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View Full Version : PvE Twinks, or "Why I turned off XP Gain on some characters"

09-07-2010, 02:35 PM
Let me try again...

Are you loaded down with low level pinks that you used to like but now nobody wants, and you just don't want to liquidate them? Haven't you ever wished you had a character that could use them? Well, now you can!!!!

This weekend the devs added a new feature called "Disable XP Gain". Now those old pinks can have new life! All you have to do is make a "PvE Twink".

It's simple. Here's how:

1. Pick the items you want to give it.
2. Decide what race to make.
3. Level the character to the level of the items.
4. Equip the items.
5. Turn of XP Gain.
6. Enjoy that character in that campaign for as long as you like!!!

Note: They get kills and deaths, but they do not advance.

__________________________________________________ _______
For the record, I know that the word "twinks" is borrowed from another game and, until now, has only applied to PvP characters in this game who fight each other at certain levels. But, for now, let's call them PvE Twinks.

This is how I got the idea: I had a level 19 twink for PvP, but I had to stop questing because he was gaining xp (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?5887-Lowest-level-with-all-quests-completed). But now that we can turn of XP Gain, I wanted to finish the uncompleted quests in Balefort. So I turned off XP Gain and went hunting for tomes. I had so much fun (four level 19 pinks dropped so far), that the rest of the idea was only natural.

My first idea went like this: Why not freeze some characters at the perfect level for the best items in any campaign? Clearly, using my level 19 twnk in Balefort was a no-brainer. But what are the other ideal levels, and can we push this idea a little further?

I think the ideal level for each campaign is the level of the best item dropped on the basic five maps. For example, level 30 for Lost Expedition to take advantage of all those Frosty pinks. At level 30, your kills and deaths still count. (Also at level 30, it is being speculated, 5 awesome PvE twinks could attempt the Nightmare maps. I have my doubts, but I am willing to try it.)

This would be a great reason to have a lot of characters. Instead of having seven characters maxed out and only one (probably a pure warrior) being used to farm the Plasma Pyramid, how about one character for each campaign that uses gear from that campaign, who farms the campaign for pinks, helps noobs level, rushes, gets an awesome K/d, and even can be used in PvP.

Also, because of using gear from the campaign, you can have the character in the spirit of the campaign. I was using a paladin to fight the King of Hearts, but I think any enchantress would be cool. You could give them names that are in the spirit of the campaign, such as Skellerbane or Eskimopie or Howsitbayou, etc.

Forest Haven - 10 (not 13!!!)
Dark Forest - 14 (? still investigating)
Balefort Castle - 19
Fathom Crypt - 25
Lost Expedition - 30
The Ancient Swamps - 35
The Return of Skeller Krunch - 35
Alien Oasis - I think it's a trilogy and it isn't done yet, but AO1 - 40 and AO2 - 45, of course.

AND they are perfect for doing the quests in each campaign.

Which leaves the level 29s out in the cold... no seriously... Level 29 pinks are totally different from level 30s. They seem to be Fathom/Skeller-related. There are now four maps for them: three are mini-dungeons, one is a secret passage. So, level 29 is weird. I think people will prefer to use their 30s in Lost and save their 29s for PvP.

__________________________________________________ _______
OK, so there's my idea. I think this could be so much fun. There enough plat in a $5 purchase to make the six more characters and disable their XP Gain when they reach their right levels. I am thinking that this much fun is easily worth $5.

This is going under New Players because it's all about making a lot of new characters. And I think it is the sort of idea that you might want to consider when you are deciding what approach you wish to take to this game.

09-07-2010, 02:42 PM
That idea is soooo coool

09-07-2010, 03:10 PM
Why cant everyone just play their 45 and pvp with them, farm with them, help new player with them and build off them.

UNLESS you don't have a level 45, I don't see any reason to remain at a low level. The benefits of a level 45 greatly outweigh a level 19 or 28.

If you're reason is to beat on new low level players in pvp who don't have pink gear, well that's plain silly.

09-07-2010, 03:26 PM
Why cant everyone just play their 45 and pvp with them, farm with them, help new player with them and build off them.

UNLESS you don't have a level 45, I don't see any reason to remain at a low level. The benefits of a level 45 greatly outweigh a level 19 or 28.

If you're reason is to beat on new low level players in pvp who don't have pink gear, well that's plain silly.

I'm not sure you read my post all the way, Volksy. This is about PvE, not PvP.

You ask why, and I can't answer that for you. We each find our own kind of fun. If you get a kick out of farming for low level items with level-max characters, that's what you should do.

But when I was bringing up my archer, Snakespeare, up through the campaigns there were times when I would think, darn, if I could only stop levelling and just enjoy playing this way for this character, I would be happy. And my mage, she was all goth'd out with skulls and bone armor and darkbolts and stuff with nightmares and life drain at the end of Swamps, but now she walks like an Egyptian, and I don't like it.

Do you get my idea, now? It's about PvE! It's about having the perfect character for a campaign: a paladin in Balefort, an archer who hunts the undead in Fathom, a polar bear... get it?

And it is about a creative use of the "Disable XP Gain" switch.

09-07-2010, 03:38 PM
This post moved to become the thread start...

09-07-2010, 07:14 PM
lol dude ive been doing tht with my 14 and 19 since the update didnt bother to post thread tho thought ppl wudnt care

09-07-2010, 07:19 PM
Yeah! Isn't it sweet? But what do you think of the idea of making more special characters at 25, 30, 35?

It's only $4.99 for half a dozen!

Maybe some people do care. Maybe if a lot of people do it, we can have special PvE twink pickup groups.

09-07-2010, 07:20 PM
lol my hoarding of low lvl pinks is paying off

09-08-2010, 07:20 AM
Well this thread gave me the inspiration to make a lvl 30 PvE archer twink and I'm happy! time to go on FN with my 45's and get some pinks from there lol...

09-09-2010, 11:46 AM
So, I have my first one going. His name is Gravecrow. He's an Int Birdie and I will stop him at level 25 so he will be a Skeleton Hunter.

Right now, however, I have disabled XP for him at 10 so I can accumulate Forest Haven items to see what the really hot level 10 items might be. First thing, for sure, is the Bone Armor from the Quests (made by Ozz's wife, she's so talented) is THE PRIMO ARMOR at this level. Secondly, Wizard's Flaming Fireblaster has 1 M/s, which can save you a lot of mana pots at his level. The Bone Staff that is gray actually has better DPS, and is a darkbolt weapon. I wonder if there are orange or green versions. Well, having a "PvE twink" is the best way to find out!

I think when I do make a Forest Haven PvE twink for real, it will be a pure enchantress. The elves have a personal stake in the outcome, so I think that would be a nice fit. I intend to stash my best finds here for that character later. ;)

The other thing I am learning at this level is that there are a ton of new players who don't know how to play. They run into rooms with no backup and just die. Then they respawn and run back in again. Healers, too, just die, without ever using their Heal skill even once, and it's not because they don't have mana. It's funny but also frustrating. Bears that get swarmed and don't Stomp, too. It's kind of mind-boggling. Maybe they need a better play guide.

09-09-2010, 12:13 PM
Why cant everyone just play their 45 and pvp with them, farm with them, help new player with them and build off them.

UNLESS you don't have a level 45, I don't see any reason to remain at a low level. The benefits of a level 45 greatly outweigh a level 19 or 28.

If you're reason is to beat on new low level players in pvp who don't have pink gear, well that's plain silly.

You OBVIOUSLY Dont understand twinking...
We beat on Other Twinks, And the 45 Benefits do not outweigh a 19 or 29 Ever try a 45 bear on bear...? lasts 5 min...
How bout ya make a twink and THEN make an unbiased post?

09-09-2010, 01:33 PM
Someone probably told him that PvP twinks were level 19 to beat up on newbies. But he was lied to, level 19s and level 13s can not play PvP against each other. Anyhow, he didn't read the first post correctly. It made me realize that I had to change my approach, and I rewrote the starting post.

09-09-2010, 02:02 PM
they auctally can :(

09-09-2010, 02:33 PM
level 13s can't play with level 19s because there is a 6 level difference. you can only pvp with someone who is within 5 levels of your current level.
snake, this is why i made a new account and decided to not use my level 45s. i really like the lower level characters and my character is going to stop at level 29-35. i'm not sure yet. right now my int-bear, Draconix is level 11 so if you would like to run forest haven or dark forest with me, it would be awesome.

09-09-2010, 02:53 PM
I'll add Draconix.

I turned off XP at 10th for now because I am exploring Forest Haven. So far I have two greens, and I notice that a STR character can have a full set of Croc's gear for lots of bonus M/s. I want to see if there are more greens.

But then, I will turn XP back on and hunt for that one elusive level 14 pink in Dark Forest.

09-09-2010, 02:56 PM
which character are you going to be using?

09-09-2010, 04:00 PM
Gravecrow is who I am using. An Int Bird. I will add you. Right now I am at work, though. For level 10 I find Meathead's Deli has the most choice cuts.

09-09-2010, 05:08 PM
ok. i'm level 12 now but i'm doing the quests for dark forest. are you going to stick to forest haven?

09-09-2010, 05:28 PM
I plan on turning XP gain back on tomorrow for Gravecrow. He's meant for Fathom. If I make one that locks at level 10 it will be an enchantress. I figure that fits the story better.

09-09-2010, 05:31 PM
lol ok. i accidentally refused your friend request so i added you.

09-10-2010, 11:21 AM
After one day frozen at level 10, I don't think I will be making one for that. There are a few greens, for str and int, and several oranges, but meathead's deli is the only thing to do after you have done it all, and it gets old fast.

09-13-2010, 11:25 AM
I spent a few extra days frozen at level 14. It was more fun than level 10, by a lot, and I did find a pink (Forest Chain of Legend, Req: Level 14, 45 Str; 7 Str, 2 H/s, 19 Armor)

If this is the only pink at this level, and I think it is*, then ... I guess the PvE Twink for that level, when I make one, will be a tank bear. And that could fit the story, see as the towne associated with these levels is the Ursan Weald.

*= There are three pinks at this level: Ancient Pinks, thread started by Staffed (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?4615)

09-13-2010, 02:07 PM
I spent a few extra days frozen at level 14. It was more fun than level 10, by a lot, and I did find a pink (Forest Chain of Legend, Req: Level 14, 45 Str; 7 Str, 2 H/s, 19 Armor)

If this is the only pink at this level, and I think it is*, then ... I guess the PvE Twink for that level, when I make one, will be a tank bear. And that could fit the story, see as the towne associated with these levels is the Ursan Weald.

*= There are three pinks at this level: Ancient Pinks, thread started by Staffed (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?4615)

There is actually a lvl 14 robe of Mastery and Jewel Thiefs leathers. Just those 3 sets of armor though at lvl 14.

09-15-2010, 03:04 PM
As threatened, I did make an Ursan level 14 twink. I am finding odd, very cool items, but they are greens. She (Artio is the Celtic Goddess of Bears) has the pink armor I got and a nice gem blade. Yeah, there is a gem blade at this level and it looks very cool. It does slightly more damage than the greenie rusted sword, and it's not rusted. So far the only helmet or buckler I've found are oranges.

Suentous PO
07-11-2011, 06:02 PM
mumbles-must not sell pinks over & over retraing habit