View Full Version : Regarding vanitys

03-10-2024, 01:28 PM
Hello, could we have outstanding vanitys like LB vanitys for platinum?

I'm tired of the excessive prices for vanitys that are over 1B, even crazier prices for Medusa/Ghost that are just dangerous for trading.

We could have reasonable, expensive and even exclusive (non-tradeable) vanitys.

03-10-2024, 01:43 PM

Just no, don't even need to elaborate.

03-10-2024, 02:05 PM

Just no, don't even need to elaborate.Why not... most profitable games do that. League of legends deliver great skins that people are buying every weak. Same with Fortnite, Valorant, Csgo.

If we want the game to be profitable and not dead, we need to encourage a good marketing strategy that has proven to work. I'm one of those that care more about cosmetics rather than gold/equipment.

Some people are already maxed out and there is no point for them to buy platinum anyway.

03-12-2024, 02:31 AM
run new lbs w crate points if you really wana spend plats <3.

03-12-2024, 03:50 AM
People spend outrageous amount of money for those lb vanities. I mean literally cash not only in game currency. This is a business model that is different and they want to keep it that way. This game is based on exclusivity and show off. If you put items in store for platinum, those items won t be so exclusive. We can look what is happening with most auras. As much as I understand your pov and agree with it, I don't think is a good thing for the game overall and actual structure.

03-12-2024, 04:22 AM
that’s what makes lb .. a leader board item ! No reason for something exclusive to be cheap.. especially making it unfair and bringing back old lb items that people have held for years or even paid billions lately for just a few plats.
as I said u want lb vans for platinum .. then run new lbs for plats by opening crates. Otherwise this is just a weird suggestion !

03-12-2024, 08:24 AM
It’s sad they have become tradable again. LB should be bound to the player who earned it.

03-12-2024, 08:35 AM
Fully agree with lb being bound ! Makes lb something special to run for.

03-12-2024, 09:05 AM
Yall cried cause LB rewards wasnt tradable. Now they are and yall crying again. Thats how this works lmao.

03-12-2024, 09:33 AM
nobody’s crying , just an opinion
people like the feature and some people don’t ! But at the end lb will stay tradeable. So chill

03-12-2024, 12:28 PM
Sorry, no plans to do this.