View Full Version : Feeling elite?

10-21-2012, 11:53 PM
I don't wanna interrupt the bragging and celebrations parties going on for capping atm :) Maybe it's just me but tho I capped my main in time for the egg I don't feel a sense of accomplishment at all. Especially not compared to the level caps before.

At 56 cap it took me weeks or even months. Except for like 5 times damage elix for gold I did the 83k pot free. That took a looong time but in that time I made a lot of friends (through suffering together ;) ) and I farmed most of my gear. The reward was pretty but pretty much useless, still it felt good to wear it, at least in town.

After the first 10 instant deaths in haunted symphony I picked the thrasher route to 61. Suffering together with friends was replaces by guild runs where you would try to be another 10 seconds faster the next time. Completely different game but really fun. Cause drops were precious everybody did full runs with boss kills and I managed to farm my demonic set while leveling to 61. Combined: Great sense of accomplishment. For just the awesome vanity set bonus was worth it.

66 cap felt like nuri light for me, more boss skipping, everything a little more dull but still, yet you got a better bonus on your vanity set...

I started late into humania, did a lot of pug's and some times some fun stuff like shadow caves with xp everywhere. Took me a while but it's not like that there was any more bonus for getting there.

And now to manage to get the egg over the weekend I did what 99 percent of all "elite cut-throats" did: Xp everywhere, mega maze in my case. Not only was this my fastest cap, it was the cheapest (except for 56 ofc) too. So there is a title and an egg and a pretty vanity shield for spending 5 hours over a week end and 500 plat in a level 20 map. My biggest sacrifice for this map is that I am gotta clean the house next week instead of this week end. Oo

So Yay! We all are so crazy pro and we run around around with our new title but for me, this one doesn't mean ****. As it is my first xp everywhere cap maybe that's the reason. But I wonder if that is too how the game feels for everyone else now...

Sorry bout the tl;dr but I im in a rant mood...

Mage till the end
10-21-2012, 11:58 PM
I'd have to agree. I spent money so I could feel "special" turns out there's about 200 "special people". No point I an shield that will become forgot about down the road. I d have to say I'm not all that proud of being able to kill 25,000 wimpy litte knights. Was defiantly fastes cap ive done. I'm already bored because red dragon to hard to farm

10-22-2012, 12:15 AM
I saw someone mention, for the elite lvl they shouldnt be able to use enable exp anywhere elixir. That would be so tight

10-22-2012, 12:24 AM
Hmmm, Money > Customer satisfaction
Eyes of the beholder. Not hinting anything about anyone or any company. That's a general statement across the board.

10-22-2012, 12:43 AM
People keep bemoaning the 4 day cap thing and suggesting ways to "fix" the problem. But the problem is actually that there is no problem. There is only a difference of philosophy. And this is not something that can be fixed. It's like proposing that all of humanity get together to agree on the "right" religion to believe in.

Camp 1: gameplay purists
This group believes the game should encourage and reward skill exclusively. Anything that makes a player better/faster/stronger other than pure repetition and practice destroys the game. You can recognize them because they say things like "that's not an achievement" and "it used to be better before x was added and ruined everything". They are also typically outraged about new powerful items added to the game that are obtained in any way other than how they got their uber-gear because they represent an unacceptable shortcut.

Camp 2: you get what you pay for
This group sees nothing wrong with players paying real money to simplify the game. They feel that someone has to pay for the game to exist, and it might as well be those who can afford it so others can still play for free. You can recognize them because they say things like "they can play how they want, it doesn't hurt you" and "nobody's forcing you to play that way". They point out that most of the game is free, and for it to stay that way someone has to fund it. They grant that those with the means to buy content will have some kind of advantage in items/time to goal but are ok with that. They accept that not all content will be free and that some content/event you may want will cost you.

Each side has people who believe passionately that their view is the right one and misses no opportunity to bring it up. The rest fall somewhere on the continuum between the two camps and can't believe how much energy the hold-outs invest in arguing their point of view.

This is how it's always been and ever will be, lo until the end of time.

10-22-2012, 12:45 AM
Actually, this time feels more like an accomplishment for me because I did it in 4 days, where as Humania took me a few weeks. I wasn't around for the previous caps before that, but I can imagine that it took forever without all the elixirs. But this was difficult because it was only 4 days.

10-22-2012, 12:57 AM
I haven't used this title yet. I'm still using the 'Guardian' title ^_^

But the egg combined with the str scythe set and the red dragon armor gives a nice boost and looks badass, so I'm pretty happy about it :)

10-22-2012, 01:16 AM
I don't wanna interrupt the bragging and celebrations parties going on for capping atm :) Maybe it's just me but tho I capped my main in time for the egg I don't feel a sense of accomplishment at all. Especially not compared to the level caps before.

At 56 cap it took me weeks or even months. Except for like 5 times damage elix for gold I did the 83k pot free. That took a looong time but in that time I made a lot of friends (through suffering together ;) ) and I farmed most of my gear. The reward was pretty but pretty much useless, still it felt good to wear it, at least in town.

After the first 10 instant deaths in haunted symphony I picked the thrasher route to 61. Suffering together with friends was replaces by guild runs where you would try to be another 10 seconds faster the next time. Completely different game but really fun. Cause drops were precious everybody did full runs with boss kills and I managed to farm my demonic set while leveling to 61. Combined: Great sense of accomplishment. For just the awesome vanity set bonus was worth it.

66 cap felt like nuri light for me, more boss skipping, everything a little more dull but still, yet you got a better bonus on your vanity set...

I started late into humania, did a lot of pug's and some times some fun stuff like shadow caves with xp everywhere. Took me a while but it's not like that there was any more bonus for getting there.

And now to manage to get the egg over the weekend I did what 99 percent of all "elite cut-throats" did: Xp everywhere, mega maze in my case. Not only was this my fastest cap, it was the cheapest (except for 56 ofc) too. So there is a title and an egg and a pretty vanity shield for spending 5 hours over a week end and 500 plat in a level 20 map. My biggest sacrifice for this map is that I am gotta clean the house next week instead of this week end. Oo

So Yay! We all are so crazy pro and we run around around with our new title but for me, this one doesn't mean ****. As it is my first xp everywhere cap maybe that's the reason. But I wonder if that is too how the game feels for everyone else now...

Sorry bout the tl;dr but I im in a rant mood...

I agree with the statement as well. Capping this time was a breeze with the XP Anywhere Elixir and it didn't feel like that much of a "grind". However since I love running the new maps and figuring out ways of tanking in each level I took this approach: I used Thrasher to level from 71-75 in the new BSM Levels. And since I had the 4 day limit I used Thrasher/XP Anywhere Elixir to finish off at 76. I got a couple of pinks during my runs in the BSM levels, but I still haven't acquired the STR Set that I want, so I still have to farm them. So there's still some sort of motivation and accomplishments to be attained, at least in my view.

10-22-2012, 01:18 AM
Cry moar plzzzz!!

Jk. I agree. <3

10-22-2012, 01:27 AM
i think this was the last cap we could doing this... devs will invent something to prevent this... iam sure.

10-22-2012, 01:29 AM
People keep bemoaning the 4 day cap thing and suggesting ways to "fix" the problem. But the problem is actually that there is no problem. There is only a difference of philosophy. And this is not something that can be fixed. It's like proposing that all of humanity get together to agree on the "right" religion to believe in.

Interesting post, nothing to do with what I was saying as I didn't state there was a problem to fix. Just wanted to hear bout other players experience with the caps.

Imo your two camps are just the obnoxious most vocal groups in these forums. I still hope that the vast mojority of ppl playing PL just wants to have a fun experience nothing more nothing less.

Cry moar plzzzz!!

:sorrow:Booohooohooooooo:sorrow: I spent less time and less money than usual on the cap :playful:

10-22-2012, 01:39 AM
*Intense respect*

10-22-2012, 05:15 AM
i think this was the last cap we could doing this... devs will invent something to prevent this... iam sure.

Why on earth would devs want to prevent this? This is exactly what they are after! A weekend of crazy people buying platinum to race to 76 to grab an egg and a title. Their investors must be rubbing their hands in glee, patting eachother on the back and high fiveing eachother every 30 seconds! Kerrrching!

10-22-2012, 05:38 AM
Hey Ruby,
Your post reminded me of Sewer times... I also did cap without elix. So I started thinking.

83k = no elix
100k = week long double xp + 4X thrasher + Blessing.

That basically means it was 8 times as hard and long to cap at the time if not more given that blessing may add 3X to that and the fact that it took longer to kill the minions than it does in Mega maze. Now I think about it, it was really hardcore grinding!!! That just put a smile on my face. :-)

10-22-2012, 05:39 AM
And Ruby? Yeah..I feel the same. I had time and plat to take all 3 of mine to cap this weekend but after the first it just felt like a hollow achievement. I felt deflated.

I love this game, I have been here a long time, I want to get all I can from it. After all, I have invested a lot of time and rl money into it. But, throwing my plat around and running round Mega Maze like a god is not a victory. It felt like a race that you joined and couldn't stop until it was over. I was about to do the same with the others when I had an epiphany. I realised that I could just stop playing. The world has not changed. PL is actually quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things. With a little distance, comes perspective. I took a break. Did some real life things like kick the leaves in the park and bake cupcakes with my niece. It feels good not to be running around a map insta killing mobs. I know I will be back...can't quite kick the habit...but when the egg race is over. Then I can take my time and leisurely cap mage (and possibly bear).

Like you, the sewer grind was an unforgettable experience. I made some awesome friends and enjoyed every hard earned xp point I got. I am still proud to say I got 3 COPs. I don't feel proud to have gained The Egg. I feel I bought it and there is nothing elite about that.

10-22-2012, 05:48 AM
Same. I stopped at 1.
And Ruby? Yeah..I feel the same. I had time and plat to take all 3 of mine to cap this weekend but after the first it just felt like a hollow achievement. I felt deflated.

I love this game, I have been here a long time, I want to get all I can from it. After all, I have invested a lot of time and rl money into it. But, throwing my plat around and running round Mega Maze like a god is not a victory. It felt like a race that you joined and couldn't stop until it was over. I was about to do the same with the others when I had an epiphany. I realised that I could just stop playing. The world has not changed. PL is actually quite insignificant in the grand scheme of things. With a little distance, comes perspective. I took a break. Did some real life things like kick the leaves in the park and bake cupcakes with my niece. It feels good not to be running around a map insta killing mobs. I know I will be back...can't quite kick the habit...but when the egg race is over. Then I can take my time and leisurely cap mage (and possibly bear).

Like you, the sewer grind was an unforgettable experience. I made some awesome friends and enjoyed every hard earned xp point I got. I am still proud to say I got 3 COPs. I don't feel proud to have gained The Egg. I feel I bought it and there is nothing elite about that.

10-22-2012, 05:53 AM
actually i felt like no accomplishment after nuris...
but i dont want them to make another OP nuri mob next cap and make it even worse for people who cant elixir

10-22-2012, 06:15 AM
Yeah! Lol! Why are we all hanging in there waiting for them to revert back to the 'good ol days'? I am sure we could all find some other way to entertain ourselves ... takes deep breaths...mops sweaty brow...hides shaking hands...calms wildly beating heart. There is life outside Pocket Legends, right? Been here so long I am scared to peek outside!

10-22-2012, 06:24 AM
Yeah! Lol! Why are we all hanging in there waiting for them to revert back to the 'good ol days'? I am sure we could all find some other way to entertain ourselves ... takes deep breaths...mops sweaty brow...hides shaking hands...calms wildly beating heart. There is life outside Pocket Legends, right? Been here so long I am scared to peek outside!

Already been outside now - looks great! It's open world map and really realistic graphics ;) But be careful, the elixirs out there don't make you faster they make you tipsy!

10-22-2012, 06:40 AM
Already been outside now - looks great! It's open world map and really realistic graphics ;) But be careful, the elixirs out there don't make you faster they make you tipsy!

Haha! Yeah I was on an elixir for a while last night. Good though :)

10-22-2012, 06:41 AM
It's not that awesome outside. It's cold. I know this 'cause I opened window for one sec.

10-22-2012, 06:57 AM
Hello. I won 5 time maximum level without spending platinum on two characters. Only one or three thrashers for all 5 max levels. I met many great poeple.
Solution to this problem is block this elixirs with xp everywhere for players with possibility playing new campaign. This is only my opinion so please not burn me at the stake like is normal sometimes on this forum. Particularly of children.

10-22-2012, 07:03 AM
Hello. I won 5 time maximum level without spending platinum on two characters. Only one or three thrashers for all 5 max levels. I met many great poeple.
Solution to this problem is block this elixirs with xp everywhere for players with possibility playing new campaign. This is only my opinion so please not burn me at the stake like is normal sometimes on this forum. Particularly of children.

I won't burn you and the children at the stake...no worries :D

10-22-2012, 07:06 AM
I won't burn you and the children at the stake...no worries :D
Hello. I believe you:peaceful:

10-22-2012, 07:32 AM
I won't burn you and the children at the stake...no worries :D


10-22-2012, 07:50 AM
Well.. a cap isn't elite anymore since there are so much xp elixir's.. elixir's shouldn't be in the game....

10-22-2012, 08:13 AM
Well.. a cap isn't elite anymore since there are so much xp elixir's.. elixir's shouldn't be in the game....

No! don't start that one again!

10-22-2012, 08:34 AM
Well.. a cap isn't elite anymore since there are so much xp elixir's.. elixir's shouldn't be in the game....

Be glad that we elixir users finace this game so u can play for free.

10-22-2012, 08:41 AM

I want to thank you for your reflection and honesty. Many want to talk themselves into this "elite" feeling and don't want to be honest with the actual path taken. I will be honest, I have a mage at just over 75 and my bear is at 73. I did half mega maze/BS on mage and bear is mostly BS. I got that "emptiness" feeling when rushing my mage and stopped. I capped 5 toons in Sewers (or was it 4.. I'm old :)) and only the last one did I use elixirs. I rushed Nuri's and Fang and got burned out. Leveled too fast and got bored.

When I came back to PL, a week before Humania, I swore I would take my time and enjoy the game again. And I did. I was able to farm multiple sets for all my toons and craft without spending hardly any gold. I took breaks while leveling to farm dragon sets and capped both of my mains without feeling rushed.

Saturday, my mage got a 3x blessing, so I purchased the week-long and a loco and ran to whatever full game I could find (xp bonus.) Didn't take long for the old Nuri/Fang feeling to come back again. So I stopped, turned on some football, and refocused.

I am not against people spending plat. Everyone is entitled to spend their money as they wish without being judged. However, I would be more inclined to call those who capped multiple toons in Sewer's "elite" than the current 4x chugging, 3x blessing, Mega Castle generation we have now.


10-22-2012, 08:55 AM
Running dragons nest over and over is just as tedious as running magic castle. Neither take 'skill' and one takes much longer than the other.

If when I'm working my time is valued at roughly $30/hr, a game that I'm going to spend well over 5 hours a week on is worth the real life money spent. If I'm going to invest time into a game, and in this case grind to cap, I'm going to want the advantages the game has to offer available to me.

To each their own, but people need to stop complaining about this it's getting old quick, and shows the extreme immaturity of the members on the forum. There's always a baby without their bottle, or something that's 'ruining' the game. It's about time everyone just dealt with it.

10-22-2012, 09:06 AM
No! don't start that one again!

lol someone who capped in a lvl20 dungeon said that...

10-22-2012, 09:24 AM
lol someone who capped in a lvl20 dungeon said that...

Elixir users are still Elites when they cap, because they pay real money for these elixirs. They finance the game as the post above says, and that's how the game is mostly free. (Purchasing platinum items and elixirs).

10-22-2012, 09:26 AM
There is life outside Pocket Legends, right? Been here so long I am scared to peek outside!

10-22-2012, 09:28 AM
Elixir users are still Elites when they cap, because they pay real money for these elixirs. They finance the game as the post above says, and that's how the game is mostly free. (Purchasing platinum items and elixirs).
So they are elite because they pay real money for capping? lmao

10-22-2012, 09:34 AM
Elixir users are still Elites when they cap, because they pay real money for these elixirs. They finance the game as the post above says, and that's how the game is mostly free. (Purchasing platinum items and elixirs).So they are elite because they pay real money for capping? lmao

If you wanna talk about good or evil of elixirs, get off my lawn errr... thread

10-22-2012, 09:37 AM
Elixir users are still Elites when they cap, because they pay real money for these elixirs. They finance the game as the post above says, and that's how the game is mostly free. (Purchasing platinum items and elixirs).
So they are elite because they pay real money for capping? lmao

Without those who use elixirs, you wouldn't have a game to play. That's why they're "elite".

10-22-2012, 09:38 AM
There is life outside Pocket Legends, right? Been here so long I am scared to peek outside!
18556 ok that made me lol, nicee

10-22-2012, 09:39 AM
So they are elite because they pay real money for capping? lmao
I can make the argument... So people who capped without elixers are elite beside they have unlimited time on their hands?

If its something I was going to do anyway saving hours of time, to me, is worth x amount of $.

Maybe you'll understand when you're making your own money.

10-22-2012, 09:48 AM
Without those who use elixirs, you wouldn't have a game to play. That's why they're "elite".

Not elite.. "Sts payer's" maybe?

10-22-2012, 09:48 AM
"Elite" in PL no longer means the most skilled or able players. It's about who's willing to put the time, money, and commitment to achieving caps and exclusive rewards (fast caps, plat items, pinks in plat-only dungeons etc.)

10-22-2012, 09:57 AM
Airboom your wrong on this one.

10-22-2012, 10:02 AM
Sry but these days the term 'leet' and the term 'rich' are synonymous

Sadly elixirs have become a permanent part of the game, they're here to stay, just get used to it
Yes the elixir users are the one that gives everyone else free gameplay

Sadly even tho this is the term leet
Elite lost about 90% of its meaning
Sorry, even as one who knocked out 145k xp in fathom and balefort castle, I gotta admit 7 hours of 1 hit killing guys is not the old meaning that came with the first elite cap :/

Brave Sir Robin
10-22-2012, 10:10 AM
If you are looking for a game that offers you the total satisfaction of being elite and deserving it you can play chess. Ofc it will take a lot of effort to get there (if you ever make it that is :) ).

This is a video game. Therefore designed so that anyone can feel special (or elite if this is how you want to call it)... for a fair price.

Alternatively you can just have some fun levelling without any pressure - and make some friends in the process.

10-22-2012, 10:12 AM

I want to thank you for your reflection and honesty. Many want to talk themselves into this "elite" feeling and don't want to be honest with the actual path taken. I will be honest, I have a mage at just over 75 and my bear is at 73. I did half mega maze/BS on mage and bear is mostly BS. I got that "emptiness" feeling when rushing my mage and stopped. I capped 5 toons in Sewers (or was it 4.. I'm old :)) and only the last one did I use elixirs. I rushed Nuri's and Fang and got burned out. Leveled too fast and got bored.

When I came back to PL, a week before Humania, I swore I would take my time and enjoy the game again. And I did. I was able to farm multiple sets for all my toons and craft without spending hardly any gold. I took breaks while leveling to farm dragon sets and capped both of my mains without feeling rushed.

Saturday, my mage got a 3x blessing, so I purchased the week-long and a loco and ran to whatever full game I could find (xp bonus.) Didn't take long for the old Nuri/Fang feeling to come back again. So I stopped, turned on some football, and refocused.

I am not against people spending plat. Everyone is entitled to spend their money as they wish without being judged. However, I would be more inclined to call those who capped multiple toons in Sewer's "elite" than the current 4x chugging, 3x blessing, Mega Castle generation we have now.


Just saying the last time I saw an egg cost so much it was a faberge.

10-22-2012, 10:13 AM
Airboom your wrong on this one.

Umm ok?

10-22-2012, 10:21 AM
I think the word that many of you are looking for is "cheap". It's a cheap achievement, It's a cheap way to level up, It's a cheap way to get ahead of others, It's a cheap way to attain elite status, etc. It's cheap period...let's cut the chase and stop beating around the bush, shall we? :D

I think it is cheap...but...there's a saying, a lie told often enough becomes the truth...in this case, cheapness replaces lie :D Just have to accept that "truth" as far as this game is concerned...if you cannot swallow that...that's a big problem. I assure you though, that this is not the only game...you do not have to force yourself to swallow this if you feel it's against your gaming mantra (or whatever you call it LOL).

It's obvious that casual players (who's willing to spend) dominate the game which explains a lot of things in this game...the rushing concept, the inclination to easy difficulty, etc. So if you're someone who looks for challenge and what some people coin as "true" MMORPG, then this is not the game for you...you should be looking at the top titles out there in the PC market...this game is obviously catering casuals...the ones that play just to enjoy...so expect the game to be attuned to that kind of culture...the hardcore purists are a minority here, the ones that likes to push themselves to the limit, "the old school" mmorpgers as what many writers coin them. Casuals will never understand how purists think and vice versa, oil and water. For casuals, they think purists are selfish and no-lifers etc., and purists think casuals are noobs or cheap that just became gamers yesterday, etc...this is classic scenario, it just so happened that people ranting now are purists who are in a casual or loose game environment...but I've seen forums where casuals are in a hardcore setting and they complain about difficulty and cry for nerfs every 30minutes...so it's a matter of being at the right game, being able to adapt, and fitting in. Nobody is to blame except you if you decide to stay here and rage/cry/rant, while you know you have other options :D Remember, it's still just a game, you tell the game how you want to play, not the other way around...

10-22-2012, 10:25 AM
Sry but these days the term 'leet' and the term 'rich' are synonymous

Sadly elixirs have become a permanent part of the game, they're here to stay, just get used to it
Yes the elixir users are the one that gives everyone else free gameplay

Sadly even tho this is the term leet
Elite lost about 90% of its meaning
Sorry, even as one who knocked out 145k xp in fathom and balefort castle, I gotta admit 7 hours of 1 hit killing guys is not the old meaning that came with the first elite cap :/

I agree.

I still can't understand why this is a big issue. If they changed it to the 'hardcore cap' would that make a difference? Or would it change to... You can only be hardcore if you're a plat user unfair! unfair!

We can all agree that the game has started to cater to the ones spending money on it, and that is completely fair, I feel those who support the game financially should reap some benefits. However, STS should be more aware of the always imminent backlash taking place, and make sure all players get a fair crack at new features.

One main point here is that for the first time ever there was a known incentive to race to the cap. On top of this the new campaign features some of the most spread out and time consuming maps for grinding xp. Naturally many players sought the easy route and used enable xp elixers. I know for a fact I wouldn't have had the time to grind through the actual campaign to 100k, and I'd be willing to bet STS figured most plat users (people with jobs) couldn't dedicate the amount of time necessary to finish that either. It's smart, and I'm sure has made them quite a bit of money over the weekend.

Long story short. No it is not considered elite, and those of us who used enable xp will agree to that. Enable xp was the shortest, and possibly the most economic, route to the cap and many players took advantage of this.

We should be worrying about bigger things like the NHL lockout, and the fact that Obama might be the president for another 4 years, not pocket legends terminology. Know what I'm sayin'

10-22-2012, 10:53 AM
It seems to be an oldies-with-too-many-toons problem as Taara, Pak and Crim seem to have had similar feelings about this cap. ;)

@Crim: when I had just turned 76 I saw your bear at 73 in balefort and thought "Damn he did it right", didn't know about your mage then lol

@elixirs are evil/elixirs are good folks: I got plenty of cap vanities. Some of them with elixirs some without. I have multiple toons I leveled to endgame without a single elixir, not even daily or blessing. I have toons that I've never played without thrasher. There is no right or wrong in this you just have to chose. So please stop clogging this thread with your phone-game-fundamentalism :)

Gonna take a break and check in once in a while to see if it's gonna be fun again

10-22-2012, 10:55 AM
I agree.

I still can't understand why this is a big issue. If they changed it to the 'hardcore cap' would that make a difference? Or would it change to... You can only be hardcore if you're a plat user unfair! unfair!

We can all agree that the game has started to cater to the ones spending money on it, and that is completely fair, I feel those who support the game financially should reap some benefits. However, STS should be more aware of the always imminent backlash taking place, and make sure all players get a fair crack at new features.

One main point here is that for the first time ever there was a known incentive to race to the cap. On top of this the new campaign features some of the most spread out and time consuming maps for grinding xp. Naturally many players sought the easy route and used enable xp elixers. I know for a fact I wouldn't have had the time to grind through the actual campaign to 100k, and I'd be willing to bet STS figured most plat users (people with jobs) couldn't dedicate the amount of time necessary to finish that either. It's smart, and I'm sure has made them quite a bit of money over the weekend.

Long story short. No it is not considered elite, and those of us who used enable xp will agree to that. Enable xp was the shortest, and possibly the most economic, route to the cap and many players took advantage of this.

We should be worrying about bigger things like the NHL lockout, and the fact that Obama might be the president for another 4 years, not pocket legends terminology. Know what I'm sayin'

Actually, I don't know what you're saying. I'm pretty aure the NHL lockout is far from being an issue to worry about.

10-22-2012, 11:04 AM
lol someone who capped in a lvl20 dungeon said that...

Lol...I didn't say I didn't agree with you. Merely suggesting that this is an old topic of conversation going around 50 different threads atm and wasn't it time we left it behind and moved on. My bad for not being clear enough!

10-22-2012, 11:05 AM
So true ;-P

10-22-2012, 11:06 AM

Yeah! You have a point! It's kinda the reason I wound up here in the first place!

Gonna stick to those rl elixirs for a bit ;)

10-22-2012, 11:30 AM
Actually, I don't know what you're saying. I'm pretty aure the NHL lockout is far from being an issue to worry about.

Well then you need to get your priorities straightened out.

I'm glad out of that entire post you nit picked the sarcasm... Great contribution.

10-22-2012, 12:35 PM
If you are looking for a game that offers you the total satisfaction of being elite and deserving it you can play chess.

...you should be looking at the top titles out there in the PC market...

You guys actually agree :) There are other games... vampinoy means other video games, brave sir means chess! I would recommend the game of life!! Oh and since ely posted such a wonderful pic I will post another one... my magic castle.


10-22-2012, 01:14 PM
Oh and since ely posted such a wonderful pic I will post another one... my magic castle.


That Ely guy? He get's around huh? Here's my pic ;)


10-22-2012, 01:21 PM

10-22-2012, 01:41 PM
It normal the best in that who to pay real money. I am disturbed absolutely by another. Many of these players are inadequate, and aren't cultural. I often hear in the address you Noob, or other insult. Getting to party transh, it is difficult to them to write full as they "Elita" doing boot "Noob" When I did quest on elite staff, to me set off from one run of 30-40 % of kill.Меня 78k kill having one elite vanity, and didn't consider myself never as the elite player. Though I can kill such bosses as Emma, Baron, Duke and others in solo without using платинум. And now it is enough to spend 500 plat and to feel the elite player, crying out "You Noob"

10-22-2012, 02:18 PM
That Ely guy? He get's around huh? Here's my pic ;)


does that one guys name tag say STD? O.o

10-22-2012, 02:19 PM
does that one guys name tag say STD? O.o

It's "Sid".

10-22-2012, 02:20 PM
It's "Sid".
ohhhhh, thats a much more suitable name
however if u added a u before the D i would have worn it

10-22-2012, 02:30 PM
ohhhhh, thats a much more suitable name
however if u added a u before the D i would have worn it

Instead of thanks, there should be an amusement factor rating :)

10-22-2012, 02:32 PM
Instead of thanks, there should be an amusement factor rating :)
but no one likes me D:

10-22-2012, 02:37 PM
but no one likes me D:

I don't know you...so I couldn't possibly comment on your likeability but you are amusing. Well, to a slightly inebriated Brit...if that counts at all?

10-22-2012, 02:43 PM
I don't know you...so I couldn't possibly comment on your likeability but you are amusing. Well, to a slightly inebriated Brit...if that counts at all?
no it counts negative D:

10-22-2012, 02:51 PM
no it counts negative D:

Duly noted

10-22-2012, 02:55 PM
the server likes me apparently

10-22-2012, 02:56 PM
I share the same sentiments. The reward felt empty this time. I still hark back to the "good old Sewer" days...

10-22-2012, 02:56 PM
@Taara, Ely: Please follow this link (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/private.php)

@mod: Please lock thread :)

10-22-2012, 02:58 PM
Hey Sorry Ruby :(

10-22-2012, 03:01 PM
@you read forum rules!!!!!
Posts similar to “Moderator Notified” or “Needs thread lock” are discouraged, as these types of posts are a form of trolling. If a thread is in violation of the forum rules, use the notify moderator button or send a private message to a moderator or administrator directly.

10-22-2012, 03:02 PM
@you read forum rules!!!!!
Posts similar to “Moderator Notified” or “Needs thread lock” are discouraged, as these types of posts are a form of trolling. If a thread is in violation of the forum rules, use the notify moderator button or send a private message to a moderator or administrator directly.
this thread needs 2 use notify mod buttin xDDDDDD

10-22-2012, 05:33 PM
Locked by OP's request!