View Full Version : Buff snowstorm set

12-25-2023, 10:13 PM
Since is a rare set in game, he should do more damage. If we can compare it, he is a level 76 arcane gun. So useless in current maps. With kraken armor let s just say he does a little bit more damage, but is like 0,001% hp of hedo. So pretty sure he need a buff.

12-26-2023, 01:50 AM
I find it strong and powerful and with now prices about 60m for full set makes it cheaper from Arcane kraken items. (Mage set)

For me idk about buffing for now because the set I compared was clean without gems and awakening, but please don't nerf

12-26-2023, 06:17 AM
I find it strong and powerful and with now prices about 60m for full set makes it cheaper from Arcane kraken items. (Mage set)

For me idk about buffing for now because the set I compared was clean without gems and awakening, but please don't nerf

How did you test it? I use first kraken items, without weapon( because orb has cd), i proc all of kraken items and after i switch to the new snowstorm set and proc the orb. If you use only snow set it does basicaly the damage that level 76 arcane fun.

12-26-2023, 06:42 AM
You tested mage set? Can orb only proc on one enemy or on multiple enemies?

12-26-2023, 06:53 AM
You tested mage set? Can orb only proc on one enemy or on multiple enemies?

Yes, mage set. Proc of orb looks like, proc warriors get when they proc kraken sword, but orb has damage so low. You can t do damage to lv 86 boss, zodias boss is useless in my opinion, even if you use kraken armor proc you can t do damage.

12-26-2023, 07:55 AM
I see. I only got to test rouge snowstorm set so far and it also does very little damage, but on top of that it can only hit one enemy with attacks, while orb can hit 3 and sword can hit 5.
I also agree, that the damage isn't good, when compared to other weapons like mythic 81, which just by themselves will do a lot more damage.The only thing it has going for it is guaranteed proc.

12-26-2023, 02:15 PM
I see. I only got to test rouge snowstorm set so far and it also does very little damage, but on top of that it can only hit one enemy with attacks, while orb can hit 3 and sword can hit 5.
I also agree, that the damage isn't good, when compared to other weapons like mythic 81, which just by themselves will do a lot more damage.The only thing it has going for it is guaranteed proc.

We hit 3 with normal attack, but we can only proc on one. So is useless. If the damage he deals will increase to 1-2m per atack rhat would be nice.

12-26-2023, 03:03 PM
Ooh wow. I was hoping for it to at least proc vs multiple enemies, like orcfire charged attacks. While still not being good, that would've made snowstorm weapons decent against more tougher mobs( still not better than kraken weapons ofc), as the dot alone is enough to kill weaker mobs, and the attacks would finish tankier mobs. Also the cd is very short, making it suitable for that role.
But with it only triggering against one enemy, that means the snowstorm proc completely fails its intended purpose of being a boss weapon/set :(
I guess we at least got a good weapon for dmg set with snowstorm weapons

12-26-2023, 08:38 PM
Ye actually what’s the point of the other pieces like the bracelet and all be like 100k & this artifact be like 50m , the bracelet and other pieces are pretty much useless when used alone as there are better alternatives and the 8/8 doesn’t event have a set aura .

I would suggest to buff the drop rates even further for the artifact materials anyways the recipe of the artifact alone costs a lot of tokens aswell

12-27-2023, 12:14 AM
How did you test it? I use first kraken items, without weapon( because orb has cd), i proc all of kraken items and after i switch to the new snowstorm set and proc the orb. If you use only snow set it does basicaly the damage that level 76 arcane fun.

I'm doing the opposite, first attack snowstorm only on single enemy, on multiple aiming systems has some issues
If not die at once I switch to my kraken to get boost, for enemies last breath taken you can switch to Slayer set,

About the damage thing, I never look the damage on the screen sometimes I removing from options, don't follow damage numbers, always watch how fast enemy health drops

12-27-2023, 12:25 AM
Because we people ask from developers multiple times for new game content, we need to embrace the new items and support them so they make more .
And for moving forward we need to forget the past, so better not compare the 76 arcane weapons with any new other weapon, from what I remember the first day I have entered on normal zodias maps after release expansion my ARCANE WEAPONS 76lvl was not proc !!!

12-27-2023, 08:20 AM
Because we people ask from developers multiple times for new game content, we need to embrace the new items and support them so they make more .
And for moving forward we need to forget the past, so better not compare the 76 arcane weapons with any new other weapon, from what I remember the first day I have entered on normal zodias maps after release expansion my ARCANE WEAPONS 76lvl was not proc !!!I kinda agree with you, but at the same time, we don't need useless items. It ultimately is bad for players and devs if they put effort into creating new gear, that is completely useless. Level 76 Arcanes do matter, because like with mythic 81 set, they make snowstorm set obsolete. This means that besides snow weapons, which are good, creating the other gear was a waste of time, as right now noone would use them.
You can appreciate their efforts, while still criticizing the new gear. In the case of mythic rusk weapons this led to them buffing the weapons from being completely useless, to powerful swapping weapons, that by themselves were still not too op.

12-27-2023, 08:52 AM
Because we people ask from developers multiple times for new game content, we need to embrace the new items and support them so they make more .
And for moving forward we need to forget the past, so better not compare the 76 arcane weapons with any new other weapon, from what I remember the first day I have entered on normal zodias maps after release expansion my ARCANE WEAPONS 76lvl was not proc !!!

I don t say that old weapons should be better, i m just saying that level 76 arcane is same as orb set when we talk about their damage to the boss/mobs. But, orb set is a level 86 weapon, so definetly we should expect to do more damage, because of course level 86 mobs, boss has a lot of hp compared to lower maps. But this orb set do 0,01% hp of hedo boss with his proc, so is useless. So this set is a waste of gold. Better was last year when we got the holley set, for speed

12-28-2023, 04:26 AM
Snowstorm set is 85lvl, to me this set looks like something collectible and not end game set
The biggest disadvantage I found my self on it is the aiming system and the low helth amount

12-28-2023, 11:23 AM
The set is indeed super bad. It needs some buffs otherwise it is totally useless. It’s way worse than old arcanes

Which is pity, because the proc is looking cool :)

12-28-2023, 07:20 PM
Sorry, no plans to change this.


12-29-2023, 04:15 AM
Rip. Btw anyone tested snowstorm in pvp? Maybe it does decent damage there