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View Full Version : Reverse Auction

12-07-2023, 08:58 AM
Reverse auction! Instead of listing items for gold, you can list gold for an item you want. For example, say you want to buy krak armor for 100m, you deposit 100m into the auction on the krak armor item and now players will see the tab where you are buying krak armor for 100m, and have the option to take your gold for the item. when you log on, you can check and then take your item.

12-07-2023, 09:04 AM

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12-07-2023, 09:52 AM

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12-07-2023, 10:45 AM
A wanted to buy board is interesting, but I think it has several issues and is not worth the effort:

From the perspective of the buyer, the main issue here would be browsing/filtering the 100,000+ possible items available to list the one you want to buy. We may be able to limit this somewhat with specific rarities (vanities, heroic, arcane, etc.), but there are probably plenty of items players would want to purchase that are outside of those parameters.

From the perspective of the seller, what player is going to continually review the list of items players want? Assuming they do find an item on this list, they'll more than likely balk at the price offered.

Use the forums, Luke!


12-07-2023, 10:57 AM
Well, i think it should be the same as the auction house in many ways, there should be a fee for posting to this same as auction house. The person who completes the offer should also not have to pay a fee because they are only fulfilling the request. I think that this could be done in the auction house as well and a ui filter for showing both buy and sell requests. The gold + tax would be consumed when the person lists the items as a buy request and they would not receive it back until they either canceled it or it expired. I think that starting out you should not be able to request items with certain rolls on them. This should only be possible for base items with no gems or enhancements. I dont think people would be able to abuse a system like this because if they list a high buy request they they loose out on alot of money and a request for too low and no one would sell to them and they would loose the tax on listing the request. It would also be nice if we were looking at the auction house and we could visually tell if we can fulfil the request.