View Full Version : Star Beast chainsword doesn't always proc

03-02-2024, 02:53 AM
Sometimes the weapon goes into the full cooldown without procing

Try gather many mobs and do a charged attack, sometimes the "lightning" wont show up and no proc will happen but your weapon will still go to the full cd


03-02-2024, 08:07 AM
I don’t understand the chain sword proc either it says 200% damage stacking for 3 secs (without the amulet) 6/6 (also tried with amulet for 7 secs proc) I did with Kraken armor proc 600k dmg on Boss however with kraken sword it gives 150% damage stacking and I did 1.2m dmg per second both without elix is it bugged? Chain sword should put more dmg on Boss as of % numbers but it Dosent it does 2x less dmg than Kraken Sword and for the star beast amulet it shouldn’t be 2x multiplier buff (Dosent make any sense tbh) rather have 1x stacking dmg instead if you proc Kraken armor and amulet at the same time only armor will count amulet would be a waste and if u want to swap the procs with amulet/armor so u have proc almost all the time on u would need 2 loadouts for this and we only have 8.. so it’s a loss either way.. idk what is the point of star beast set in general it should outperform kraken is what it should be but maybe I’m wrong [emoji848]

03-02-2024, 10:15 AM
Keep in mind, the star beast base dot is lower than kraken sword base dot. So even though the multiplier is higher, kraken can do more damage

03-02-2024, 02:29 PM
I feel the same using Star beast 8/8 on my mage. The damage output is lower thank using kraken alone.

03-03-2024, 05:14 AM
I feel the same using Star beast 8/8 on my mage. The damage output is lower thank using kraken alone.

Same the dot on starbeast is wayyy to weak for my liking on the orb but its fun too use the star chak needs a revamp in its current state its worst of all SB weps also i belive reason why star beast set is doing so little dmg is due to it not having elemental damage so its dmg is being reduced the same way krak is beig reduced in elder woods if iam correct. Yeaaa how come sb set dont have elemental dmg or pierce which it should have even arcanite bubu dont have its just plain resistance