View Full Version : Customization begins here

09-07-2010, 08:45 AM
Am I correct in assuming that weapons in the game are just frameworks with a graphic affixed on it?
I remember that in Warcraft 3 I would go ahead and find the image files themselves and edit away, making a sword a very blue sword (ok I sucked)
If Only we could buy (plat of course, expensive) a shield or armor that we can choose a saved image and it will appear on it. I would LOVE a buckler with a pikachu on it. (odd choice but first thought) or a arctic camo-cloth.*

Of course the first thing that come to mind is loading time.*
Well, have a option that let's you turn on off any viewing of custom items! *Default off so you can log in in peace. Maybe only viewable in dungeon since FH load would be insane...
Also... Advertising (and other naughty activities)
Reporting would solve that I hope. * I would also make the option to see custom items at all part of plat package to minimize amount of people affected. Remember, default off and not in town.*
A good way to tell who is in guild as well...

Ps I can see this being too much but maybe it's just a springboard... ;D

09-08-2010, 08:17 AM
It's a nice idea, though as you said it's sure to get abused, and having a checking system in place is sure to require man power that Spacetime can't spare right now.

That aside, 4 players all potentially with custom textures on items is a lot of bandwidth to receive on-the-fly for a 3G or edge connection.

09-08-2010, 08:50 AM
This has already been suggested, but not in so much detail: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?749-The-New-Ideas-And-All-Ideas

09-08-2010, 09:36 AM
i don't see this ever happening. PL doesn't have much player freedom as an mmotpg, its very led and guided.

09-08-2010, 10:57 PM
After people like AO3 (WE KNOW IT WAS YOU LAQUAINT!) can't really do that. although maybe a vendor that sells blank sheilds and another vendor who paints them with certain designs. they'd have to be no requirement though.