View Full Version : Add oneshot protection to hcs when they enter a map

12-09-2023, 02:04 PM
Similar as in pvp
There has been multiple instances of hardcore deaths because some bigbrain individuals who can't run a map, killed others. Event map in this case. Bulch mini can get pulled right to the entrance and kill the unsuspected joiners who have no idea it's there. Either some protection or make the reset distance of the starting enemies much much shorter.
Some kind of safety net whould be appreciated.

12-09-2023, 03:49 PM
Unfortunately, we won't be giving special considerations for hardcore, but if you feel that there's a gameplay issue that needs to be fixed (Bulch), we can try to address that.


12-09-2023, 04:02 PM
Well my hc died in less then a second i joined the map because Bulch was chilling there already doing his attack and i didn't have the time to react. Losing all my progress to stuff like this.. So yeah, please consider making the enemies reset before they can reach the spawnpoint. Thank you.

12-09-2023, 04:18 PM
Felt the pain, rest in peace. :P

12-09-2023, 08:26 PM
Well my hc died in less then a second i joined the map because Bulch was chilling there already doing his attack and i didn't have the time to react. Losing all my progress to stuff like this.. So yeah, please consider making the enemies reset before they can reach the spawnpoint. Thank you.

I thought i was the only one that unexpectedly died to bulch on one of my hc. Feels like sts doesnt test anything before releasing or at least dont test anything for hc

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12-11-2023, 08:06 PM
quoting themselves: play hc at your own risk, pay your way thru this mode cause devs won’t bother to investigate

12-20-2023, 07:47 PM
Unfortunately, we won't be giving special considerations for hardcore, but if you feel that there's a gameplay issue that needs to be fixed (Bulch), we can try to address that.


I believe an easy and a fair solution would be for a hardcore player to gain immunity/invulnerability for 5-10 seconds when they join the map or until they start attacking. That way stuff that could kill a player without their fault wouldn't happen.