View Full Version : Quest That Requires Combos to Complete!

09-08-2010, 12:00 AM
Call it training if you will. Initially, there was a whole bunch of people that wanted to be all secretive about it. I had even asked a couple in-game - how?

Only to receive no response. Now, with the handicapped Mynas generation - I find even lvl 45 characters who act surprised if you ask them to use a specific spell. And even more surprised when the screen light’s up with the old combo text. Often you also find that many have not put skill points into specific spells that work towards execution of combos.

So, to the benefit of people that have simply been led, and even to the benefit of those that have simply led others through meaningless xp runs, we need to stop and make sure that everybody knows the full capabilities of their respective characters and how to use those in sync with other players on the server. Or you may as well disconnect us and give us an off line mode.

And someone has got to post this basic economic message in town. Economic principals dictate that time is the most valuable resource. Not imaginary in-game gold. Therefore it is prudent to use your spell’s and abilities and consume mana if you must to do so. This I find because there are often a few enlightened characters in dungeons who act as if using a spell is as good as dying. As a result of which, a dungeon that should theoretically be cleared by x no. of characters in y minutes; end’s up taking y+10 minutes because someone is (for whatever misconstrued reason) afraid to use their mana. Perhaps a bulletin board in general would be helpful to find groups. Archer - knows of combos. Not afraid to use spells. Looking for team that is not a waste of time - thnks. I don’t know.

But the Combo training. Someone’s got to do it. So if not default instruction in quest scenario then Dev’s please come to town and teach.

09-08-2010, 12:01 AM


09-08-2010, 12:02 AM
Thawass Quick!!

09-08-2010, 12:08 AM
I like it. Quests as training, and requiring teamwork to complete. I think there are a lot of ways you could expand on this as well.

09-08-2010, 12:21 AM
Yeha. . . Quest (Compulsory for lvl 45, 50; wherever the cap is at time of implementation), use 5 nature strike on mob's in this dungeon. Quest - Use 10 Shatter Combo's on mob's in this dungeon. Along those lines.

Follow by evaluation - or numerical illustration - of additional damage done. Can recommend skill up. Would be of help to completely new players. Or maybe that's taking it too far. Hope it get's implemented on an urgent basis because it's getting harder and harder to find group's that are not crippled in some way or another. If Not - Then pinks should fall more frequently. Because it's bad enough clearing a dungeon with a team that is playing independently of each other, but to land up with no loot at the end of it - really make's you want to just put the game down and call it a day!

09-08-2010, 07:23 AM
Variation of quests can only be a good thing, and quests that instruct the player on how to perform combos and work efficiently within a group are a fantastic idea.

'Kill/collect X amount of Y' quests are only ever a chore, and when set to the levels of the current Tomes quests, with similarly insignificant rewards, they're only worth doing for the sake of completion, which alone is a terrible incentive.

The important thing is that quests are still in their infancy, and are sure to develop as time goes on. What we need is solid feedback like this to point the developers in the direction that we want to go, and instruction/training quests, for a now surprisingly ill-informed player base seems the perfect avenue to pursue next.

09-08-2010, 09:44 AM
well the fun thing is going and finding it all yourself the hard way lol... maybe just clues on how to do each combo, but not spelling it out.

09-08-2010, 10:09 AM
If there is a mage in the group I better see some terror ghosts when I hell scream. Mages that don't use nightmare really bug me and it really slows down the game. Nightmare adds 50 points of damage to every hit by every member of the group. Its a no brainer.

09-08-2010, 12:21 PM
I just want to add my voice here. It is well-thought-out, and I agree. Combos shouldn't be hush-hush. Fathom (levels 20 - 24) is where we get our 12th skill, but all the Fathom quests are done. So maybe something like this could be part of the beginning of the Lost Expedition quest series.

09-08-2010, 05:37 PM
We'll thought out Arjun, it is a bit of hidden knowledge, but know that I'm aware of more and the sequencing the world is a better place. But seriously as Arjun can comment, it took me a while to know his style of play, but that and getting timing requires a bit of practice, I also think it makes for more situational awareness, as I'm very aware now, not just if health bars, but what the other group members are doing spell/skill wise.

09-08-2010, 09:11 PM
easiest thing to look for is if they are covered in ice or thorns lol. hearing one of those screams is also a sensual clue.

09-09-2010, 12:31 AM
Yeah - is about situational awareness. Bang on.

The quest's do need to spell it out (This is How Warrior x Mage Combo works. Fullstop) for some of the people who just haven't had the opportunity to run with anybody good enough to give them a chance to figure it out for themselves. But yeah, if it can be implemented by the Frozen Crypt Quest series - then that should do the trick as far as i'm concerned. IF.

09-09-2010, 12:46 AM
That would mess up pvp so bad >.>

09-09-2010, 12:47 AM
Also the only archer combo is cruel blast

09-09-2010, 12:48 AM
Only because it would give everybody an equal chance? I thought that was the point!!