View Full Version : How about an underwater world

10-24-2012, 04:13 AM
:welcoming: I keep coming back to this idea :distracted: how about traveling to underwater lvls.. Not so far fetched and could be an exciting new area for expansion. We would start by retuning to somewhere on the coast, a shanty town by the sea, and through questing and leveling up gain the nessessary gear to travel under water. Here in the town we would hear of pirates and and smugglers and in tracking down and trying to rid the town of these troublesome folks we begin to hear rumors from the pirates about a sunken ghost ship and a curse on all those going out to sea... even the pirates ( um, free traders ) are unwilling to set sail because of the strange and ominous things happening below the surface of the water.
Through obtaining the right gear, and gaining the skills required brave Alterians would first fight thier way through a sunken ship and release the pour souls trapped aboard only to find that there is a dire new threat to the land from dark fel beings of the sea.

We have had void helms for our space travels and special equipment to deal with troubles in the sewers below Balefort Castle, it could be so much fun to now travel under the sea. New experiences could be added in by actually dropping from the deck of the ship, each level taking us down into darker and markier waters, for which we brave heroes would need to find light sources, or possibly fight in the dark, till items were gained that bring light back, it might be exciting to have only the actual fight skills light an area? We could have glow in the dark weapons and armor and maybe find friends in certain undersea creatures and beings who help us in our quests.

Ok so I have thought out a lot more about weapons, armor, vanities, pets, puzles, but this is just the basic premis, and enough I think for all to weigh in add you thoughts and ideas,

I have made some mock-up sketches but I don't know how to post them. But maybe it's better to just imagine :encouragement::encouragement: please if this idea inspires or interest you, too add your voice and share your thoughts thank you, Shamadar