View Full Version : Quest Slots

12-05-2023, 03:06 PM
Any chance to increase the quest slots from 5 to 10? Would benefit everyone.

12-06-2023, 03:07 PM
Haha this will continue to baffle me as to why they've kept it at 5. I feel like it's been 5 forever, and I doubt they're changing this. HOWEVER if there's a time to petition for this, I feel like it would be now; appreciate you making this post.

With so many lengthy quests in the two newest campaigns, Myx Mage and Dragkin campaigns (100 boss kills, 50 boss kill weeklies) that didn't previously exist to this extent especially the weeklies, players are holding onto in-progress quests more than ever before. And with a possible new expansion coming in the next calendar year (let me speculate conservatively, lol) with even more quests and longer duration quests, it's actually quite detrimental to not be able to accept more quests. Really stunts the "replayability" of old campaigns because folks will likely prioritize holding onto in-progress quests from new campaigns, or prioritize holding onto empty quest slots for weeklies etc.

Please add more quest slots @devs! thank you.