View Full Version : Just a PvP video

10-30-2012, 10:00 PM

I'm not boasting at all with this. I always wanted to get a few videos of PL PvP up on Youtube because that's where I've found some good MMOs. Multiple real life friends of mine have started PL, done the tutorial and have gotten stuck on PvE and get simply trashed when they PvP. I think giving people a view of what PvP can be like when you actually have gear is a good thing, as it gives them a motivation to play the game and get better.

Any constructive criticism on things like video quality would be greatly appreciated. I was using Hypercam and it doesn't appear to be the greatest, and it added a bit of lag as well. Don't say anything about my PvP skills though, lol. I may make a few more and I'll have to read up on copyrights, because I think there are a lot of illegal videos on Youtube with music being added and such.

For anyone who cares, this is a level 18 bear with 6 rage, 6 hellscream and 5 stomp. It annihilates hit % due to stomp stun and forgotten proc, along with hellscream, obviously. It's a pretty fun build to use, as long as you have the forgotten bow and are lucky with procs.

10-30-2012, 10:03 PM

nice video.... I WASN"T IN IT WHY?????
i might use this build and make a rushing account lol

10-30-2012, 10:55 PM
Yo that's a down video. Nice job. Didn't know you were that bear, I'm Brosauce, haha. Let's get down in some ffa's dude.

10-31-2012, 02:51 PM
I'll have to do somethin about dat quality though...

10-31-2012, 03:33 PM
Dat build! ;) Haha it looks like you've got a squad of twin penguins after you, bro! You did well! I always love when people post FFA videos here on forums. But you are right. Dat quality haha

10-31-2012, 03:44 PM
immortalthug is my bro hes in guild :D

10-31-2012, 04:48 PM
Nice. :D

I'm fairly certain that you can put music in your video, so long as you give credit to where credit is due. Ever wonder why they don't put your video up on the search right away? I'm fairly certain it's to check your video for violations of copyrights or ToS. I know that they added links to my videos (next to description) that takes you to the artist's videos. If you do add music through their video editor, it'll give you a list of music that IS allowed to be added in videos.
You didn't do to badly, considering you didn't ever have anyone helping you (except for that bird in the beginning). And the quality level isn't so terrible I wanted to scratch my eyes out, so that's a good sign. ;)

10-31-2012, 04:57 PM
Hey I didnt know this was you. I have versed u a couple times we had some good matches I won a little lost a little anyways nice video keep making thanks.

10-31-2012, 05:02 PM
This is great. Please make more, just find a way to up the quality.

11-01-2012, 07:52 AM
This is great. Please make more, just find a way to up the quality.

Dat quality!! Haha it really isn't bad, like Zapoke said, but yeah. Hopefully he can up it at least a little more.

11-01-2012, 11:39 AM
Great vid that 18 is a tank :o
You can probably clean it up a little on windows movie maker somehow but overall it was great :)

11-01-2012, 07:19 PM
nice video! though it looks like you're killing a lot of players who dont know what theyre doing..another video would be cool.

11-01-2012, 10:15 PM
Ill fiddle around with some stuff trying to improve dat quality and get one of a 61-66 ffa or two.

11-01-2012, 10:17 PM
We need one of you and I owning with xbows ^^

11-02-2012, 01:23 PM
We need one of you and I owning with xbows ^^

I second this movement!