View Full Version : Mana Enhancer

10-28-2012, 11:31 AM
I was doing runs solo'ing on my com, and I kept running out of mana, so I thought:

What if there was an enhancer that allowed you unlimited mana? The skills would still take the same amount of time to recharge, you just wouldn't run out though. It would be like 40 plat for half an hour though, considering its immense capabilities.

(Could only be used in PvE of course)

I'm expecting some no's, but I just wanted to see your opinions on this.

(Plus it'd be a good way for STS to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)

10-28-2012, 12:07 PM
Good idea but i don't think that much ppl would buy that enhancer because aren't 40 plat a half hour a bit much?

10-28-2012, 12:07 PM
I was doing runs solo'ing on my com, and I kept running out of mana, so I thought:

What if there was an enhancer that allowed you unlimited mana? The skills would still take the same amount of time to recharge, you just wouldn't run out though. It would be like 40 plat for half an hour though, considering its immense capabilities.

(Could only be used in PvE of course)

I'm expecting some no's, but I just wanted to see your opinions on this.

(Plus it'd be a good way for STS to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
1.It helps us not lose our mana-ok
2.It can be bought with platinum-ok
3.It will make more money for STS-ok

You have my full support my good friend! :encouragement:

10-28-2012, 12:09 PM
Lol no enhancers can be used in pvp already... So I don't see why they would allow this one :3

On a serious note I like the idea :D

10-28-2012, 12:13 PM
Lol no enhancers can be used in pvp already... So I don't see why they would allow this one :3

On a serious note I like the idea :D

I felt like getting that over with before someone complained about its PvP capabilities (and doest thou not rememberth the mothers day 4x str enhancerth?)

10-28-2012, 12:14 PM
Good idea but i don't think that much ppl would buy that enhancer because aren't 40 plat a half hour a bit much?

Not really, if it's unlimited mana it is quite worth it to some.

10-28-2012, 12:16 PM
Nah it takes out the Hardcore imo

10-28-2012, 12:19 PM
Good idea but i don't think that much ppl would buy that enhancer because aren't 40 plat a half hour a bit much?

Nah it takes out the Hardcore imo

Feel like those answered each other. It costs enough to make only people who need it buy it, so it won't be like everyone is running around jacked-up on unlimited mana.

10-28-2012, 12:52 PM
Um.. isnt that what blue power packs are for? Just asking

10-28-2012, 12:57 PM
Um.. isnt that what blue power packs are for? Just asking

I was gonna say that.. but still a good idea.

William To
10-28-2012, 01:15 PM
Sounds good

10-28-2012, 01:47 PM
If 100 Mana pots are available in Plat store for 8 plat, how much would it compare to this mana enhancer?

If it ain't gona be better then spamming 100 stims for 8 plat, I don't see the point of adding it in.

Time and Cost for this enhancer has to hit the sweet spot to be successful..

Find the perfect contrast that'll benefit both party and this is gona be one awesome enhancer to have.

10-28-2012, 02:07 PM
If 100 Mana pots are available in Plat store for 8 plat, how much would it compare to this mana enhancer?

If it ain't gona be better then spamming 100 stims for 8 plat, I don't see the point of adding it in.

Time and Cost for this enhancer has to hit the sweet spot to be successful..

Find the perfect contrast that'll benefit both party and this is gona be one awesome enhancer to have.

See that ^ is what I love about these suggestions. Constructive feedback.

Let's say you were solo'ing AL Core Deck. Lemme see, 100 stims for 8 plat.... Ahh you'd have 500 stims. You spam em all and there goes 40 plat. That's the difference. That's quantity.

This goes for 30 mins, for the same amount of plat, and you wouldn't run out after spamming stims.

Stims would still be there if you wanted to stock up, if you only needed a couple, but this is for the long-term.

10-28-2012, 02:25 PM
I guess it would most help ops since they have less mana regen. With my engi i can get up to 10 mana regen some people more. I have 985 blue stims in my stash. An invincibility elixir would also be a good idea.

Little secret... Sometimes i use revenge when im really angry at a mob and running solo and they kill me again usually. Revenge should include 4x damage and 30% plus speed. I mean its 5 plat for only 15 seconds.

10-28-2012, 03:19 PM
that would be nice but which class would get it

10-28-2012, 03:33 PM
Let's say you were solo'ing AL Core Deck. Lemme see, 100 stims for 8 plat.... Ahh you'd have 500 stims. You spam em all and there goes 40 plat. That's the difference. That's quantity.

This goes for 30 mins, for the same amount of plat, and you wouldn't run out after spamming stims.

Stims would still be there if you wanted to stock up, if you only needed a couple, but this is for the long-term.

Now your'e making it clear :) I see the point, and from my perspective,

This is one heck of an idea that will surely benefit people who likes solo'ing w/out spamming out stims

At the same time, Extra cash for StS yay! <3

but then, I remembered we can buy credits using platinum;

15 plat = 2500c - 3.3stims - (.3 stims = 275c)
15 plat = 300 stims w/ Remainder 275c
25 plat = 5000c - 6.6stims - (.6 stims = 450 - 300 = 25 stims)
25 plat = 625 stims w/ Remainder 150c

For short, buying credits using platinum (25 plat Trade for 5k Credit) and buying off the GH,
Will save you 15 plat + 125 more stims, instead of buying 500 stims for 40 plat right off the plat store.

My final conclusion would be 25 plat for a 30 min. Mana enhancer.

10-28-2012, 06:54 PM
that would be nice but which class would get it

All, of course. It would be added on to the enhancers, such as 3x xp or damage, etc.

@ Pain, nice calculations! It seems to be coming together now.

10-28-2012, 08:41 PM
It seems to be coming together now.

Yes buddy, yes it is.