View Full Version : Wjy do us "noobs" get treated like dirt?

10-23-2012, 05:42 PM
It was my FIRST and LAST day, on star legends. High lwvels think there so cool And troll the new players.

Here i am just trying to play the game and have fun. I join a game with this High level character named ******. I was happy to see a pro in a noob level. It was all fun when out of nowhere he calls us idiots and BOOTS All of us! Like wtf!!reallly mann-_-

My second time was when I joined another game, the host was #####. As soon as I entered booted AGAIN! I pmd her asking whyy did you do that?! And she responds "Im booting all low levels"! So yea i'm mad now because Im getting booted from all games and I don't want to solo because its kind of hard

I go to the town to cool off. And get Spammed Traded and cursed out by more level 45' s and 46's. So I report them and told them I did and they continue! Saying all sorts of mean things. When I told them I was making a thread about it they said "who cares about you noob f***"! < exact words.

I have screenshots of it all But i dont know how to post them

10-23-2012, 05:44 PM
So true

10-23-2012, 05:48 PM
Don't quit, there will always be people who will help u in game :), send me a message here @ forums & ill be happy to help u! :o

10-23-2012, 05:48 PM
Never heard of them, sound like they were all "n00bs" themselves.

High levels, should just make their own game and lock if they want to farm/do what ever they are doing.

10-23-2012, 05:52 PM
Sorry but posting in game names of player here on forums, specially w/ these kinds of topic are against ToS.

No offence but, shouldn't there be someone who has an higher authority helping yea? eg. AoB

IK it's hard to spread out the blessing but.. No, i dont think for some reason no one would go out there and help from time to time.

I hope you come back in game, it's fun, specially when playing w/ friends. So.. yea, just tellin ya, not all "High LvL" treat you newbies like that.

Take my words to consideration player, I swear it's worth trying again.

Last but not least, IGN?

10-23-2012, 05:55 PM
That's how every game is. I don't like it any more than the next guy, but there will be jerks out there. Best thing to do, level up with people your level, form good bonds and friendships, and don't give into stupid peer pressuring like that. Cheers, and PM Zaonabiuibil if you need help leveling a bit.

10-23-2012, 06:00 PM
No offence but, shouldn't there be someone who has an higher authority helping yea? eg. AoB
AoB has no authority whatsoever.

Don't sweat it, if people wanna be rude, let them be rude. If you need someone to run with, add Superkamiguru. My engi would be happy to run wif ya ;)

EDIT: As for the screenshots, email them to STS. Karma will take care of them. Ignore button is your friend btw :)

10-23-2012, 06:03 PM
Earn respect, it takes time, i didnt start as the elite pro infinitely awesome superstar god of fame and valour that i am now

10-23-2012, 06:13 PM
People get this idea that they're better than other people only cause they're of a higher level. I honestly think its pathetic when high levels boot low levels in places they belong in, in the first place. Why can't they lock their games if its obvious a low level will join?

10-23-2012, 06:15 PM
People get this idea that they're better than other people only cause they're of a higher level. I honestly think its pathetic when people boot low levels in places they belong in, in the first place. Why can't they lock their games?

So true.

10-23-2012, 06:29 PM
I think most of as happened to face situations like this on the first few weeks..but trust me there r good ppl out there,nt many but thy r there :-)

10-23-2012, 06:32 PM
Also try to find a nice guild to make few good frnds, so u wont need any of those jerk high lvls to lvl up :-D :-)

10-23-2012, 06:51 PM
Usually the ones cursing at you and using profanity towards you are doing so in front of a mirror, remember that...

10-23-2012, 06:54 PM
That's how every game is. I don't like it any more than the next guy, but there will be jerks out there. Best thing to do, level up with people your level, form good bonds and friendships, and don't give into stupid peer pressuring like that. Cheers, and PM Zaonabiuibil if you need help leveling a bit.

Dis nub^^ is reliable an an halps me chill in... Blackstar! When i need help, standing and talking! Tyvm Zao <333333

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

William To
10-23-2012, 07:01 PM
Every Game u got to has these so called "noobs". Theres Really Not Much u can do. I was called many things when i was a low level i can relate. but now look at me, im pretty happy with the money i have, happy with the great friends, and happy with the game itself. ^^ SO cheer up STAY!

Iron Hand
10-23-2012, 07:02 PM
It was my FIRST and LAST day, on star legends. High lwvels think there so cool And troll the new players.

Here i am just trying to play the game and have fun. I join a game with this High level character named Dddarkside. I was happy to see a pro in a noob level. It was all fun when out of nowhere he calls us idiots and BOOTS All of us! Like wtf!!reallly mann-_-

My second time was when I joined another game, the host was xioxnex. As soon as I entered booted AGAIN! I pmd her asking whyy did you do that?! And she responds "Im booting all low levels"! So yea i'm mad now because Im getting booted from all games and I don't want to solo because its kind of hard

I go to the town to cool off. And get Spammed Traded and cursed out by more level 45' s and 46's. So I report them and told them I did and they continue! Saying all sorts of mean things. When I told them I was making a thread about it they said "who cares about you noob f***"! < exact words. Tgere names were Corretatu, Xaulxxj, Miracle, and Deadonsight.

I have screenshots of it all But i dont know how to post them

Sorry this happened to you... Add me "Ironhand" i would be happy to help you. I myself have been playing since beta and yes sometimes ppl can be rude but there are a lot more of us willing to help you out and teach how to play. If u need help pm me here and i will sign on and run with you.

10-23-2012, 07:37 PM
Lol goku is back!!!... And on topic... Sorry this happened to you bud there's alot of jerks out there the way all mmos are just find the good ones ... Ill help you bud :)

10-23-2012, 07:44 PM
AoB has no authority whatsoever.

Don't sweat it, if people wanna be rude, let them be rude. If you need someone to run with, add Superkamiguru. My engi would be happy to run wif ya ;)

EDIT: As for the screenshots, email them to STS. Karma will take care of them. Ignore button is your friend btw :)

I think he meant one of AoB priority is to help new comers.

10-23-2012, 09:00 PM
aobs dont care at all imo, its one of the reasons why i left. i was treated like that at first but luckily high lvls like javiermadriz, gison, and colbycheeze helped me, and even got me respect from pvp xD just find the right people. I love when i make a new char to see how i get treated by high lvls who think they're "all that" when i tell them my main and they log off. I have many high lvls even pming my twinks that kind of bs! cant they think that if they have a good kdr and awesome vanitys they are actually not noobs? -.- back on topic:I can help u if u want but tbh ive nvr heard of those names

10-23-2012, 09:07 PM
i have never seen that b4, but dont worry there are more kind ppl than mean ppl, strong ppl tend to boot low levels cause they think you will "ruin" the run, but one of my friends said the more low levels u have, the higher chance u have to get vanit like squid or warfather. No one boots my lv46, but eveyone boots my lv 5

10-23-2012, 09:22 PM
I love when i make a new char to see how i get treated by high lvls who think they're "all that" when i tell them my main and they log off. I have many high lvls even pming my twinks that kind of bs! cant they think that if they have a good kdr and awesome vanitys they are actually not noobs?

Lol, happened many times to my alts too haha, my Twinks usually get treated okay tbf but must be the old skool vanity K/D. Low lvls on the other hand even standing around gets abuse lol.

10-23-2012, 09:28 PM
i have never seen that b4, but dont worry there are more kind ppl than mean ppl, strong ppl tend to boot low levels cause they think you will "ruin" the run, but one of my friends said the more low levels u have, the higher chance u have to get vanit like squid or warfather. No one boots my lv46, but eveyone boots my lv 5

There's a difference though, booting from low area's is wrong keep if Dynastar. I'm guessing it was just some nobodies that think "they are all that" due to being in low end maps just realising there is a Holo-Ween event going on. (With no reason to boot either way)

Takes literally 2 secs to make+lock a map if they don't want to be disturbed. The reason they leave it open is that they feel "big and strong" for being able to use the boot function. (Which most likely happens to them in the higher lvls)

10-23-2012, 09:32 PM
I don't care what level you are, you respect me and the chat that others can see, you get my help if someone trolls you.

That's how I am, and how many of my friends are. There are many low levels that spam for help, cred, free gear, etc.; I believe that's why the higher levels think they're bad *** and treat low levels like crap.

I have had my fair encounters with people like this. For instance let me tell you a story: Once I was on my Twink, my main Twink which is also one of my auction toons, and I see my friend. I tell my friend "hey! Want me to own you in pvp again?! I'll take you on whenever!!", but this I my friend who knew who I was. So... Some random l41 (this was l41 cap) started telling me off. Telling me that I sucked and I would never beat my friend. My friend was Gison, so we laughed or butts off at what this guy was saying. Then he begins to troll me because in a low level, I'm like "okay fine if I ring my main will you take this 'dispute' with me to cr?(;". He said yes, but as soon as I came back on my main... The dude got quiet. He even tried to add me but ignored when I would ask him to pvp me.

Here goes to show you, people who talk this badly to new players usually are just trolls who pick on the "weak". Weak meaning, here in this situation, that you're a lower level than them.

Make friends quickly bud, I will be happy enough to handle any of these mofos who treat any new comer this way (:

All you gotta do is tell me your ign, I stopped accepting random requests awhile ago ^_^, so I'll add you.

But do as some guys have said, level up and they'll stop the talking :).

10-23-2012, 09:39 PM
Haters gna hate i guess :(

but hey mate , not every one is like that. Sure enough you had a sour experience but stick around long enough and you would meet some amazing people.

10-23-2012, 09:56 PM
It never happen to me or any of my toons before.
But hey, those people who treated others in such horrible ways should change their attitudes.
In the world of gaming yes, there will always be some fools who just loved to make fun of others, calling them names or make other in despair. But, don't let it get to ya because there will always be others out there who are kind and very helpful.
Oh, and remember that karma will get back at those who done some mischief in their life.
When one are harm by the other, he who harm will gets his punishment in this life or the next.

Iron Hand
10-23-2012, 10:53 PM
aobs dont care at all imo, its one of the reasons why i left. i was treated like that at first but luckily high lvls like javiermadriz, gison, and colbycheeze helped me, and even got me respect from pvp xD just find the right people. I love when i make a new char to see how i get treated by high lvls who think they're "all that" when i tell them my main and they log off. I have many high lvls even pming my twinks that kind of bs! cant they think that if they have a good kdr and awesome vanitys they are actually not noobs? -.- back on topic:I can help u if u want but tbh ive nvr heard of those names

Uh hum.. some of us AoB's do care as you should know i help all i can new and veteran. Should not lump the few that actually think aob = absent on blackstar with those of us that do help new players regularly. Having said that is why I am in aob so i can help newbies and help delph weed out those that do not embody the spirit of what an ambassador of the game is. is the reason I have 3 newbie toons to test those that send in applications for aob. When al is released and ambassador program starts there i will be among the first in line.

10-23-2012, 11:06 PM
When al is released and ambassador program starts there i will be among the first in line.

First they are going to have to come up with a new name ;)

AoA is already taken :p

10-23-2012, 11:37 PM

10-24-2012, 12:38 AM
Uh hum.. some of us AoB's do care as you should know i help all i can new and veteran. Should not lump the few that actually think aob = absent on blackstar with those of us that do help new players regularly. Having said that is why I am in aob so i can help newbies and help delph weed out those that do not embody the spirit of what an ambassador of the game is. is the reason I have 3 newbie toons to test those that send in applications for aob. When al is released and ambassador program starts there i will be among the first in line.

sorry, i meant that most* not all. I know many good aobs but the other good aobs left because of what the program has turned into. Iron, ur one of most awesome people in sl. i was in aob to help but when ppl start teasing me because im in aob? i said im done with ppl flaming aob and all that so i left. i still help, but im not recognized like how the aob are of they help once and never go on again. and PS aob are party planners not helpers anymore but u r still free to help as the forums say

10-24-2012, 05:29 AM
Dont worry. People called me noob too when i was a lowlevel.
But now im probably richer and better in pvp than these haters xd

10-24-2012, 05:54 AM
Well...if u really got scammed, pm me i hardly play SL now and am willing to give you some creds.

Sent from my HTC One X using Xparent ICS Blue Tapatalk 2

10-24-2012, 08:03 AM
i only get angry at noobs when they beg for money too much :/

10-24-2012, 08:19 AM
That's how every game is. I don't like it any more than the next guy, but there will be jerks out there. Best thing to do, level up with people your level, form good bonds and friendships, and don't give into stupid peer pressuring like that. Cheers, and PM Zaonabiuibil if you need help leveling a bit.
This is the best advice you can get from someone,don`t worry as Zaonabiubil said there will always be jerks,even on higher LvLs you just need to find people that are your LvL and you can farm and make friendships with them.If you need any help doing runs,I am willing to help you by doing runs or giving you advice :encouragement:

10-24-2012, 08:44 AM
i only get angry at noobs when they beg for money too much :/

Well I do get annoyed by those who begs a lot. Seriously, if you don't have any money go and earn em its easy just loot, go for runs, complete your quest, sell your looted goods that's ain't too hard. I mean that's how I do it when I first play SL, DL, and PL. Yes I was poor too back then but now I'm good, I mean I may not have 1mill but still I'm in the range of 100k to 200k with me. You see it's like building a house or a castle, you built it from the ground and up. Anyway, I do hate those who called others noob as if they were so much better.

10-24-2012, 08:59 AM
As stated previously, almost every MMO is like this. Sorry man.

It's best to mute em once they start cursing and being downright vile like that.

10-24-2012, 09:04 AM
aobs dont care at all imo, its one of the reasons why i left. i was treated like that at first but luckily high lvls like javiermadriz, gison, and colbycheeze helped me, and even got me respect from pvp xD just find the right people. I love when i make a new char to see how i get treated by high lvls who think they're "all that" when i tell them my main and they log off. I have many high lvls even pming my twinks that kind of bs! cant they think that if they have a good kdr and awesome vanitys they are actually not noobs? -.- back on topic:I can help u if u want but tbh ive nvr heard of those names

Same reason I quit. Glad we have something in common ;)

10-24-2012, 09:24 AM
Meh ill boot people every now n then b/c I dont really wanna lock my games :P short term memory loss XD

10-24-2012, 09:49 AM
normally i just ignore noobs.. i just treat them like dirt if they beg on me.. :p

10-24-2012, 10:03 AM
Meh ill boot people every now n then b/c I dont really wanna lock my games :P short term memory loss XD


10-24-2012, 10:04 AM
Banned. lol

10-24-2012, 10:52 AM
Dont worry. People called me noob too when i was a lowlevel.
But now im probably richer and better in pvp than these haters xd

PvPnoob! It's pretty hard not to call you it when it's your name ;)

10-24-2012, 04:06 PM
It was my FIRST and LAST day, on star legends. High lwvels think there so cool And troll the new players.

Here i am just trying to play the game and have fun. I join a game with this High level character named ******. I was happy to see a pro in a noob level. It was all fun when out of nowhere he calls us idiots and BOOTS All of us! Like wtf!!reallly mann-_-

My second time was when I joined another game, the host was #####. As soon as I entered booted AGAIN! I pmd her asking whyy did you do that?! And she responds "Im booting all low levels"! So yea i'm mad now because Im getting booted from all games and I don't want to solo because its kind of hard

I go to the town to cool off. And get Spammed Traded and cursed out by more level 45' s and 46's. So I report them and told them I did and they continue! Saying all sorts of mean things. When I told them I was making a thread about it they said "who cares about you noob f***"! < exact words.

I have screenshots of it all But i dont know how to post them

well high lvl people dont like new guys and if u were entering a dungeon with high people they probably booted u because u cant help the team as much as a high lvl player.

10-24-2012, 04:20 PM
It was my FIRST and LAST day, on star legends. High lwvels think there so cool And troll the new players.

Here i am just trying to play the game and have fun. I join a game with this High level character named ******. I was happy to see a pro in a noob level. It was all fun when out of nowhere he calls us idiots and BOOTS All of us! Like wtf!!reallly mann-_-

My second time was when I joined another game, the host was #####. As soon as I entered booted AGAIN! I pmd her asking whyy did you do that?! And she responds "Im booting all low levels"! So yea i'm mad now because Im getting booted from all games and I don't want to solo because its kind of hard

I go to the town to cool off. And get Spammed Traded and cursed out by more level 45' s and 46's. So I report them and told them I did and they continue! Saying all sorts of mean things. When I told them I was making a thread about it they said "who cares about you noob f***"! < exact words.

I have screenshots of it all But i dont know how to post them

well high lvl people dont like new guys and if u were entering a dungeon with high people they probably booted u because u cant help the team as much as a high lvl player.
One can only enter an area that is at one's appropriate level and below. It's not right for one to be booted from the appropriate level area just because one is lower than the others.

Booting people who are of the appropriate level is just... well we all know what it is. It's like level 46's booting low levels from Dynastar. It's just not a respectful thing to do.

If you need any help on anything, just friend Abekrie and I'll assist you on any problems you have.

10-24-2012, 05:14 PM
This is precisely why I never join games with a host, except if it's a friend's game. Ever. And note that I'm high level myself and get to cap. I still don't.

ESPECIALLY if it's a high level playing a low level zone. They're either A kill farming with plat or B soloing for money or C soloing for an achievement.

That said, don't let mean people stop you from enjoying the game.

Devil's advocate:
But expecting to be "carried" through a tough zone (for you) where a high level can solo it and does care that people join is not right. Most people don't care, but some do and you must accept that games with a host the host reserves the right to boot anybody they want.

10-24-2012, 05:17 PM
PvPnoob! It's pretty hard not to call you it when it's your name ;)


10-24-2012, 05:27 PM
Ugh... Removed names -.- they should be named and shamed, like they deserve

10-24-2012, 05:33 PM
Ugh... Removed names -.- they should be named and shamed, like they deserve

The names were like those random/auto generated names is all I can remember /:

10-24-2012, 06:46 PM
Yeah I never even heard of the people listed...

10-24-2012, 07:40 PM
You should hang out with us forum users. WE KNOW HOW TO PARTY ;-)

10-24-2012, 07:51 PM
You should hang out with us forum users. WE KNOW HOW TO PARTY ;-)

Lol, agreed ^_^ We will assist you if anything ;)

10-24-2012, 08:30 PM
There are many more nice people than mean ones.

But it's necessary to say this: when you join someone's hosted game, you take the risk of being booted. There is no need to explain why you are booted, either. It can simply be that their friend left to go to get stims and they are holding the spot. Or it could be that they want to play with people who are the same level. If you want to join a game with zero risk of being booted, make sure it isn't hosted. Maybe people are mean about it too much, but they actually have the right to select who is in their hosted maps.

That said, I never boot, so feel free to join my games if you see one. :)

10-24-2012, 08:31 PM
You should hang out with us forum users. WE KNOW HOW TO PARTY ;-)

Mitch wanna host a little party with me buddy?(;

10-24-2012, 09:21 PM
High levels who boot other player don't lock games because they have fun booting other player. Especially newcomer. I also still remember as I got booted the first time for same reason. That guy was lvl 40 and booted me (lvl 34) with reason: HAHAHAHAHAHAA.

Well 2 months later I saw this guy again and he still was a lvl 40 during I now had 2 lvl 41's and 1 lvl 40 char.

Also pro's are actually newbies too. The only difference between them is that they have gear with more stats. Without those stats they die as fast as the newcomer too.
Ignore those jerks. Hosts games urself and wait until enough player joined. If you see a (high lvl) player having a big mouth show him who really the boss is :)

10-24-2012, 09:22 PM
that's rude...I would never treat anyone like that..
and those stupid bullies just want the pleasure to boot people...There IS an option to make a password but nooo. Please don't let these guys get in the way. Star Legends has lots of nice players like these forumers! I have met plenty of new friends here since January.

10-24-2012, 09:25 PM
Pro's are newbies with better gear? O.o

I'll agree with High Lvls are Newbies but not Pro's :p

10-24-2012, 09:31 PM
Yeah ur right. High lvls is what I meant. Pros won't do that. Thanks for the correction.

10-25-2012, 01:30 AM
Yeah ur right. High lvls is what I meant. Pros won't do that. Thanks for the correction.

I knew what you meant ;) (Just bustin your balls :p

10-25-2012, 02:18 AM
I knew what you meant ;) (Just bustin your balls :p)

forgot other parenthesis so i added for u xD

10-25-2012, 07:26 AM
Believe me, those player who call you noob are noob themselves. You think they got what it takes to level up?
I can forgive those that give good reasons for booting but not with stupid reason.
Forget them and let this be a motivation for yourself to become stronger and better than them.

10-25-2012, 07:44 AM
Hey! If you ever need help and im on just ask me!

These are my chars:
Dugs, 46
Dugscommando, 42
Dugansop, 40

Im usally on dugs hes a engi and i can help you when ever you are on just pm me :)

10-25-2012, 08:22 AM
Earn respect, it takes time, i didnt start as the elite pro infinitely awesome superstar god of fame and valour that i am now

earn respect? you either show respect to other ppl or you don't. Each time you level up you get character points, not respect points :p
You can respec(ify) you character points, but that is different :D
[in general]
Thinking respect has to be earned will sooner show this kind of bad behavior as preventing it from happening. Show some respect to fellow players no matter who you are and who you talk to. You don't have to be friends with everybody, it's a small effort to say "sorry, i don't want...." :)

Being a high level hopefully gave you some knowledge, but it didn't make you smarter ;)
It's a game, have fun!

10-25-2012, 08:26 AM
earn respect? you either show respect to other ppl or you don't. Each time you level up you get character points, not respect points :p
You can respec(ify) you character points, but that is different :D
[in general]
Thinking respect has to be earned will sooner show this kind of bad behavior as preventing it from happening. Show some respect to fellow players no matter who you are and who you talk to. You don't have to be friends with everybody, it's a small effort to say "sorry, i don't want...." :)

Being a high level hopefully gave you some knowledge, but it didn't make you smarter ;)
It's a game, have fun!

So true!

10-25-2012, 10:21 AM
So true!

But i have fun calling people noobs. Here my definition of noob
Noob- a good friend you can pick on and they wont care and they jokingly pick on you back, zoanobiuibil(maybe spelled wrong) :) i <3 this n00b :)

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

10-25-2012, 10:37 AM
But i have fun calling people noobs. Here my definition of noob
Noob- a good friend you can pick on and they wont care and they jokingly pick on you back, zoanobiuibil(maybe spelled wrong) :) i <3 this n00b :)

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

You have it all wrong! That is Naaaaab! You Naab!

WarPain WarSpear
10-25-2012, 11:14 AM
If u want help just ask the gently players like us, don't give up, they must be choosy at all

10-25-2012, 12:01 PM
You have it all wrong! That is Naaaaab! You Naab!

Lulz haha

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

10-25-2012, 02:52 PM
But i have fun calling people noobs. Here my definition of noob
Noob- a good friend you can pick on and they wont care and they jokingly pick on you back, zoanobiuibil(maybe spelled wrong) :) i <3 this n00b :)

Sent using blood on a bathroom wall

Y u splel mi nam3 rong, iz Zaonabiuibil! |\|00|3

Diiz mah fav noob ;P

10-25-2012, 02:59 PM
no one spells his name like me... zao..something rather

10-25-2012, 03:31 PM
Noobs ftw :D

10-25-2012, 05:50 PM
Sorry for those dum high lvls that treated u like dirt I use to have a cap eng (46) but I deleted but I restarted today but my brother can help u add pvpknight he's not that high lvled but good at pve and pvp

10-25-2012, 06:15 PM
Meh I'm a super noob infact not even 2 full months....
But deceptively a lvl 46.....
So if you need help...add kulock
This posst is full wonderfull positive messages....
So id like to say something to a few players....
Ltjameskill...bloodraw...battlegrinder...fu.....to beo(formely tobyo)
Talizora...mahatma...anyone who really wrote a guide (comtrix especailly)
And many many many other wonderfull "pro elite vets" who do help
New players and give them vital information thanks ! I remember being in low levels at the 41 cap and seeing a lvl 41 run in with napalm burning down everything ! How freaking cool was thaat ?enough to make me cap...lol
However..this subject touches a sore spot...com and engi hatred....where's the love y'all ? Tanks and. Technicians are like pb and j....you don't even need the bread its so tasty....is there nothing more terrifying than an engi with a flame thrower paired with a commando with a flame thrower ? No things will die everywhere and they'll keep killing counting bodies like sheep to the rythm of a war drum ! With tthat being said....yanno...yeah show the love !

10-25-2012, 06:27 PM
lol naab

10-25-2012, 08:15 PM
Join the League Of Assassinz, we accept all lvls, even noobs, so if u noobs have problem with pros, go to this guild:angel:

10-26-2012, 09:04 AM
He doesn't seem to reply, maybe he left already

10-26-2012, 09:50 AM
He doesn't seem to reply, maybe he left already

Tought so too and btw your sig is just showing a link. :-/

10-26-2012, 11:51 AM
Yeah I bet he's long gone

10-26-2012, 12:38 PM
Maybe if you get treated like dirt is because you deserve iiiiit!
*haters gonna hate*

10-26-2012, 01:34 PM
Maybe if you get treated like dirt is because you deserve iiiiit!
*haters gonna hate*

Or if you read the OP/thread you'd find out that he was booted from high lvl players thinking they are God. Though when they come into the big leagues, they are prob the one's asking for your gear/moneh, or the famous...

"Can I haz pl0x"


"Wer I can get hatz"

10-26-2012, 02:27 PM
Or if you read the OP/thread you'd find out that he was booted from high lvl players thinking they are God. Though when they come into the big leagues, they are prob the one's asking for your gear/moneh, or the famous...

"Can I haz pl0x"


"Wer I can get hatz"

I hate you, I just hate you <3

10-26-2012, 03:57 PM
Tought so too and btw your sig is just showing a link. :-/

Yeah, had troubles with my sig. It's my first signature so troubles are only naturally. But with some help I've handled it

10-26-2012, 04:09 PM
I hate you, I just hate you <3

Aweeee you're soo kind! <3

10-26-2012, 04:49 PM
Bod is a Naab

10-26-2012, 06:10 PM
Bod is a Naab

Glad the word is finally catching on! xD

Now people can stop moaning about "Noob" all the time haha

10-26-2012, 07:00 PM
Lol I'm now officially a pro naab instead of a pro noob

10-26-2012, 07:18 PM
Lol I'm now officially a pro naab instead of a pro noob

Pro naab is much cooler xD

10-26-2012, 07:19 PM
Pro naab is much cooler xD
But pro neeb is even cooler

10-26-2012, 07:22 PM
But pro neeb is even cooler

No.. just... no. Naab!

10-26-2012, 07:23 PM
No.. just... no. Naab!
Don't get in a hissy fit now, just because you aren't a neeb.

10-26-2012, 07:29 PM
I like Proob :-)

A pro who plays like a noob... or is it a noob that plays like a pro? Who can tell ;-)

10-26-2012, 07:29 PM
Naaaaab! Check this out! :O


10-26-2012, 07:44 PM
that does get annoting thats y i play PL. Because there is always a good comunity.

10-26-2012, 08:08 PM
Dont let this experience ruin a great game, these few fools you encountered must have just been power tripping.
Ive been booted out of countess games, you cant take it personally.
If I was there to witness what these players said to you, ohh my my my, I would have ripped into them, I cant stand "bullys", weak small minded people...

10-26-2012, 09:56 PM
that does get annoting thats y i play PL. Because there is always a good comunity.

IMO... PL is kinda worse in some ways, just bigger community which means more nice people. SL is smaller and has many jerks, but PL isn't better by much if not at all.

There's always going to be jerks and s-bags in games, it's just usually the majority.

10-26-2012, 10:03 PM
Hmmm, all pros and richies do that, i'm lvl 46 but i'm not rich, and i didn't do bully to noobs:distress: . I just confused, why those richies do this to noobs, they think they're not noobs before, or maybe before this he/she beg for money to ppl, because he's not rich. :dejection: So, if u wanna prevent from the richies that bully, when u see em, go away before it's too late:o , or if u're late to go away, mute em, and problems complete:applause:

It was my FIRST and LAST day, on star legends. High lwvels think there so cool And troll the new players.

Here i am just trying to play the game and have fun. I join a game with this High level character named ******. I was happy to see a pro in a noob level. It was all fun when out of nowhere he calls us idiots and BOOTS All of us! Like wtf!!reallly mann-_-

My second time was when I joined another game, the host was #####. As soon as I entered booted AGAIN! I pmd her asking whyy did you do that?! And she responds "Im booting all low levels"! So yea i'm mad now because Im getting booted from all games and I don't want to solo because its kind of hard

I go to the town to cool off. And get Spammed Traded and cursed out by more level 45' s and 46's. So I report them and told them I did and they continue! Saying all sorts of mean things. When I told them I was making a thread about it they said "who cares about you noob f***"! < exact words.

I have screenshots of it all But i dont know how to post them

10-26-2012, 10:23 PM
Bod is a Naab

Glad the word is finally catching on! xD

Now people can stop moaning about "Noob" all the time haha

Lol I'm now officially a pro naab instead of a pro noob

Pro naab is much cooler xD

But pro neeb is even cooler

No.. just... no. Naab!

Don't get in a hissy fit now, just because you aren't a neeb.

I like Proob :-)

A pro who plays like a noob... or is it a noob that plays like a pro? Who can tell ;-)

Naaaaab! Check this out! :O


We can all be naabs together!

10-26-2012, 10:35 PM
We can all be naabs together!

whats bouts me? T.T

10-27-2012, 12:54 AM
whats bouts me? T.T

I didn't even meet your cool list.. so you don't get to be a naab with us :p

10-27-2012, 01:05 AM
Noobs will always be noobs and complain

10-27-2012, 01:05 AM
We don't need noobs like u in SL or any other games

10-27-2012, 02:20 AM
I didn't even meet your cool list.. so you don't get to be a naab with us :p

lol i just met ya! i only listed players that went from when i first started

10-27-2012, 03:05 AM
Hmmm, all pros and richies do that, i'm lvl 46 but i'm not rich, and i didn't do bully to noobs:distress: . I just confused, why those richies do this to noobs, they think they're not noobs before, or maybe before this he/she beg for money to ppl, because he's not rich. :dejection: So, if u wanna prevent from the richies that bully, when u see em, go away before it's too late:o , or if u're late to go away, mute em, and problems complete:applause:

That just made me laugh. You don't even know what you're talking about.

10-27-2012, 04:28 AM
For the topic, you must noted that not all high levelers do that. Yeah, maybe you think like that when you got treated like that once. Your "believeness" faded as you experience more and more thing like that. Like a repeated thing. It's just as same as me. But, for my case, I'm not getting bullied because I'm a newb. (I play PL more) I play another MMORPG game. There, many people come from my country. I tried to talk with them, but they never heard it. I also want to join a game. That game is full of high levelers, and I got booted from the game. After that I though all people from my country are bad. pill of trash. But then, I found a guy. He also come from my country. That when I realized that not all people in my country are bad. You too. You shouldn't think all high levelers are bad. Some of them are good, too. The examples are those high levelers that couraging you here.:distracted:

10-27-2012, 04:54 AM
lol i just met ya! i only listed players that went from when i first started

Lmao! Was just messing with ya xD

10-27-2012, 11:39 AM
Noobs will always be noobs and complain

We don't need noobs like u in SL or any other games

Hmm, what are you doing here then?

10-27-2012, 12:31 PM
Hmm, what are you doing here then?


10-27-2012, 09:15 PM
hey guys ive got a similar story that just happened yesterday in blackstar! this guy (wont mention name) started calling my twink (encyclopedia) a noob. he started asking me stupid random questions because he didnt beleive i had a main. he asked me which gun he was using, and since he was an op, ofc idk. he started asking other questions like "whats dps stand for? whats sps stand for?" then he told me his gm was flashbackflip. i then told him i was flips friend on endgame and he starts blabbering off about me lying, and he says this alot and in these EXACT words im using. "EPIC FAIL U NOOB" "GO LVL UP" i reported to flip but yet to have a response back from him.

10-27-2012, 10:43 PM
hey guys ive got a similar story that just happened yesterday in blackstar! this guy (wont mention name) started calling my twink (encyclopedia) a noob. he started asking me stupid random questions because he didnt beleive i had a main. he asked me which gun he was using, and since he was an op, ofc idk. he started asking other questions like "whats dps stand for? whats sps stand for?" then he told me his gm was flashbackflip. i then told him i was flips friend on endgame and he starts blabbering off about me lying, and he says this alot and in these EXACT words im using. "EPIC FAIL U NOOB" "GO LVL UP" i reported to flip but yet to have a response back from him.

Majority of the players have the maturity of five year olds. Only thing to do is block and move on :P.

10-27-2012, 11:59 PM
Majority of the players have the maturity of five year olds. Only thing to do is block and move on :P.

ikr! well not u.. obviously lol