im pushed onto another dam mob & the cycle repeats. This happens even while running with a group!!! Regardless if we attack or not, we are the healing class and are targeted first by the mobs. Especially pushers and snipers.

This is not PvE. This is SL Ping Pong of Doooooooom.
*puts her pinky on her lip like Dr.Evil*

I don't want to be dependant on PUGs w/players that don't follow directions for the type of runs I make when remking; ie. We engs suppress & heal while we all rush to event boss. Kill the mobs & leave the boss for last. Gives higher drop rate of the vans (I got four in a row) & makes the runs go by fast.

I can't even boot players until I get by the boss cuz too many freaking pushers and stunz. I hate the mobs but loving the map. Its really annoying. Hence, why I hardly play.

*woossaaaaaa* (#-.-)
*woooossssaaaaa* (-.-#)
(")^.^(") ROAAAAAR (")^.^(")


I can still solo sts Teresa, sure I may need to self revive once or twice but its the willingness to do so that counts. The pride of being one man against an army.

Lmao... Get to the side of the map so they can't knock you back also make sure as an engi to have napalm since it is an aoe splash weapon. When i had scrapiron i was able to solo colony pretty well had all aoe skills maxed including the bomb. I dropped shield in favor of leach as it helped keep me alive. Also stay to left or right side of map and about middle so the purple scorn face you sideways this way when they knock you back you are against the map edge and they cannot knock you 20 miles down the road. It is though and even as an engi i was still eating stims like popcorn so load up 500+ .. have faith my engi friends it can be done you just have take a little slower and be very active on buttons :)Even if you are at the side of the map, they can still push you, you just get stuck for a really long time. Plus, I don't want to be confined to one side of the map.

10-20-2012, 12:40 PM
I've been thinking about this hard for an hour now and I'd like to give a formal Apology to the op and everyone.

I'm sorry. I have no right for what I ranted about and I sincerely hope you can forgive me.
Sometimes I guess we all loose something right, like our cool and dignity,
Like I just did here.

After reading back all the posts I understand now that it was all down to trying to rush to the boss for vanity drops and with the mobs pushing making extremely frustrating for you. Especially after buying an expensive enhancer to increase the drop rate of legendarys and to gain xp and additional stat enhancing abilities.
It can always be frustrating to anyone who spends real world money on this game that even a minute of wasted enhancement can seem a huge loss especially when they Reroll to a green or purple afterwards.

I see now we play two different games here, you play for vanites, legendarys and anything for self gain and fair play to you.
We all play the game how we like :-)
I on the other hand play for fun, a challenge and helping people when I ain't busy.
It's a game and one I really enjoy playing. Infact it's the only game I actually play now so I hope you can understand why I feel so passionately towards any changes to the gameplay.

If the changes happen I will just have to accept it and adapt again, it's my desire to be able to play Star Legends as long as I can and again I do apologize :-)

Thank you for being such good friends *massive hug*

10-20-2012, 12:52 PM
:( no worries bro, we all get burned out on the game. Suddenly everything isn't working as it should. You have a good enough reputation here so we understand :)

10-20-2012, 01:48 PM
:( no worries bro, we all get burned out on the game. Suddenly everything isn't working as it should. You have a good enough reputation here so we understand :)

Who was that directed to?

Edit: my bad I read too fast xD

10-20-2012, 02:24 PM

10-20-2012, 02:37 PM
Okok we got it, keeping it sounds better for everyone.. Like Mitch said, when u spend real money for dem enhancers and get stuck or pushed for mins, it's kinda annoying. Anyways Kk

10-20-2012, 02:42 PM
Hey y'all

Especially these ones who keeps pushing you every 3 seconds, they're like spamming, rushing you...

"Rushing" doesnt exist...neither in pvp or pve lol

10-20-2012, 02:44 PM
"Rushing" doesnt exist...neither in pvp or pve lol

It's an expression. To say that they push you or make you stuck every seconds.

10-20-2012, 09:23 PM
when u spend hard earned rl money on something, sh** gets real. So when u have people coming whichaway asking to make changes to the game, when you're already getting your money's worth, you're gonna be pretty irritated. there are people who want a hardcore game that gives them a reason to spend cash, and as mitch said, anything easier would be pl or dl. so go for that.
besides, SL doesnt have as much replay value cuz the game is pretty straightforward, except for pvp, so STS would make it pretty worthwhile. And if u think sl is too 'ard then dont play. just like I don't :)

10-21-2012, 01:26 AM
I agree, us Engi's are soon going to be useless. I get flung like a ragdoll all over the place and then others whine why am I not healing as often.. Well here's your answer.. It is tough to heal when stunned, and flung around constantly... At least take out the blowback thing but keep the difficulty the same.. I literally get flung like 20 yards away from combat when it happens to me.

10-21-2012, 01:34 AM
I lol'ed at "ring around the engi" Haha :D thnx for making my night ^_^

10-21-2012, 03:25 AM
when u spend hard earned rl money on something, sh** gets real. So when u have people coming whichaway asking to make changes to the game, when you're already getting your money's worth, you're gonna be pretty irritated. there are people who want a hardcore game that gives them a reason to spend cash, and as mitch said, anything easier would be pl or dl. so go for that.
besides, SL doesnt have as much replay value cuz the game is pretty straightforward, except for pvp, so STS would make it pretty worthwhile. And if u think sl is too 'ard then dont play. just like I don't :)

Chill yo

10-21-2012, 03:58 AM
This game is not meant to be solo-ed. Actually it is constructed to be social thus party-combat-involved

Leave those mobs, STS! They r fun

10-21-2012, 04:47 AM
This game is not meant to be solo-ed. Actually it is constructed to be social thus party-combat-involved

Leave those mobs, STS! They r fun

Yeah that's what it was concluded

10-22-2012, 10:58 AM
Yeah that's what it was concluded

Actually i can share a secret about those 'pushers' ;)

they r VERY useful on STS25 map - especially when u do runs for Wraith - if you place yourself in right position, those guys actually push u forward letting you reach the location faster

so yeah! They ARE fun :D

10-22-2012, 11:51 AM
Actually i can share a secret about those 'pushers' ;)

they r VERY useful on STS25 map - especially when u do runs for Wraith - if you place yourself in right position, those guys actually push u forward letting you reach the location faster

so yeah! They ARE fun :D

I managed to do this ONCE but I don't know how to do it again! But your right! XD

10-22-2012, 12:12 PM
I don't care if its hard or is a challenge to play. The point is if we can't fulfill our duties as an Eng due to being pushed everywhere on the map, then there is no point in playing as an Eng. If we can't rev or heal myself or you due to being pushed, common sense tells you theres a problem with the OP pushers. The fact of the matter is there are too many pushers that -each- take a certain amount of time to take out (on solo or in runs with other players). Doesn't matter if Im running with friends or not. The pushers just need to be nerfed a little. For effen sake, its not like we're asking yall to change the entire system. We're asking for a simple adjustment so the Eng class can have a chance.

Smh. Stop assuming that we can't handle the game when it gets hard.... in fact we welcome it. The problem is OPed Pushers. Point blank.

I swear sometimes this is like talking to a brick wall that has been reinforced with sound proof elements. -.-

10-22-2012, 12:13 PM
I don't care if its hard or is a challenge to play. The point is if we can't fulfill our duties as an Eng due to being pushed everywhere on the map, then there is no point in playing as an Eng. If we can't rev or heal myself or you due to being pushed, common sense tells you theres a problem with the OP pushers. The fact of the matter is there are too many pushers that -each- take a certain amount of time to take out (on solo or in runs with other players). Doesn't matter if Im running with friends or not. The pushers just need to be nerfed a little. For effen sake, its not like we're asking yall to change the entire system. We're asking for a simple adjustment so the Eng class can have a chance.

Smh. Stop assuming that we can't handle the game when it gets hard.... in fact we welcome it. The problem is OPed Pushers. Point blank.

I swear sometimes this is like talking to a brick wall that has been reinforced with sound proof elements. -.-

Sorry, what?

10-22-2012, 12:19 PM
I don't care if its hard or is a challenge to play. The point is if we can't fulfill our duties as an Eng due to being pushed everywhere on the map, then there is no point in playing as an Eng. If we can't rev or heal myself or you due to being pushed, common sense tells you theres a problem with the OP pushers. The fact of the matter is there are too many pushers that -each- take a certain amount of time to take out (on solo or in runs with other players). Doesn't matter if Im running with friends or not. The pushers just need to be nerfed a little. For effen sake, its not like we're asking yall to change the entire system. We're asking for a simple adjustment so the Eng class can have a chance.

Smh. Stop assuming that we can't handle the game when it gets hard.... in fact we welcome it. The problem is OPed Pushers. Point blank.

I swear sometimes this is like talking to a brick wall that has been reinforced with sound proof elements. -.-


10-22-2012, 12:32 PM
Iron, by now everyone should know how to run that map: the same way we run SY & Voleria when solo or in a PUG....

I think you two failed to get the point of my lost. XD

Oh I got the point, but I'm sick of sts nerfing and dumbing down Star Legends!!
They made certain lower levels loose there difficulty and the need for teamwork when y'all complained and I am not going to stand and watch you all do the same again :-/ No offense, but I enjoy this game being a challange and throwing the player off guard.

Star Legends was always about teamwork and to be more hardcore than PL lol even DL for what I played up to you could defeat all the lvls solo until you got to the guardian golum thing, then I focused everything back on SL because my Real Life with my children and work take a lot of my time to play multiple games. So please don't nerf the gameplay of what sts designed Star Legends to be.
A Hardcore Teamwork game.

Yes the knockback can be frustrating at times but that increases the challange and some of us Extreme Infinite U members have turned it into a fun game of how far back we can get knocked back! XD It's hilarious!

Engineers are more than capable at soloing most lvls with the right weapons, armour, skills and strategic thinking.
If you all want a walk in the park stick to just solo hacking and slashing your way though DL lvls. No offense again but please don't ruin other peoples entertainment *sigh*

Peace and love and I do respect all of your feelings and opinions.
Enjoy the game :-) *Gives a hug*

I do not want to be depending on other members to get through the game. Helping each other out is one thing but to be completely dependent on my team is another story. Especially, when people don't always stick together and run off to do their own thing in the runs to begin with.

I don't ever remember SL being a "hardcore teamwork game". Ever. Its an mmo that you can play either alone or in group, helping each other out. o.O

Mitch, stop making assumptions and ask questions instead. You don't know me. I don't know you. So assuming that I want a "walk in the park" is stupid. No, Im not trying to flame you but if you single me out, then come at me correct & ask what I mean, not assume I can't handle a challenge or some bs about wanting things to get hella easy. Pfft.

Btw, DL & your real life has nothing to do with this issue. Its a simple problem with simple solution that won't cause any major problems. Period.

Peace & hair grease. >__>

10-22-2012, 01:58 PM

I do not want to be depending on other members to get through the game. Helping each other out is one thing but to be completely dependent on my team is another story. Especially, when people don't always stick together and run off to do their own thing in the runs to begin with.

I don't ever remember SL being a "hardcore teamwork game". Ever. Its an mmo that you can play either alone or in group, helping each other out. o.O

Mitch, stop making assumptions and ask questions instead. You don't know me. I don't know you. So assuming that I want a "walk in the park" is stupid. No, Im not trying to flame you but if you single me out, then come at me correct & ask what I mean, not assume I can't handle a challenge or some bs about wanting things to get hella easy. Pfft.

Btw, DL & your real life has nothing to do with this issue. Its a simple problem with simple solution that won't cause any major problems. Period.

Peace & hair grease. >__>

Take a chill pill, peace <3

10-22-2012, 03:23 PM
Kicking this post back on topic:
noo !! OMG u know what is truuly annoying in sts25 and new maps?? so u r fighting wraith and zyro tael whateevr his name is jumps in fight and pushes u so far that you lie next to durrex and wraith regenerates health and durrex does a fatality on you and you are left like .... -.- revengee. btw everytime I buy revenge I dont end up avenging myself I just die again after the 15 seconds are overr.

10-22-2012, 07:13 PM
Yes! The push needs to be less... I find it very annoying when I get pushed out of the loot... It's way over powered and I'm no ones ping pong ball...

10-22-2012, 07:22 PM
Soo, lower the push back effect, just nuff' that the engi can heal/support the party.

But not too much that someone could just solo it, right?

That could work, tho it'd be pretty hard to find the perfect balance..

Tho I wish they find the sweet spot.