View Full Version : What's Rare and Where? (Farming List)

09-07-2010, 12:12 PM
OK, I've been playing PL for a little while now but I'm still struggling to find some good drops and frankly don't know what to look for and where to find them. I've scowered the forums and I don't seem to be able to find a definative list of "what's rare and where do I get it?".

So I was hoping that some nice PL players would assist me in creating a list. Perhaps somewhat selfishly, I'm starting off with the higher level areas, which I guess is typically aimed for level 35-45 pinks but I certainly aim to expand this list as this top end list gets completed.

So here's the list so far:

Balefort Castle.4 - Level 19 pinks (Brom Dandy)
Balefort Castle.5 - Level 19 pinks (Brom Dandy)
Baleford Castle.The Magic Castle - Level 29 pinks
Balefort Town [the hidden passage accessed through the grate] - Level 19 pinks (Zyla, kill her and she will keep respawning).

Fathom Crypt.Mega Maze Mash-Up! - Level 29 pinks

The Lost Expedition -

The Ancient Swamps - Copperhead's Voodoo Doll, Dreamer's Witch Toad Tiara, Kite Shield (unconfirmed)

Skeller Krunch Returns - Kite Shield (unconfirmed)

AO1 - Kite Shield

AO2.1 - Talons
AO2.2 - Wands (including D'Jinn Wand of Thoth/Isis)
AO2.3 - Djinn Blade
AO2.4 - Lances/plasma
AO2.5 - Alien Blasters/Red Scarabs/Royal Staffs/Galzyx
AO2.Plasma - General items (including Isis/Thoth for all classes), non-rare weapons (D'Jiin Spear, Desert Shadow Staff and Yellow Scarab Bow)

TotGO.1 - Kite Shield of Rift (from last boss)
TotGO.2 - Sunblessed Scimitar of the Rift, Screaming Skull Shield of the Rift/Wands (including D'Jiin Wand of Thoth/Isis), Screaming Skull Shield of the Rift (from King Mynas), Vibra Sword (from Lorekeeper), Plasma Axe (from Lorekeeper), Plasma Battlesword of Rift (from Lorekeeper), Sunblessed Bow of Void (from Sniper or Lorekeeper)
TotGO.3 - Vibra Sword of Rift (from boss)
TotGO.4 -
TotGO.5 - Alien Blasters/Bows/Galzyx/Apep Sunkiller/Royal Staffs/Dark Matter Staffs
TotGO.The Victory Lap - Sunblessed Scimitar of the Rift, Screaming Skull Shield of the Rift, Jacob's Helm of Void (from Gurox), Gurox Hammer (from Gurox), Cosmos wand (from Gurox), Laser Wand of Cosmos (from desert boss), Kite Shield of Rift (from desert boss)

Please let me know what drops where (and perhaps by which mob) and I'll edit your additions into the list. Hopefully this can then become a good resource for others.

Edit: Yanis has also created this thread A Comprehensive List of All Pinks (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?8234-A-Comprehensive-List-of-All-Pinks) which is another good resource.

Thanks in advance.

09-07-2010, 12:43 PM
AO2 is the first campaign where certain items only drop from certain bosses, so for everything before AO2, the answer is any map, any boss. The only exception (besides AO2) is that Zyla in the hidden passage drops some level 19 pinks that don't drop anywhere else, and some fathom pinks drop from the boss in the cemetary and nowhere else. But those are both new things and only apply to those low levels so far, though I'm sure we'll see some new gear when the swamp town, and others, come out.

09-07-2010, 12:45 PM
all maps before AO2 drop same loot.(example, Voodoo doll is dropped by EVERY boss in Swamps)

AO2 is the only map, i think, that has boss specific loots.

AO2.3 drops Djinn Blade.
AO2.5 drops Royal Staff/Galzyx

09-07-2010, 12:46 PM
I love the idea of this list! I'm still new and would love to know where to farm for the lv19 pinks...!

09-07-2010, 12:49 PM
Brom Dandy in Balefort drops level 19 pinks in either level 4 or 5. Get your 1024 tomes quest first, as it will take about 50 runs of level 5, or about 10 runs of the 5 map sequence to get those 1024 tomes. And I have gotten four pinks so far, at about the 75% mark (about 250 tomes to go).

09-07-2010, 12:49 PM
I love the idea of this list! I'm still new and would love to know where to farm for the lv19 pinks...!

For level 19 pinks, the hidden passage accessed through the grate in the Balefort town is your best bet. Kill Zyla over and over, she will keep respawning. Also you can always hit the "quick" minidungeons ("quick love" in Balfort I think?).

09-07-2010, 12:58 PM
That is true, Royce, and Quick Love treasure chests also have a chance to add to your tomes, if you're questing. But in Mega-Maze the pinks are level 29. And Quick Pain has level 25 items, not sure it has any pinks. Anyone?

09-07-2010, 01:14 PM
Updated with info so far... please check and keep 'em coming.

09-07-2010, 01:29 PM
Pocket Legends Shield -

Drops off of ViolentSaint, Haroldiv, and Kavanah.

Hope that helps.

09-07-2010, 01:34 PM
...Not really.

09-07-2010, 01:54 PM
Just to clear up a small matter, the map in Balefort where level 29 pinks drop is the Magic Castle. Those same pinks drop in Megamaze, but that is part of the Fathom Crypt campaign ;)

09-07-2010, 02:27 PM
Pocket Legends Shield -

Drops off of ViolentSaint, Haroldiv, and Kavanah.

Hope that helps.

wow. youre the first to brag about the PL shield, sucks that youve mentioned Violents and Haorlds name in your low blow...

says a lot about you...

09-07-2010, 02:43 PM
Updated again.

What about Tiara and Kite Shield?

09-07-2010, 02:47 PM
Just to clear up a small matter, the map in Balefort where level 29 pinks drop is the Magic Castle. Those same pinks drop in Megamaze, but that is part of the Fathom Crypt campaign ;)

For more information: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?774-1.0-Content-Update-(46172)

09-07-2010, 02:53 PM
This is second hand knowledge, but I've read/heard that kite shields are a random rare ao1 drop.

09-07-2010, 03:04 PM
Dreamer's witch toad tiara (the awesome wonderful frog design)
Swamp drop

09-07-2010, 04:11 PM
kits shield is swamps too, i think.

09-07-2010, 04:34 PM
kits shield is swamps too, i think.

They did at one point, but I have not seen one there in a long time. I've also heard, but never seen, that they dropped, at least at some poitn, in Skeller. I'd really be interested to know if anyone's seen any in either of those campaigns lately.

09-07-2010, 04:52 PM
Boasting, drops from Kavanah, procs "taint reputation" :)

09-07-2010, 09:13 PM
Has anyone ever seen a lance drop in ao2.plasma?

09-07-2010, 09:19 PM
wow ima noob right here but tomes? lol

09-07-2010, 11:54 PM
Great idea

09-07-2010, 11:58 PM
Spirit relax it was a joke lol

Nice one kavanah ;).

09-08-2010, 01:32 AM
Spirit relax it was a joke lol Nice one kavanah ;).I did know that. ;)

Keep the information coming...

09-09-2010, 09:01 AM
Come on, I refuse the believe that my list on post #1 is complete... keep those comments coming. What about in The Lost Expedition?

09-09-2010, 02:14 PM
lol this was my idea.
except you made it better.

09-11-2010, 02:20 AM
uhh i dont know if this still is going on but i remember goat in bayou boss brawl drops voodoo doll... funny story too (mystical(i forget if it was him or someone else) was asking: "does goat drop doll?" he said that right as we did the final shot to kill and mystical got a doll. i said "no... he doesnt"... my memory is pretty foggy about that but i do remember that happening)

09-11-2010, 06:29 AM
Great post spiritualist
This will surely help alot of people
... if they read it that is :)

09-11-2010, 12:34 PM
I'm sure they will, hence the reason I put it in my signature. ;)

09-14-2010, 09:24 PM
Zombies Voodoo Fire Staff drops in one of the swamps...

09-14-2010, 10:38 PM
Again AO2 was the 1st place to have Bosses drop specific loot. Since then the only other places added that have Boss Specific loot is Zyla in Hidden Passage under the grate in Balefort Town and Vyxnaar in the Forbidden Crypt behind the broken barricade on the road to Glumdoll Cemetery. All other maps the pinks can drop from any of the bosses. I'm not sure about the new Nightmare map though.

09-14-2010, 10:41 PM
I'm not sure about the new Nightmare map though.

Yup that should probably be added. There are "Shivering" pinks for Dex, "Iceberg" for Str, and "Brain Freeze" for Int ;)

09-14-2010, 10:56 PM
Have enough pinks been collected in the Nightmare Map to verify that certain bosses don't drop specific items? From the recent patch it seems that it is in line with all the other maps as far as any pink can drop from any Boss/Mini Boss. On a side note good luck with the group of lv 30s in Nightmare I tried with my lv 30 bear and they hit extremely hard. I have the best gear I can for that level(non Nightmare items) and died constantly. I admit that playing a Bear Tank is not my strong suit I play my mage the best(always preferred healers).I would definitely recommend at least 2 mages that know how to play and stagger the heals for a successful run at lv 30.

09-15-2010, 06:56 AM
Comming from a noob, this is a sweet guide. I had gotten to like lvl 10 when the game came out and just picked it up again. Really lost with a lot of the new content.

I just got a pink Icebolt Staff of Mastery, lvl 30 from Lost Expedition 1. I think it was from the main boss on the level, don't remember its name.

09-15-2010, 11:50 AM
Dark Forest: Lowell the Troll dropped a level 14 pink, it was Str armor. You can also get Int and Dex armor, probably the same boss.

Again AO2 was the 1st place to have Bosses drop specific loot.

Tailless, I have heard that, too, except my experience says otherwise. I have yet to see the King of Hearts drop a pink, but Brom Dandy does it a lot. Doing tomes on multiple characters, and that's what I've seen. Maybe Merk or the King drop them, but I haven't seen it.

10-07-2010, 10:08 AM
Can someone help me in listing rare items for "Trials of the Galatic Overlord" so I can add to the list...

TotGO.1 -
TotGO.2 -
TotGO.3 -
TotGO.4 -
TotGO.5 -
TotGO.The Victory Lap -


10-07-2010, 10:21 AM
awesome post my friend.
once this is completed this can be stickied. :)

10-07-2010, 10:26 AM
Can someone help me in listing rare items for "Trials of the Galatic Overlord" so I can add to the list...

TotGO.1 -
TotGO.2 -
TotGO.3 -
TotGO.4 -
TotGO.5 -
TotGO.The Victory Lap -


Sunblessed scimitar of the rift, Screaming skull shield of the rift in AO3 level 2(Crush the keeper) and (Victory lap)

10-07-2010, 12:47 PM
Great idea to make this list! Wish I had this when I was just getting to 45.

You might want to add that Blasters/Bows drop off the boss at the end of the long left passage in map 5, and Galzyx/Apep Sunkiller/Royal Staffs/Dark Matter Staffs drop off the boss at the right. (Sorry I am absolutely terrible at remembering boss names. :D)

Map 2 also drops non-rare pink staffs in addition to the Djin and Isis wands.

Plasma Pyramid doesn't drop any uber-rare stuff but is a good source for helm/shield/armor drops of all types (including Isis/Thoth) for all classes, as well as decent non-rare weapons such as Djin Spears, Desert Shadow staffs and yellow Scarab Bows.

10-07-2010, 10:50 PM

Nice AO3 gear someone was selling for 1 mil. Had to screencap it. Sorry, no idea where it dropped :(

10-08-2010, 05:24 AM
Updated with TotGO items.

Please keep 'em coming.

10-21-2010, 10:14 AM
TotGO.1 -
TotGO.2 - Sunblessed Scimitar of the Rift, Screaming Skull Shield of the Rift/Wands (including D'Jiin Wand of Thoth/Isis)
TotGO.3 -
TotGO.4 -
TotGO.5 - Alien Blasters/Bows/Galzyx/Apep Sunkiller/Royal Staffs/Dark Matter Staffs
TotGO.The Victory Lap - Sunblessed Scimitar of the Rift, Screaming Skull Shield of the Rift

would be nice if we could complete more those list... :)

10-22-2010, 05:28 AM
Indeed, I'm hoping that some people can help me with that.

10-24-2010, 02:43 PM
A Jacob's Helm of Cosmos dropped from King Mynas in AO3 Map 2 yesterday.

I got my Lazer Wand of the Cosmos from AO3 Victory Lap, Boss in the Desert and I saw others get Kite shield of Rift and some Void items from the same boss.

10-25-2010, 01:32 AM
jacobs helm void dropped from gurox in victory lap

10-25-2010, 02:31 AM
jacobs helm void dropped from gurox in victory lapThanks. Added.

So what about other premium pinks like all the Void, Cosmos and Rift items?

10-25-2010, 02:38 AM
gurox hammer and cosmos wand dropped from gurox too

10-25-2010, 02:42 AM
Screaming Skull Shield of the Rift dropped for me in AO3 map2 from King where the shadows are.

10-25-2010, 03:02 AM
gurox hammer and cosmos wand dropped from gurox too

Screaming Skull Shield of the Rift dropped for me in AO3 map2 from King where the shadows are.
Thanks, added.

10-26-2010, 10:14 AM
funny but how get?????????!!!!!!!!

10-26-2010, 11:55 AM
Overlord helm of void from Keeper;
Vibra sword, plasma axe and plasma battlesword of rift from lorekeeper (map 2);
Vibra sword of rift from map 3 boss;
sunblessed bow of void from sniper dude or lorekeeper, can't remember which (map 2);
kite shield of rift from map 1 (the last boss);
laser wand cosmos and kite shield of rift from victory lap desert boss.

10-28-2010, 10:33 AM
Overlord helm of void from Keeper;
Vibra sword, plasma axe and plasma battlesword of rift from lorekeeper (map 2);
Vibra sword of rift from map 3 boss;
sunblessed bow of void from sniper dude or lorekeeper, can't remember which (map 2);
kite shield of rift from map 1 (the last boss);
laser wand cosmos and kite shield of rift from victory lap desert boss.Added. Thx.