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View Full Version : S Red Arlor Caps

03-11-2024, 11:34 AM
Taking offers for now and if I don't see any offers that are good then I'll be keeping them until I feel like selling them again. No Auto No C.os

I would look for more than 1.5B for the Red Arlor Cap for Rogue and anything lower would just make me not look at the offers or not be interested in messaging you back. Just a heads up.


03-11-2024, 11:35 AM
200 pure for war red cap

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03-11-2024, 11:40 AM
220 pure for rog red cap :3

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03-13-2024, 08:30 AM
Updating C.Os

Flexonase - Offering Desert Set Rog + 200m pure

Hiyoble - Red Balloons
I wouldn't go for Red Balloons cause it's not something I would wear and I don't have time to merch it back out into the market again since I'm busy getting the AP banners on both HC and Norm so I wouldn't go for these Red Loons but that's the second C.O

If I don't see any other offers that catches my interest then I'll be using these Red Arlor Caps. By Friday, I'll be closing this thread.

03-15-2024, 06:53 AM
Closed Thread :distracted:

After reading all the offers that weren't interesting to me at all. I decided to keep these and use them. I'll decide if I want to put my items back in to the market later in the future whenever I like but for now I'll be using them. Thank ya