View Full Version : Select target enemy to attack

01-02-2024, 04:38 PM
The issue is we cannot select the target enemy for weapon procs.

People have had huge issues because of this. One example that comes to my mind is the hyperos gun proc. If there were multiple smaller enemies and a boss, it was very hard to proc the weapon on the boss because the enemies would always get in the way.
I think there have been some changes since then that forced skills to cast to the greatest enemy rank in the area (boss > large enemy > small enemy), but that does not solve this issue.

So I believe it would be very useful if we could somehow select which enemy we want to attack.
For example when pressing and swiping left on any skill/basic attack, we should be able to drag an UI element such as an enemy selection ring (similar to the purple cryostar aura) across a single enemy at once. The ring will appear on every enemy, and once released the attack will be cast on the selected enemy.

Thanks for reading

01-02-2024, 08:54 PM
The ideal would be 1 option in settings that allows you to redirect the attack manually

01-02-2024, 09:37 PM
This already exists in pl, where a dotted line shows who you target
It also allows you to change the target if locked on something you don’t want to attack

This would be a great addition to AL even though the screen is unnecessarily cluttered with effects/wisps/procs/auras that cover game play for no good reason

01-03-2024, 01:29 PM
Sorry, as of now, there are no plans to do this.

We recently did a test where we enabled dedicated targeting (from Legacy Legends) internally and weren't too happy with how it played.


01-04-2024, 01:59 AM
I think it should at least target highest hp mobs?

Sent from my SM-A125F using Tapatalk

01-05-2024, 12:24 AM
yes +1
since always got proc on wrong target
and also for war if we use smash attack skill, we landed somehow not in our target