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View Full Version : enable xp gain elixir and whats sad

10-21-2012, 04:12 PM
now at lv76 cap its been like 4-5 elite caps, so any1 with the 3 piece elite vanity ring shuld havve 300k+ kills if they didnt use elix
but nooo since elixir is now a huge part of game, (u cannot deny it at all)

Now wherever I look i see a bunch of people with only like 30k kills or less that r elite cap and they have thrash on 24/7
this is just sad man
i also see a bunch of people with 100k+ kills, and thyere on elix and they don't even have 2 piece elite vanity= they just spam magic castle 4 exp and stuff n get lots of kills

i srsly strating 2 think elixirs r becoming a part of the game- for the worse

itll be only soon when we have lv100 cap and we have playes who got to elite cap with enable xp gain and have only 40k kills

so wat r ur opinons
do u like what these leixir r doing?
i know there r also beneifical parts but seriously this enable xp gain should just let u get xp n not kills
so ppl can actually c how much kills they rly got insted of wat they pay plat4

10-21-2012, 04:22 PM
I have been around the game since it started. This topic has been brought up many times. Elixirs=plat=money=STS getting rich. As much as we dont like it, it is very influential. I myself have fallen into elixir mania especially with the new map. It is ridiculously hard even with party on elixir.

10-21-2012, 04:53 PM
now at lv76 cap its been like 4-5 elite caps, so any1 with the 3 piece elite vanity ring shuld havve 300k+ kills if they didnt use elix
but nooo since elixir is now a huge part of game, (u cannot deny it at all)

Now wherever I look i see a bunch of people with only like 30k kills or less that r elite cap and they have thrash on 24/7
this is just sad man
i also see a bunch of people with 100k+ kills, and thyere on elix and they don't even have 2 piece elite vanity= they just spam magic castle 4 exp and stuff n get lots of kills

i srsly strating 2 think elixirs r becoming a part of the game- for the worse

itll be only soon when we have lv100 cap and we have playes who got to elite cap with enable xp gain and have only 40k kills

so wat r ur opinons
do u like what these leixir r doing?
i know there r also beneifical parts but seriously this enable xp gain should just let u get xp n not kills
so ppl can actually c how much kills they rly got insted of wat they pay plat4

This is not even close to being true. To earn 100xp with no elix. You only need 80000 kills with a full party (this is not even counting the red and yellow threat level bonus you get for being slightly lower level. So you would only get 15000 kills to get 100k xp when you divide the kills amongst five ppl in your group.

If someone in your party is on daily, blessing or regular elix they will steal those kills from you.

Also different classes earn kills at different rates. A str bear earns way fewer kills than a dex bird.

Also enable xp doesn't reduce your kill count cuz you get kills when u r on xp anywhere elix. People usually get MORE kills because of it.

10-21-2012, 04:58 PM
Your argument is invalid. You don't get xp for every kill you get, you get xp for how many the group as a whole kills. A little off topic as well. Enable xp runs don't make it as easy as you think to get to elite level. I counted the hours it took for me to get to 76. It takes around 8-12 hours. It's an elite task either way.

10-21-2012, 05:00 PM
now at lv76 cap its been like 4-5 elite caps, so any1 with the 3 piece elite vanity ring shuld havve 300k+ kills if they didnt use elix
but nooo since elixir is now a huge part of game, (u cannot deny it at all)

Now wherever I look i see a bunch of people with only like 30k kills or less that r elite cap and they have thrash on 24/7
this is just sad man
i also see a bunch of people with 100k+ kills, and thyere on elix and they don't even have 2 piece elite vanity= they just spam magic castle 4 exp and stuff n get lots of kills

i srsly strating 2 think elixirs r becoming a part of the game- for the worse

itll be only soon when we have lv100 cap and we have playes who got to elite cap with enable xp gain and have only 40k kills

so wat r ur opinons
do u like what these leixir r doing?
i know there r also beneifical parts but seriously this enable xp gain should just let u get xp n not kills
so ppl can actually c how much kills they rly got insted of wat they pay plat4

This is not even close to being true. To earn 100xp with no elix. You only need 80000 kills with a full party (this is not even counting the red and yellow threat level bonus you get for being slightly lower level. So you would only get 15000 kills to get 100k xp when you divide the kills amongst five ppl in your group.

If someone in your party is on daily, blessing or regular elix they will steal those kills from you.

Also different classes earn kills at different rates. A str bear earns way fewer kills than a dex bird.

Also enable xp doesn't reduce your kill count cuz you get kills when u r on xp anywhere elix. People usually get MORE kills because of it.

Glad to be ninja'd by this post.

10-21-2012, 05:09 PM
LOL, first off. Thats how STS makes their revenue to be able to make more content. Because they were being nice and made thw whole game free. See when i played you could only get to lvl 18 and i had to buy every single map. All i got was this purple shield that looks "cool" use to have stats but im not complainin because it looks pretty cool on bear and mage. So dont be hatin on elixirs and my bear is lvl 68 with 16k kills dont hate on him either xP

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

10-21-2012, 05:31 PM
Ever since elixirs have been 'revamped' halfway through sewers, the game has gone downhill, sts has done nothing but add to this system
As much as i agree with you, sts has shown they dont care about the integretity of the gameplay if it means decreased revenue
Elixirs free sewer runs got me 20k kills
Thrasher nuris got me about 10k
And 10k more from fang
The enable xp however has given me 25k per cap

It is annoying to see the noobs with 10k kills at level 65+

Honestly they shouldnt be giving kills in lower level dungeons...spamming enable xp pots to 1 mil kills pretty much finishes any legitimate skill on the LB

I still enjoy the game, i wish they would fix this all, sadly sts has shown no care to this area, so i have decided to forget about it

Also am i just really smart, cuz i could read the post fine o.O

10-21-2012, 05:34 PM
Ever since elixirs have been 'revamped' halfway through sewers, the game has gone downhill, sts has done nothing but add to this system
As much as i agree with you, sts has shown they dont care about the integretity of the gameplay if it means decreased revenue
Elixirs free sewer runs got me 20k kills
Thrasher nuris got me about 10k
And 10k more from fang
The enable xp however has given me 25k per cap

It is annoying to see the noobs with 10k kills at level 65+

Honestly they shouldnt be giving kills in lower level dungeons...spamming enable xp pots to 1 mil kills pretty much finishes any legitimate skill on the LB

I still enjoy the game, i wish they would fix this all, sadly sts has shown no care to this area, so i have decided to forget about it

If someone started to at level 1 today, spent zero plat, and got to level 65. 10k kills is plenty.

10-21-2012, 05:35 PM
i srsly strating 2 think elixirs r becoming a part of the game- for the worse

...you're just starting to think that?

10-21-2012, 05:41 PM
If someone started to at level 1 today, spent zero plat, and got to level 65. 10k kills is plenty.
I had 10k at level50...and that was when you could start plasma pyramid at level1

10-21-2012, 05:49 PM
If someone started to at level 1 today, spent zero plat, and got to level 65. 10k kills is plenty.

With or without a full party? Is that party on Thrasher's? Back in AO3, my BEAR had 12k kills and the cap was 50. And, no, I did not solo a alot. I also had around 8k deaths. However, I learned how to play my class. I have made multiple 51/56/61 toons since the Fang cap and just about all of them have over 15k kills.

What bothers me more than the OP's argument is the ones who have stats like my bear use to have and these guys are 70+ with the elixir generation. That is sad.

10-21-2012, 06:02 PM
If someone started to at level 1 today, spent zero plat, and got to level 65. 10k kills is plenty.

With or without a full party? Is that party on Thrasher's? Back in AO3, my BEAR had 12k kills and the cap was 50. And, no, I did not solo a alot. I also had around 8k deaths. However, I learned how to play my class. I have made multiple 51/56/61 toons since the Fang cap and just about all of them have over 15k kills.

What bothers me more than the OP's argument is the ones who have stats like my bear use to have and these guys are 70+ with the elixir generation. That is sad.

I'm just saying if someone is level 65 and started recently, and doesn't spend plat, 10000 kills is plenty of kills.

It only takes 65000xp to get to 65, which means 65000 kills total from everyone you play with if you don't count threat level bonus, full party bonus, daily elix, and blessings. and those things make a huge difference.

Divide kills amongst five players that's 13000 kills. Count the xp bonuses it's much less.

Also new players don't have as much money to also have good gear so they lose some kills there as well.

Can't really compare when 50 was cap cuz xp curve was different AND you were earning kills even when u weren't leveling.

Also people take advantage of times when there are higher levels in a low level map. You can't blame people for trying to level as quickly as possible since many low lvl maps are dead and everyone is playing at the cap maps.

It just goes to my original point that if a newer player is at cap or level 75, the original poster is wrong to state having less than 30k kills is somehow appalling. It's normal and ok. It's not a reason to berate a "noob"

10-21-2012, 06:17 PM
I have nothing against elixirs per se, but the ramifications (as others have said) are that it gets players into this mindset where they stop thinking about strategy and how to effectively play the game. Then when they play without an elixir and die a couple times with that same charge-through-the-map approach, they're all like "ZOMG these maps are OP, you can't even play them without elixirs!!1" No, the maps are fine. You're just used to it being too easy and forgot how to play.

10-21-2012, 06:23 PM
The 50 cap actually had a low xp req

10-21-2012, 06:27 PM
they're all like "ZOMG these maps are OP, you can't even play them without elixirs!!1" No, the maps are fine. You're just used to it being too easy and forgot how to play.
This is the most disappointing part of endgame for me
It sucks they made this 4 day cap thing cuz i was gonna legit try a elixir free journey
Im sure after they analyze this weekend
The 4 day cap special will be every cap

10-21-2012, 07:16 PM
they're all like "ZOMG these maps are OP, you can't even play them without elixirs!!1" No, the maps are fine. You're just used to it being too easy and forgot how to play.
This is the most disappointing part of endgame for me
It sucks they made this 4 day cap thing cuz i was gonna legit try a elixir free journey
Im sure after they analyze this weekend
The 4 day cap special will be every cap

I agree with these post. People need to learn to play their class.

On kills. I have 2 main characters, both of those hadn't even used thrashers until level 65. I still only have 18k kills on both of those. I just like to get to one level under cap and maybe get new set then I take a break to stay interested. I think 15k-30k kills is an ideal number for characters that are 65-70. My alt on the other hand, is pots only he's 76 and has 50k kills. Which is what most people miiiight think a high level characters stats should look like.

Xp enable and thrasher might be giving an illusion of what a high level character should look like, when a high level character is more mediocre than you think it is.

10-21-2012, 07:23 PM
Well, I gotta say that this 4 day challenge was definitely possible without any "enable xp" elixirs. I'm at 89k xp right now, and will finish sometime tonight. Yesterday for about an hour, I tried magic castle and gained about 10k xp from it, but could have easily gained 5k xp if I was in Lost Valley for the same time period. With thrasher + week double-xp exilir + daily elixir, this quest was not that difficult.

Suentous PO
10-21-2012, 07:29 PM
Don't forget that some people have many multiple toons. I usually have around two capped , and some toons with bad looking stats that I don't care about because they exist to farm or pvp at a certain level.
Basically, if someone else doesn't affect your play, don't sweat them.

10-21-2012, 07:30 PM
I have nothing against elixirs per se, but the ramifications (as others have said) are that it gets players into this mindset where they stop thinking about strategy and how to effectively play the game. Then when they play without an elixir and die a couple times with that same charge-through-the-map approach, they're all like "ZOMG these maps are OP, you can't even play them without elixirs!!1" No, the maps are fine. You're just used to it being too easy and forgot how to play.
This is sad when thrash ends and someone die few times then leaves game.

10-21-2012, 07:43 PM
Lol, ive been thinkin. I could use angelic set throughout my mains leveling. IF... I only do mega maze/magic castle. I mean who needs pro gear when you do fine without any gear haha. Afterall ill just farm gold basically and be golden!

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

10-21-2012, 08:20 PM
If you have no problem spending all that plat, why not right?

10-21-2012, 08:37 PM
If you have no problem spending all that plat, why not right?

Ill gladlt do it if i get a stock share from STS for all the money ir be spending xP

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall.

10-22-2012, 12:22 AM
Be thankful they atleast got daily blessings. Or id prolly wouldnt farm at all

10-22-2012, 01:06 AM
My toon is half way to L76... But I have over 80k kills I just choose not to show them. I tend to kill farm without elixir in whatever endcap level after I reach elite level. But yeah I too have seen the people that are L70+ with like 5k kills lol

10-22-2012, 05:58 AM
ofc i didnt help any when sts added the free 65 chars if u had spent 500 or more
lol u see level 70-75 with 3k kills and 200 deaths lol

10-22-2012, 06:46 AM
ofc i didnt help any when sts added the free 65 chars if u had spent 500 or more
lol u see level 70-75 with 3k kills and 200 deaths lol

Why didn't I get one of these? It's not like I need a new toon...I have a fair few spares..but I do hate missing out on something.

10-22-2012, 06:50 AM
Why didn't I get one of these? It's not like I need a new toon...I have a fair few spares..but I do hate missing out on something.

It was in the email news letter thingy - so you had your email to be registered to receive those, maybe that's why?