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View Full Version : How does peepl make these massive amounts of gold?

09-06-2010, 09:34 PM
Ive seen pics a the forum showing players with millons and its pretty normal to see peepl buying 200k weapons or even shoch lances with are nearly 1M.

Ive tried to earn my little cash but so far didnt have any drops which made me rich, and mobs drops SOOO little cash... mayB its me not knowing where to farm...

09-06-2010, 09:45 PM
its them leeech as a noob wrk up a profit buy cheap sell high then farm at a high level

09-06-2010, 09:49 PM
Some players have made a couple million just from playing frequently and selling a bit. A few made a lot more by being heavily involved in honest trade. Unfortunately many super-rich players (not naming any names) rip of people who don't know better, or hassle people til they annoy a good deal out of them, and then turn around and oversell for a huge profit.

09-06-2010, 09:54 PM
Royce is right.. sad but true.

i have experience with the former two.

in the swamp days, I collected my sweet 100 grand by buying purples and pinks at wholesale prices and reselling them individually, then continually moving on to larger and better things to resell for better. unfortunately, I lost all my money when some forum member I can't remember who, maybe tjornan? sold me 80 purples and I could not find buyers. luckily, i found an aspiring new player who bought the purples (I lost money) and made a good profit out of that.

Recently, I've farmed for my money's worth, and selling those hot new items that are the shiz right now.

and yes, people still rip off others, sadly.

09-06-2010, 10:06 PM
I know acutaly I got 700k for leveling ppl to level 45 all together

09-06-2010, 10:06 PM
my money comes from farming. pick a day and farm ONE instance...say 2 hours of runs, if you have the time. Youre going for a high value item, Map 1 with talons, easy soloable in 5 minutes, Map 2 with wands, 2 people can solo in 5 mins, Map 4 with lances/plasma, always has groups, Map 5 with Blasters/Red Scarabs and Map 6 with loot fest, armor/helms are most common here...

Out of these runs you might get 3-5 of the items you were after, and a tons of pinks. Isis and Thoth sell like candy.

eventually youve made over 50k from just trash loot. It all adds up...

09-07-2010, 09:58 AM
Some1 said drops might have been changed recently. Any clue on that?

09-07-2010, 10:39 AM
My current character is a level 30 bear. He's got about 100k stashed without even really trying hard, just from adventuring plus selling excess loot.

09-07-2010, 10:50 AM
These are people whose goal in the game is to earn the most of this monopoly money. They never leveled as you did. They took shortcuts by repeating the easy part of one map until they were high enough level to "farm". Farming is simpling playing a map for the purpose of getting the items. Of the 50+ maps in the game, two or three are farmed. They often rush, as well, running past the mobs in the hallways to storm the boss, and then quit. Then, when they have a few pinks, they sell them for the highest price they can get. That's what demonicdevyn said.

09-07-2010, 11:09 AM
I'm just curious, when you guys "sell off the loot (pinks)" do you mean here on the forum or sitting in town and shouting "pinks for sale!"?

Other than the forum, in trying to figure out the best way to sell my stuff =/

09-07-2010, 11:10 AM
i sell both places, forums are faster, but you may be able to get better prices in towne.

09-07-2010, 11:17 AM
Well I went over a million during the weeks when I just hosted farming games for hours on end and selling. Though now that I have stopped playing so much, and when I do play, I buy pots.. and I'm doing contests and helping people. So the money dwindles away or you simply just don't make much unless you devote a lot of time to the game.